If yellow tongue - what does it mean? Photos, causes and treatment

If yellow tongue - what does it mean? Photos, causes and treatment
If yellow tongue - what does it mean? Photos, causes and treatment

Change in color, condition of the skin and mucous membranes never happens "just like that." This indicates a certain influence on the body of external or internal factors. Which can be serious pathologies. If the tongue is yellow, what does it mean? There are many reasons for this condition, both in relation to adults and children. In the article, we will present what may cause such a change in the color of the language. What to do in such cases, how to prevent the problem.

It's okay

Doctors call the language a kind of "mirror" of the state of the body. If it is clean, moderately pink, with discernible taste buds, then the person is he althy, his vital systems are functioning normally. And, most likely, he does not have bad habits.

If the tongue is yellow, what does it mean? Such a condition does not always indicate a serious pathology. A slight coating on the tongue is normal. If it is loose, and through its layer you can see the surface of the tongue. Furthermore,the nature of the raid changes with the seasons. In summer, in hot weather, it can be more intense. In winter, a slightly yellowish coating appears. But in autumn, normally, the coating on the tongue is almost transparent.

The tongue turned yellow. What does it mean? Pay attention to your habits too. A yellowish coating on the tongue appears in heavy smokers and in people who abuse coffee.

What does yellow coating on the tongue mean? A similar phenomenon does not indicate the development of pathology if the plaque is easily separated from the tongue. For example, by cleaning with a special brush. But in the case when the problem returns after hygiene procedures, if the plaque cannot be eliminated, then perhaps it indicates a pathology.

if yellow tongue what does it mean
if yellow tongue what does it mean

This is a pathology

What does yellow coating on the tongue mean? Its appearance may be the result of a violation of the functioning of vital organs. Mainly digestive tract - stomach, liver, pancreas, gallbladder. In some cases, this is evidence of kidney problems.

If the tongue is yellow, what does it mean? There is a reason to contact a specialist if you note the following:

  • Dense and thick coating that cannot be removed with a brush.
  • The color of the plaque is bright yellow or even brownish yellow.
  • Added persistent bad breath.

Tongue turned yellow. What does it mean? Let us present below the main reasons for such a state.

what does yellow coating on the tongue mean
what does yellow coating on the tongue mean

Violationfunctioning of the gastrointestinal tract

What does yellow tongue mean in an adult and a child? The most common problem is gastrointestinal problems. Moreover, a person may not notice other symptoms if the disease is at an early stage of development.

An unbalanced diet, the abuse of s alty, fatty, spicy foods, addiction to fast food threatens to accumulate toxins in the human body. One of the consequences of this is the formation of a white-yellowish coating at the base of the tongue and in the region of its central part. As a rule, the problem can be solved by turning to a he althy diet.

Tongue is yellow. What does it mean? Consider it carefully. If the plaque is dense, saturated yellow or brownish, then its cause is probably already in diseases:

  • Gastritis.
  • Ulcer of duodenum or stomach.
  • Enterocolitis.
  • Pancreatitis.

The denser the deposit, the more advanced the stage of the disease. If the tongue is not yellow, but already rich orange, it also means that a person often suffers from heartburn.

Decreased functions of the digestive tract and kidneys

Tongue coated with yellow. What does it mean? External and internal factors can inhibit the work of vital organs. So, the abuse of alcoholic beverages, addiction to purely fatty foods - an exorbitant load on the liver. A number of infectious diseases also cause the body to produce too much bile.

It does not have time to be displayed by internal systems. One of the consequences - the tongue is lined with a characteristic yellowcoating, an unpleasant "metallic" or bitter taste is felt in the mouth.

Tongue yellow-brown. What does it mean? Most likely, the matter is in diseases of the stomach, 12 duodenal ulcer. The yellow-black shade of plaque indicates problems with the gallbladder (cholecystitis, cholestasis). If the color of the plaque is close to yellowish-green, there is reason to talk about diseases of the liver and / or pancreas.

yellow tongue what does it mean
yellow tongue what does it mean

Medicated treatment

If the tongue is yellow, what does it mean? Note which medications you started taking. If the doctor has prescribed antibiotics for you, then the reason may be in these drugs. Here, the yellow coating can be so pronounced that it is visually perceived as bright orange or dark brown.

But the effect here is not caused by the dyes in the medicine. This is a sign that taking these drugs is a big load on the liver.

Respiratory diseases

What does yellow tongue mean in a child and an adult? Such a phenomenon may be accompanied by an acute respiratory viral disease. Yellow plaque appears with pharyngitis, tonsillitis.

In addition, the patient notes dry mucous membranes in the mouth, sore throat, fever and other characteristic symptoms. Why is plaque formed? In fact, these are traces of vital activity of bacteria that actively multiply in the oral cavity. They settle on the mucous membranes in the form of plaque.


Yellow coating on the tongue can also appear when a person is infected nearbyinfectious diseases:

  • Scarlet fever.
  • FMD.
  • Whooping cough.
  • Fusospirochetosis.
  • Pityriasis rosea.

The coating here is intense yellow and even yellow-reddish. In addition, the person notes the following symptoms:

  • Swelling of the tongue.
  • Sharp bad breath.
  • Plaque may be localized in patches.
what does yellow tongue mean in an adult
what does yellow tongue mean in an adult

Influence of external factors on the body

As we have already said, the appearance of a yellow coating on the tongue does not always cause nominal pathological conditions of the body. The reason may be in the impact of a number of external factors:

  • Inadequate oral hygiene.
  • Tobacco addiction.
  • Eating foods "rich" in dyes.
  • Presence in the diet of food containing carotene.
  • Bleeding gums.
  • Caries.

Child's condition

If you notice a yellow coating on the child's tongue, then the first thing to do is to suspect gastrointestinal diseases. In this case, he may complain of nausea, abdominal pain, impaired stool, loss of appetite.

Other common causes of plaque in children would be:

  • Overeating, overeating fatty foods. In addition to yellow plaque, there is dry mouth, nausea.
  • Infectious diseases. Manifest themselves and increased body temperature.
  • Intoxication of the body. May be caused by exposure to external factors, food poisoning, malfunctionliver. It should also be noted that diseases accompanied by intoxication of the body. For example, diabetes, autoimmune pathologies, kidney disease.
  • Diseases in which body temperature fluctuates, vomiting and diarrhea are observed. The tongue here can even be covered with a brownish coating. Slowly healing cracks form on its surface.
  • Jaundice. In this case, it is not plaque that appears, but the tongue itself turns yellow. Like other mucous membranes, skin.


If you go to a therapist with a complaint of yellow coating on the tongue, the specialist will pay attention not only to the shade itself, but also to the accompanying signs:

  • The thickness of the plaque layer. If the natural color of the tongue is not visible under the plaque, this in most cases indicates serious pathologies or chronic diseases. If the layer, on the contrary, is thin, this indicates both the absence of diseases and the beginning, an early stage of the pathological process.
  • Language coverage area. Is its surface covered partially or completely? The answer to the question helps to determine the severity of the patient's condition, if we are talking about pathological plaque.
  • Consistency. The doctor also draws attention to the nature of the plaque - flaky, dry, thick or soft.
  • Easy to remove. How easy is it to remove plaque? Is it cleanable? Is it coming back?
yellow brown tongue what does it mean
yellow brown tongue what does it mean

How to get rid of it?

If the plaque is not a pathological cause, then it can be easily removed with the help ofhygiene procedures. On the back of the toothbrush tip, you can see a slightly ribbed surface. This is a special brush for cleaning the tongue. With its help, you can easily eliminate plaque.

If you succeeded, then the reasons for the raid in your case are insufficient hygiene, the use of "coloring" foods and drinks, or addiction to smoking. Refer to such cleaning from time to time so that the problem does not bother you anymore.

tongue covered with yellow coating what does it mean
tongue covered with yellow coating what does it mean

Medicated treatment

Yellow coating on the tongue itself is not an independent disease. As you have seen, it will only be a symptom of various pathological conditions. Therefore, if the plaque is caused by a disease, then it will eliminate itself with its complete cure. Therefore, therapy will be prescribed by a doctor, based on the cause of this phenomenon - a diagnosed disease.

In most cases, yellow plaque indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the therapist can redirect you to a narrow specialist - a gastroenterologist. To make the correct diagnosis, to determine which of the digestive tract organs is not working properly, you will need to undergo a series of diagnostic measures. Most often, this is blood donation for analysis, abdominal ultrasound, gastroscopy.

Drug treatment is prescribed individually, based on the established diagnosis. It is impossible to recommend universal preparations that could eliminate the cause of plaque in the tongue. These can be both laxatives to cleanse the intestines of toxins, anddrugs that suppress excessive production of bile, reduce the concentration of gastric juice.

In the case of gastrointestinal problems, adherence to the diet recommended by the doctor will be an important direction of treatment. Without this, drug therapy is ineffective. In most cases, the patient should eliminate or minimize fatty, s alty, smoked, spicy foods in his diet. Refuse strong tea and coffee, as well as carbonated and alcoholic drinks. From chocolate and high-calorie fatty desserts, you will have to switch to natural sweets - fruits, jam, jam.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine can also be used as an auxiliary. Here are some proven recipes (be sure to consult your doctor about the possibility of using them specifically in your case):

  • Decoction of flax seed. The tool helps to improve the functioning of the intestinal tract. One tablespoon of seeds is poured with a glass of boiling water. The drink is infused for several hours (it is best to prepare it at night). Drink a glass of decoction in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Infusion for mouthwash from sage, chamomile, mint. To prepare the remedy, you need to take one teaspoon of each of these components. The mass is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for half an hour. The infusion is used for rinsing three times a day.
  • Ointment from natural antiseptics. One tablespoon of honey is mixed with one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. The surface of the tongue is treated with a mixture in the place of coating with a coating. Hold the mixture on your tongue, try not to swallow. Thenspit, rinse your mouth with clean water.
what does yellow tongue mean in a child
what does yellow tongue mean in a child

Preventive measures

How to prevent the formation of yellow plaque on the tongue? It is enough to follow simple recommendations:

  • Pay attention to oral hygiene: brush not only the teeth, but the surface of the tongue. Treat tooth decay, gum disease.
  • Refer to a he althy, balanced diet.
  • Treat gastrointestinal pathologies, respiratory, infectious diseases in time.
  • Quit smoking.

The color and condition of the tongue reflect the general condition of the body. But not always a plaque on it speaks of pathology. If it is easily peeled off, does not return after hygiene, this is not a dangerous phenomenon.
