Bee products are known to everyone for their healing properties. Treatment of pancreatitis with propolis in Russia is carried out extremely often. The thing is that this substance has a great effect on the human body. When used with drugs, the healing process is instantly accelerated.
Propolis can significantly reduce the intensity of symptoms. It also saves when making a diagnosis of cholecystitis. Otherwise, this product is called "bee glue", since it has a sticky consistency. With prolonged storage of the medicinal substance, it becomes solid. Propolis in pancreatitis, in the treatment of the pancreas acts as an antibiotic, it eliminates the symptoms of inflammation, helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

There are several ways to use this bee product in medicine. At the same time, all of them have been used on the territory of Russia for centuries, these are time-tested medicines.
What is pancreatitis
Pancreatitis is an inflammatoryprocess in the pancreas. To provoke such a violation can be an imbalance in nutrition, a lack of vitamins in the body, or their complete absence in some cases. The disease can develop due to damage to the body by harmful microorganisms. Also, the reasons may lie in violations of the digestive tract.
If you find signs of pancreatitis, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist will select the right treatment, while self-medication can only aggravate the patient's situation. Often a person, having read reviews on the Internet about propolis in pancreatitis, how he quickly helps, relies entirely on himself and folk remedies, delaying going to the doctor. But he forgets that everyone's cases are different. And what the organism of one person coped with, may be unbearable for another. In addition, the forms of the disease are also different. And only a professional can accurately diagnose the form.

Therefore, answering the question, can propolis be used for pancreatitis, doctors advise using this alternative medicine only as an addition to the main course of treatment.
Development of pancreatitis
When pancreatitis destroys the tissue of the pancreas. And regardless of the reason that provoked such a process, the disease will be called the same. Normally, destruction does not occur due to the peculiarities of the production of enzymes - they are blocked. But if their outflow is disturbed, for example, due to the use of alcoholic products, they are activated. Then developsinflammation.
The disease can occur in both acute and chronic forms. It will depend on which part of the organ was damaged. The acute form is considered much more dangerous. It is treated only through surgery. Chronic pancreatitis is treated, as a rule, on an outpatient basis when the patient has complaints. The disease in this case occurs in waves.

The inflammatory process is manifested by nausea, pain in the upper abdomen. Also, pain syndrome is often present in the lumbar region. Sometimes the patient vomits, there may be signs of diarrhea. If such symptoms are found, a doctor's consultation is necessary. There is often a situation when a person begins to cope with the symptoms on his own, taking medications that only relieve individual manifestations of the disease. And he doesn’t even think about what kind of ailment provokes them. This behavior is life-threatening.
Propolis properties
It should be borne in mind that for effective treatment of the disease, bee products must be environmentally friendly. And if propolis was collected from an apiary located in the city, it can simply be dangerous. After all, it will have a high content of dangerous oily substances. It is best to take propolis harvested from a wooded area.
Bee glue contains dozens of various elements. Moreover, their ratio will depend on the season, on the plants of a particular area. For a year, about 100 g of propolis accumulates in the hive.

Traditional healers believe that bee glue activates the body's immune forces, inhibits viruses, harmful microorganisms. It also relieves the symptoms of inflammation, speeds up metabolism, removing toxins.
Propolis tincture for pancreatitis can heal damaged areas of the pancreas. Numerous studies have revealed the fact that such a tool has an enveloping effect, which protects the walls of the gland from toxic effects. Preparing a drug for alcohol. It is necessary to take 100 g of propolis, it is rolled out, and then it is deposited for 12 hours in a cool place. As soon as the substance hardens, it is rubbed into shavings. And then mix it with 100 g of alcohol. It is permissible to take vodka instead of alcohol. The finished product is covered with a lid, and then put in a cool place for 10 days. It is necessary to shake the mixture every day during this time.
Apply propolis tincture for pancreatitis, in the treatment of the pancreas, shaking. It should be borne in mind that the finished mixture will have a brown tint. Drink it in 0.5 tablespoons, mixing the drug with half a glass of water. It is recommended to do this 30 minutes before meals, as well as in the afternoon.

Propolis with milk
Milk with propolis in pancreatitis is also considered an effective remedy. It must be borne in mind that such a drug is recommended for the acute form of the disease. The substance is ground on a grater, and then mixed with milk. It's allowed hereaddition and tincture of propolis. It is best to use the remedy before going to bed in a glass.
Recommended proportions - 5 g of propolis per one glass of hot milk. You can add 20 drops of tincture here.
But if a person is lactose intolerant, milk is replaced with water. You can add only 1 tablespoon of milk here. The combination of milk and honey in one drug is also very popular on Russian territory. So, you can safely add a spoonful of honey to the mixture.
Propolis treatment
Before using the drug from propolis, you need to see a doctor so that he can make an accurate diagnosis. Only when taking into account the characteristics of the disease, alternative treatment will be effective and help get rid of the disease.

If the form of the disease is acute, propolis in pancreatitis is used exclusively in conjunction with medications. Thanks to the complex effect, the result will not be long in coming.
But you need to remember that in the treatment of this type you will need to follow a special diet. Propolis in pancreatitis will be most effective if the patient eats in small portions, and also refuses everything sweet, starchy, s alty and spicy. It is necessary to forget about alcoholic products, tobacco.
For chronic illness
If the disease has already become chronic, disturbing a person periodically, it is best to use propolis directly. It is necessary to chew bee glue before eating, separating a small ball weighing 3 g from a whole piece. Once the substanceenters the gastrointestinal tract, it instantly creates a reaction, exerting a strong impact. Propolis in pancreatitis destroys many harmful microbes.
Moving along the gastrointestinal tract, it also promotes the healing of mucous membranes, stops the symptom of the inflammatory process.
In cases where the doctor has already diagnosed an acute form of the disease, it is best to give preference to tinctures and milk. It is important to consider that the pancreas does not tolerate sweets. And if you use propolis for pancreatitis and continue to eat sweets, you can suffer from the disease for a very long time.
However, all internal organs react very positively to honey. After all, it contains simple monosaccharides, and they will be useful for the pancreas. For this reason, patients with this disease drink tea only with honey.
Zabrus is considered a healing variety of honey. And if a chronic form of pancreatitis is diagnosed, it is best to give preference to this product. Get it by mixing propolis, wax and honey. As a result, a plastic mass is formed, which is also chewed before eating, like chewing gum.

As a result, useful substances, instead of saliva, penetrate the body, having a healing effect on the pancreas. In addition to everything, the therapeutic effect extends to the intestines, the immune properties of the body are strengthened, and the person begins to feel much better.
Propolis solution with chamomile
Traditional medicine includes many prescriptions for medicines,coping with pancreatitis, but one of the most popular is chamomile propolis solution. To prepare it, you will need to brew 2 tablespoons of chamomile in 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse the mixture for half an hour. And then they take an aqueous extract of propolis in the amount of 60 drops and dilute it in chamomile broth. Consume the mixture in the morning on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast. If the product is given to persons under 18, it is better to use as many drops of propolis extract as the person's age.