Observant people can sometimes notice a change in the color of the eyeballs along with the appearance of dots or spots in them near the pupils. Of course, such atypical manifestations disturb a person. In itself, the presence of a yellow spot on the eyeball at a young age does not pose any serious danger to vision. But this can serve as the first sign of some kind of violation, in connection with this, if it has arisen and does not disappear for a long time, then it is best to consult an ophthalmologist. Yellow spots on the eyeballs (pictured) in older people are considered a common occurrence, referred to in ophthalmology as a pinguecula. It is difficult to attribute it to pathological and, most likely, no treatment is required. Although a doctor's supervision will not be superfluous either.

Reasons for appearance
Pingvecula means the appearance of a yellow spot on the eyeball of an arbitrary shape, which is located near the pupil. On ophthalmic examination, novisual aberrations associated with this spot are usually not detected, in this regard, ophthalmologists tend to call pinguecula a sign of the onset of aging of the conjunctiva.
But sometimes a yellow spot on the eyeball occurs even in small children, in connection with this, natural aging cannot at all be considered the only factor in their appearance.

Provoking factors
It is worth noting that the following external unfavorable factors become the impetus for the appearance of pigmentation of the conjunctiva:
- Influence of direct sunlight. In the event that a person is often exposed to ultraviolet radiation, it is recommended to use sunglasses.
- Impact of strong wind. In such a case, the mucous membrane of the eye dries up, which in turn provokes the formation of pinguecules.
- The impact of other aggressive factors in the form of, for example, dusty, dirty air, chemical fumes and the like.
It is worth emphasizing that the appearance of a yellow spot on the eyeball near the pupil does not carry any functions, it does not affect the quality of vision.

Associated symptoms
In the event that a yellow spot appears in the corner of the eyes near the pupils, then people rarely associate this with other atypical symptoms of the organs of vision. It is worth noting that from time to time a pinguecula can become inflamed, provoking the following symptoms:
- Appearance of itching and burning.
- Riseredness of the mucosa.
- Appearance of a rash on the eyelids.
- Presence of foreign body sensation.
- Appearance of tired eyes with discomfort.
- Appearance of dark spots directly in front of the eyes along with decreased visual acuity.
Any discomfort during periods of exacerbations can be aggravated if the patient stays in the wind for a long time, and dust with direct sunlight enters the eyes. As a rule, it is these factors that serve as the reason for visiting ophthalmologists.
Many wonder what it is - a yellow spot on the eyeball.
What other pathologies can cause such a deviation?
Sometimes pinguecules are a signal of the initial stage of development of a rather serious disease. In the event that it has arisen, you should carefully observe any external changes in the eyeballs. It will not be superfluous to periodically check in the ophthalmological office. Let's name the main diseases, whose symptom may be a yellow spot on the eyeball:

- Against the background of petrigium. This is the name of the fold of the sclera, which gradually increases and grows on the pupil and eventually fuses with the cornea. The cause of this pathology is often recurrent inflammation of the conjunctiva, and the pigvecula itself acts only as an accompanying symptom.
- In the presence of leukoma. In the people, this ophthalmic disease is known as a thorn. In the event that the leukoma is small and chronic, thenit can also visually look like a yellow spot on the eye. True, in this case it is above the surface of the cornea.
- Presence of a cyst of the conjunctiva. In such a case, the stain may increase in size and thicken. In itself, such a neoplasm is not at all malignant, and if it does not interfere with the patient, then special therapy is not required.
- When nevus. This mole is located on the eye. It usually has a brown tint with sharper edges than the pinguecula. Nevi tend to be reborn.
- Against the background of Trantas spots. This pathology is classified as allergic, it can manifest itself in the form of small yellow dots around the pupil.
- If the yellow spot protrudes above the eye surface, then this may be a symptom of a benign cyst or leukoma.
Poor quality lenses
It is important to keep in mind that sometimes the provoking factor of a yellow spot on the eyeball near the cornea is incorrectly selected, poor-quality or incorrectly used lenses. In the event that the patient uses such optical devices and develops a yellow spot, the doctor will advise you to stop wearing contact lenses temporarily.

How to cure?
You can remove the yellow halo from the eyes with a laser beam. This is a safe procedure and it is almost painless, but it is expensive, because not everyone can afford it for the sake of restoring the appearance of the eyes. Laser therapy is performed under local anesthesia, whichtakes only a few minutes. For some time after this, patients must wear a protective bandage over their eyes, and it is also forbidden to go out into the sun without wearing sunglasses.
Laser treatment, like any other intervention, can lead to complications. In addition, it does not at all mean the final disposal of the pinguecula, since the spot may reappear over time.
Therefore, such measures are taken only in cases where pinguecules interfere and often become inflamed. At first, the doctor will in any case prescribe moisturizing and anti-inflammatory drops. As a rule, funds are used in the form of "Teardrop", "Defisleza" and "Vizin", and if moisturizing with corneal protection is required, then "Tobrex" along with "Maxitrol" will do.
Rethinking lifestyle
In the event that pinguecules develop in people at a young age, then lifestyle should be reconsidered. Modern ophthalmologists associate the occurrence of this phenomenon with an unfavorable environment, and, in addition, with living in a polluted place. Perhaps it makes sense to change the conditions of life with work, or at least use protective devices with special preparations.
What else can I do if there is a yellow spot on the eyeball?

Unconventional treatments
Traditional medicine, of course, also prepared its own useful recipes for such a case. They are aimed at strengthening the eyes and improving their functions. These funds are more than affordable and safe, theywill always benefit everyone, regardless of age. The following natural remedies for the treatment and prevention of pinguecula are offered:
- The use of blueberries. Very useful fresh, and, in addition, frozen berries. It is important to consume at least 100 grams of blueberries daily on an empty stomach, and then the eyes of a person will receive the necessary vitamins.
- Treatment with freshly squeezed juices of carrots, pumpkins and parsley, no difference individually or together. In order for everything useful to be fully absorbed, vegetable oil or heavy cream is added to the cocktail.
- Eating raw beets. Root puree is required to eat 100 grams every morning.
- Use lotions from linden decoction. In the morning, cotton swabs are applied to the eyes, which are moistened in a decoction of linden flowers. This will certainly soothe the skin, and, in addition, relieve irritation with inflammation.
- Use lotions with almond oil. They make such lotions to soften the skin, as well as to eliminate irritation.

Pingveculae in young children under three years of age
So, let's figure out that this is a yellow spot on the eyeball of a child.
For an early age, the following causes of this disease are characteristic:
- The presence of a nevus or age spots. This, as a rule, takes shape in the bud. Usually unnoticeable in infancy, but evident by age three.
- Due to inflammation of the conjunctiva. The appearance of a spot may indicate delaminationretina.
- Due to liver pathologies. In this case, you will need to contact the pediatrician in order to prescribe tests. You will also need an ophthalmologist.
It is worth noting that preventive examinations by ophthalmologists will certainly help prevent the occurrence of many ailments.
In newborns
The causes of yellow proteins and spots on the sclera in newborns are usually as follows:

- Often this is due to neonatal jaundice. It is caused by high levels of bilirubin in the blood. A similar condition can occur even in the womb. Three weeks after the birth of a child, this usually disappears.
- The presence of a cyst, which is laid directly at the genetic level. It must be regularly observed by an ophthalmologist. This can increase in size with the growth of the child. In the event that it affects the pupil, it is removed.
- The impact of allergic reactions and intrauterine infections.
Thus, a pinguecula in itself is not a pathology at all. But in those cases, if it occurs, it means that the visual organs are subjected to excessive stress, suffering from aggressive external factors. Or it may be due to wear and tear due to age. Whatever it was, the eyes need to receive additional support. Therefore, even if pinguecules do not interfere and do not bother, it makes sense to drink multivitamins for the eyes, and at the same time add he althy foods to your diet.for vision. It is also worth getting into the habit of doing exercises for the visual organs at least once a day.
We looked at the main causes of a yellow spot on the eyeball.