Chickenpox, or chicken pox, is a disease (acute) of viral origin. As a rule, it is transmitted by airborne droplets. Such a disease is characterized by a feverish state, as well as a papulovesicular rash with a benign course.

This disease is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. A rash with chickenpox never affects the germ layer of the epidermis, and therefore it disappears without a trace. But if you comb it, then an atrophic scar remains on the skin.
To eliminate discomfort and speed up the healing of wounds, doctors recommend using Calamine (lotion). With chickenpox, this remedy helps very well. How to use it, we will tell further.
Composition of the drug
Does Calamine (lotion) really help with chickenpox? Reviews, instructions report that this remedy is very effective for rashes. Its main ingredient is calamine. It is a mineral composed predominantly of zinc oxide. It also contains impurities of iron oxide.
Zinc oxide is an excellent antiseptic. That is why this substance is very often included in the composition of various lotions and medicinal ointments.
The powdered component of this preparation is of natural origin. In this regard, it almost never causes serious adverse reactions.
As additional substances, the medication in question contains purified water, medical clay, glycerin and phenol.

Is Calamine (lotion) safe for chickenpox? Reviews of experts report that the main advantage of this drug is that it contains neither hormonal components, nor alcohol, nor ingredients that cause allergies.
Features of the drug
How does "Calamine" (lotion) work with chickenpox? The instruction indicates that this is a multifunctional drug that is actively used for the treatment of skin diseases of a different nature.
This medication has an antipruritic, drying, cooling and soothing effect. Also, the lotion in question is able to relieve inflammation, reduce swelling and irritation.
What other properties does the drug "Calamine" (lotion) show with chickenpox? Reviews report that such a medication prevents the occurrence of pathological processes and helps to activate the regenerative functions of the skin. Moreover, it acts as a protective skin barrier, which is quite relevant for chickenpox.
Why does he use thispopularity of the drug "Calamine" (lotion)? With chickenpox, this remedy has a mild antiseptic effect. Its use helps to relieve itching and symptoms of inflammation, even in young children.

Thus, we can safely say that Calamine lotion is a good medicine that relieves severe and painful itching, which is typical for chickenpox.
Indication of local drug
When can Calamine (lotion) be used? With chickenpox (reviews, analogues of the drug are indicated below), this medicine helps very well. It can also be used for insect bites, psoriasis, measles and eczema in babies.
It cannot be said that the drug in question is often prescribed for urticaria, shingles, rubella and dermatitis, as well as for sunburn and other skin diseases.
Contraindications for local remedy
When you can not use the drug "Calamine" (lotion) with chickenpox? The instruction informs that this remedy has no special contraindications. It is approved for use even by babies up to the age of three.
Like many drugs, the medication in question is not recommended for use in one single case - with individual intolerance to the substances that make up it.
When applied correctly and regularly throughout the week, the lotion should give visible results. If this is not the case, you should contact your doctor. Sameconcerns the occurrence of any adverse reactions.

With the help of this drug, you can significantly alleviate the course of the disease, as well as reduce the unpleasant symptoms characteristic of it to a minimum.
How to use
How should the drug in question be used? Before using the medication, the vial with medicinal contents must be shaken well. After that, it must be applied to a soft cotton pad or a cotton swab (that is, to what is more convenient for a particular case). Next, the drug should be carefully distributed over the affected areas of the skin.
After waiting until the product is completely dry, you can safely go about your usual business.
How many times should Calamine (lotion) be applied to the skin for chickenpox? It is desirable to repeat such procedures several times during the day. In other words, treatment should be continued for as long as needed.
Application features
During the use of this medication, contact with mucous membranes should be avoided. It is impossible not to say that after applying the medicine to the skin, you need to thoroughly wash your hands.
This product is for external use only.

Chickenpox treatment in children
How should I use "Calamine" (lotion) with chickenpox (a photo of the drug is presented in this article)? The doctor should inform you about this.
For no oneIt is no secret that chickenpox is characterized by rashes all over the body. Most often, this disease occurs in childhood. Therefore, the presented drug is intended mainly for babies. Although the use of "Calamine" for local effects on foci of inflammation is also advisable for adults.
The most painful thing for a child with chickenpox is not lethargy and fever, but severe itching. It is very difficult for children to restrain themselves in combing the bubbles that have appeared. Therefore, the issue of minimizing such discomfort comes to the fore. The drug under consideration effectively copes with this task. It is applied to a cotton pad, and then to the bubbles. As a result of this treatment, itchy sensations are minimized. To completely eliminate them, treatment procedures should be repeated until the disease passes.
Analogues and reviews
Due to the high cost of the lotion in question, many people are trying to purchase cheaper analogues. Unfortunately, there are not very many of them. The most popular of them is the tool "Tsindol". It has almost the same properties as Calamine lotion. Also, this local drug is often replaced with a solution of "Fukortsin".

If the patient needs to quickly and effectively eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of sunburn and relieve itching, then you can use the Panthenol spray.
Reviews about the drug "Calamine" are only positive. According to most consumers, this tool is completelydoes its job. After applying the lotion to the virus-affected areas of the skin, itching is immediately eliminated, and swelling also disappears. Moreover, this remedy contributes to the speedy recovery and recovery of the patient.