Finger twitches on left hand: possible causes, treatments

Finger twitches on left hand: possible causes, treatments
Finger twitches on left hand: possible causes, treatments

It's no secret that symptoms that seem harmless can be harbingers of a formidable disease. One of these manifestations is twitching of the fingers on the left hand. What does such an unpleasant symptom mean and what chronic diseases does it prophesy?

Nervous tic or incoordination?

Nervous tics are common among fussy, restless people. In some cases, a serious neurological disease can provoke them, but under such circumstances, a set of other symptoms will simply be impossible to ignore.

When coordination is impaired and the vestibular apparatus malfunctions, the thumb on the left hand usually twitches, gait is disturbed, the head is spinning, the person loses consciousness. Only in the presence of a full range of such symptoms can it be argued that the cause is a violation of coordination.

In most cases, the twitching of the fingers on the hand in a calm state is precisely a nervous tic. A neurologist treats such conditions.

nervous tics in fingers
nervous tics in fingers

Twitching finger on the left hand. Association with heart disease

There is an opinion that if the finger on the left hand aches and twitches, this is a manifestation of heart problems. Allegedly, the cardiac nerve endings reach the left hand and provoke a similar ailment. This opinion has no scientific basis: diseases of the cardiovascular system have nothing to do with the left hand, hand and fingers on it.

Older people are especially prone to hypochondria, and with a nervous tic in the left side of the body, they tend to immediately clutch at the heart. This approach has no scientific basis. Why does the finger on the left hand twitch? In most cases, the cause is neurology and excessive hypochondria.

what to do if fingers twitch
what to do if fingers twitch

Neurologist's advice

How to prevent this condition? After all, the fact that the finger on the left hand is constantly twitching can significantly complicate life: fine motor skills are disturbed, a person is constantly distracted from the work process, a nervous tic can cause awakening in the middle of the night. Here are simple tips to help you completely get rid of this small but annoying problem:

  • Adequate sleep can cure all tics. Who usually gets them? In people with a weak nervous system - suspicious, touchy, impressionable. If there is a problem of insomnia, then you will have to resort to medication.
  • You need to undergo an EEG (electroencephalogram) procedure, as neurological problems are often provoked by impaired cerebral circulation or organic pathologies.
  • Whenin the presence of nervous work, constant overwork and high physical activity, twitching of fingers is not uncommon. Nervous tics will go away with the advent of proper rest and a change of job.
  • In adolescents and children, the fingers on the left hand twitch due to the experienced psycho-emotional stress (in parallel, stuttering, developmental delay, isolation and other emotional problems may develop).
  • You should pay attention to your diet, because with constant debilitating diets and a poor diet, nervous tics usually increase significantly.
left hand twitching all the time
left hand twitching all the time

Main areas of treatment

First of all, you need to reconsider your life priorities in order to calm the nervous system. Don't worry about the little things. If the patient has nervous work, it is worth changing it, because the reasons that the finger on the left hand is twitching may be in constant excessive nervous tension due to too serious job responsibilities.

If there is no way to leave the traumatic situation, then you will have to resort to the help of pharmacological agents.

twitching fingers on the left hand in the elderly
twitching fingers on the left hand in the elderly

Recommended medicines

Neurologists in the treatment of nervous tics try to avoid prescribing serious prescription drugs. Most often, you can get by with homeopathic or vitamin complexes.

Here are the top remedies that will help if the finger on the left hand twitches (index, thumb or others - it does not mattervalues):

  • "Magne B6" - a vitamin preparation, contains the element magnesium, which has a muscle relaxant effect on muscle walls, strengthens the nervous system and helps to restore neurons. Pyridoxine (В6) in the composition has a mild sedative effect, reduces nervousness and psychological stress.
  • "Doppelgerz Active From A to Zinc" is a vitamin and mineral complex that contains all the necessary substances for the full functioning of the nervous system.
  • "Berroca" is a domestic drug produced in the form of effervescent tablets. It was created specifically to relieve excessive tension in stressful and traumatic situations for the psyche.
  • "Fitosedan" - soothing herbal collection. Contains only herbs. You need to take it three times a day, you can just drink it instead of tea and coffee. It has a sedative effect, improves sleep, neutralizes nervous tics on the body and face.
how to work if the finger on the left hand twitches
how to work if the finger on the left hand twitches

Doctor's advice if the finger on the left hand often twitches

The causes of this condition may vary, but most often it is nervous exhaustion. Tips from experienced doctors to help get rid of nervous tics:

  • stay away from strong black tea and coffee - they contain caffeine, which stimulates the nervous system and leads to insomnia and nervous tics on the face and body;
  • requires full sleep, in its absence, nervous tics are a small problem, many more will develop over timechronic diseases;
  • if you cannot achieve a sound and long sleep on your own, then you should resort to the help of pharmacological agents;
  • you should completely abandon the use of alcoholic beverages - they depress the nervous system and are the strongest depressant (if you allow yourself to "relax" with alcohol from time to time, then you should not be surprised that then the finger on your left hand twitches);
  • do not strain yourself with excessive physical activity, this leads to overwork not only of the muscles, but also of the nervous system;
  • For heavy smokers, nervous tics become habitual: nicotine constricts blood vessels, and because of this, neurons suffer, as well as the blood supply to the brain (in addition to nervous tics, smokers experience constant migraine, asthenia, dizziness).

If you can’t get rid of an unpleasant condition on your own, you need to see a doctor.
