Augmentation of the labia: features, causes and consequences

Augmentation of the labia: features, causes and consequences
Augmentation of the labia: features, causes and consequences

Several decades ago, an increase in the labia was considered a pathology, and in some cases, immediate treatment was required. At present, women pay a lot of money in order to deliberately change the anatomy of this organ. Some do it for aesthetic purposes, and some do it to give men more pleasure.

Anatomy of the female reproductive system

So, the female genital organs are divided into external and internal. The internal ones include the vagina, uterus, ovaries, and tubes. To the outer - large and small labia, as well as the clitoris and pubic region. The labia majora are two folds of skin inside which is adipose tissue. They are quite abundantly equipped with a network of blood vessels, and are also covered with hair on the outside. All this provides a protective function - preventing infection from entering the internal organs.

At the junction of the left and right labia majora there are adhesions, or commissures.

woman at the doctor's office
woman at the doctor's office

Interestingly, the hairline in the pubic areaso plentiful that in ancient times, when women did not wear underwear, it contributed to the warming of the organ and protected from the negative facts of the weather.

Parallel to the large labia minora are located, they form the vestibule of the vagina. This organ has much less fat, but more blood vessels and nerve endings. Perhaps this is one of the most sensitive organs, which abundantly produces mucus.

Reasons for labia enlargement

Many factors can affect women's he alth, and some make the weaker sex pretty worried. After all, any changes in the intimate area always bring both physical and psychological discomfort.


Directly during or after sexual intercourse during a period of strong arousal, blood flow to the sexual organ increases, temporary swelling occurs - an increase in the organ in size, and a large amount of sexual secretion is also produced. This condition will pass in 30-40 minutes after arousal on its own. It does not require any intervention.


During pregnancy, an increase in the labia is quite common. This process occurs against the background of a change in the hormonal status of a woman. The amount of adipose tissue in the abdomen and genitals increases, there is a slight swelling. The increase in the labia during pregnancy is temporary, most often disappears after delivery. Sometimes it can persist for lactation. It is important to understand that after natural childbirth, the shape of the labia maychange.

labia augmentation with hyaluronic acid
labia augmentation with hyaluronic acid


An increase in the labia in a woman may be the result of an allergic reaction. This is possible on an intimate hygiene product or on a synthetic powder that is used to wash underwear. Do not forget that allergies can be to the latex from which condoms are made, or to lubricant.

Symptoms will appear almost immediately after contact with the allergen. In this case, you should immediately use an antihistamine and consult a doctor. If you have ever experienced such reactions, then you should avoid using products from these brands.


With inflammation of the Bartholin glands, the large and small labia also increase. The glands are located near the entrance to the vagina, so infections are most often the cause of their inflammation. At the same time, both the labia and the vagina acquire a pronounced red color and swelling. A woman is concerned about discomfort in the intimate area, itching, burning during urination, as well as pain during intercourse.


When the microflora of the vagina changes, Candida fungi begin to multiply intensively in this area, resulting in the development of thrush, which is accompanied by unbearable itching, hyperemia and enlargement of the labia. Edema, by the way, can be aggravated by scratching. At the same time, in addition to an increase in the size of the organ, there are curdled discharge from the vagina with a specific smell.

labia enlargement in women
labia enlargement in women


Herpetic infections of the anogenital area can provoke an increase in the labia. In addition, herpes affects the nerve endings, which leads to prolonged and severe soreness. In the genital area, against the background of inflammation and redness, vesicles appear with transparent or yellowish contents, which can open on their own with the formation of crusts.


Vulvodynia is a disease of modern women who, striving for fashion trends, prefer too narrow and tight underwear. All this leads to traumatization of the labia majora, and as a result - to a sharp pain and their increase.


We must not forget that taking certain medications (antibiotics, hormones) and ointments can also provoke a change in the external genitalia. Enlargement of the intimate area may be the result of long-term use of certain drugs.

Poor intimate hygiene

Insufficient hygiene, resulting in the development of infectious and bacterial processes, can also cause an increase in the intimate area of a woman. The problem is solved by following all the rules for caring for the intimate area.


Causes of labia minora enlargement most often come from childhood. These may be defects in fetal development or the consequences of trauma in childhood. In adulthood, prolonged and frequent sexual intercourse can lead to an increase in small lips.


Augmentation of the labia majora may result from trauma. Often, in addition to swelling and redness, there is pain, discomfort, bruising.


An increase in the labia minora and large may be due to the development of education in the anogenital region. In this case, a neoplasm in this area will be probed. You should immediately consult a specialist.

Aesthetic gynecology

Today, various types of aesthetic minimally invasive surgery are very popular. If almost everyone knows about the correction of the face area, then less is known about the plastic of intimate areas.

causes of labia minora enlargement
causes of labia minora enlargement

Basically, the principle of correction of all areas of the body is similar. It is necessary to choose the right method for administering the drug and determine the choice of the injected substance. Important! There are contraindications for aesthetic gynecology:

  • all diseases in the acute stage;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • blood diseases;
  • autoimmune processes;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • herpetic infection.

Side effects after injections

Any injection is an invasive intervention, which means that there will definitely be swelling, which should normally go away after a few hours. The following adverse reactions may occur:

  • reddening of the area;
  • seal at the injection site;
  • bruise;
  • inflammation at the injection site;
  • allergic reaction to injected substance.

Indications for intimate contouring

  1. Elimination of deformedorgans or their asymmetries.
  2. Restore tissue elasticity.
  3. Change the appearance (in conditions where the labia minora is almost the same volume as the large ones).
  4. Restoring shape (after childbirth, losing weight).
  5. Moisturizing the mucosa by activating rejuvenation processes.

Tactics of the procedure

Augmentation of the labia with a filler is carried out only by a gynecologist. Before starting the procedure, you must pass the minimum amount of general tests, wait until the end of menstruation.

The drug is administered at the following points:

  • large and small labia;
  • clitoris;
  • point G.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and does not require hospitalization. After 14 days, a second visit to the doctor is necessary to evaluate the result of the work.

Seven days before the injection of the filler, it is necessary to completely shave the pubic area and labia. It is best to choose a time when menstruation has just ended. Before giving injections, the doctor will disinfect the area with an antiseptic.


A woman will see the effect immediately after the procedure of aesthetic plastic surgery. It will last up to 12 months, then you need to inject a new portion of the drug.

labia enlargement before and after
labia enlargement before and after

Women are increasingly getting labia augmentation. Before and after the operation, the difference is obvious, and many people really like the result.

It is impossible to ignore the fact that after the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the intimate areaher sensitivity increases during intimacy. This is due to a tighter fit with increasing volume, as well as due to the excitation of nerve endings by plasma.

Many women note an increase in the production of sexual secretions after the introduction of hyaluronic acid - this improves the sensitivity during intercourse.

The history of hyaluronic acid

Back in 1934, two scientists Meyer and Palmer isolated the substance hyaluronate from the vitreous body of the mammalian eye, which later became known as hyaluronic acid. A feature of the complex compound was that it associated with cellular water and prevented it from leaving the tissue. This effect is useful for preventing aging and stimulating cell renewal. Subsequently, hyaluronate began to be synthesized artificially and used in cosmetology.

Hyaluronic acid is part of the fast-wearing tissues in the body: cartilage, joints, skin, eyes. In 2016, a group of scientists announced that a cure for cancer was being developed based on this substance.

Augmentation of the labia with hyaluronic acid

Many salons offer this procedure at different prices. It must be understood that the use of low-quality drugs is unacceptable, as well as the administration of the drug by a person without specialized education.

Before agreeing to the procedure, make sure that the hyaluronic acid serum in this salon has a quality certificate and all expiration dates are normal. It is also necessaryclarify the education, availability of courses and work experience with the specialist conducting the procedure.

The introduction of the filler should be carried out in accordance with all aseptic and antiseptic standards.

labia augmentation with filler
labia augmentation with filler

Currently in Russia there are only two types of fillers Bellcontour and Reneall, which are used for transdermal injection both in cosmetology and gynecology.


Many women remain immensely happy after the first procedure of intimate plastic surgery. However, you need to understand that you should not get involved in such procedures. Human tissue is designed in such a way that with constant stretching, there comes a point when it no longer reacts. Sagging of the labia occurs - the filler is not fixed.

Often on the Internet you can find terrible reviews of women about how they were harmed by the introduction of the filler. Most likely, this is due either to repeated injections, or to the low quality of the drug itself.

I would like to say that hyaluronic acid can be neutralized, which means that everything can be reversed. If you do not like the effect, then you can ask the doctor to neutralize the acid, and in a few hours everything will be as before.

The introduction of fillers is definitely a breakthrough in cosmetology and gynecology. However, it should be understood that the body cannot regenerate constantly - aging processes will occur to one degree or another. Therefore, it is important to maintain youth and beauty with a he althy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

increase in sexuallips during pregnancy
increase in sexuallips during pregnancy

He alth is the most important part of human life. It is important that everyone feels completely safe both physically and psycho-emotionally. That is why women pay so much attention to intimate areas - for many, this is psychological comfort.

Augmentation of the labia or other types of aesthetic transformations of intimate areas should be carried out only during the full he alth of the patient and in adequate conditions.
