The most important function of the human brain is memory. It affects the mental and mental activity, cognitive ability. With violations of the functions of the brain, memory impairment can be observed, manifested by various symptoms. A positive effect on the performance of the brain has a drug "Vitrum Memory". Let us consider in more detail the composition of this vitamin complex, indications for its appointment and reviews.
Product description
For normal life, the active work of the brain is extremely important. Frequent stress, lack of sleep, overwork are the main causes of failures in his work. Against this background, memory disorders often occur. A similar pathological phenomenon occurs in people of various age categories, and not only in elderly patients. There are many among young people who often forget what day of the week it is or where the keys were placed. Of course, in order to normalize the condition and improve memory, it will takecomplex impact.

The positive effect of therapy will be noticeable after taking the Vitrum Memory vitamin complex. Instructions for use position it as an effective herbal remedy that improves blood circulation in the brain, improves mental processes and memory.
The drug is produced by Unipharm pharmaceutical company (USA), which specializes in the development of various vitamin and mineral complexes. The drugs meet all international quality standards and are successful in many countries.
You can buy medicine without a prescription. However, without prior consultation with a doctor, you should not start treatment with Vitrum Memory. The manufacturer recommends a monthly course of therapy, which can be extended only on the recommendation of a specialist.
The cost of an American drug to improve brain activity varies from 690 to 760 rubles per package.
Issue form
The medicine is produced only in the form of round, convex tablets of light brown color. The pills have a specific mild odor. One package contains two blisters with 30 tablets each.
"Vitrum Memory" is a drug that contains herbal ingredients, vitamins and microelements. The manufacturer used Ginkgo biloba leaf extract as the main active ingredient. One tablet contains 60 mg. The component has a positive effect on the peripheral and cerebralblood circulation, improves the condition of the central nervous system.
Also, the composition of the medicine includes a complex of vitamins of group B, which significantly improves the condition of the nervous system. So, vitamin B1 is necessary for conducting nerve impulses, stopping anxiety attacks and increasing concentration.

Vitamin B2 is necessary for energy metabolism, stabilization of the psycho-emotional state, calm and sound sleep. Vitamin B6 is responsible for increasing mental activity. Pyridoxine eliminates anxiety, stimulates the production of serotonin, the “hormone of happiness.”
Increases the body's antioxidant resistance to vitamin C. Ascorbic acid strengthens the walls of blood vessels, participates in redox processes.
The Vitrum Memory preparation contains zinc, which, when interacting with vitamin B6, promotes the synthesis of fatty acids. The trace element improves the absorption of vitamins by the body and normalizes metabolism.
Indications for appointment
Due to the properly selected composition, the multivitamin complex can be used to treat brain disorders of various etiologies. To improve the functioning of the brain, it should be taken during beriberi, because such a state negatively affects intellectual abilities and memory.

According to the instructions for use, Vitrum Memory is recommended to be prescribed in the followingcases:
- with a decrease in concentration;
- with dizziness against the background of pathology of cerebral vessels;
- with encephalopathies of various origins;
- with memory deterioration;
- when tinnitus appears;
- in case of malfunctions in the metabolism of brain cells;
- for speech disorders;
- with hearing loss;
- when intellectual abilities deteriorate due to stress and insomnia.
Quite often, a preparation based on ginkgo biloba leaf extract is recommended for patients during the recovery period after a stroke of the brain and myocardial infarction.
How to use
Vitrum Memory multivitamins are taken after the main meal, 1 tablet per day. The dosage can only be adjusted by a specialist. The duration of therapy recommended by the manufacturer is 6-8 weeks.

In most cases, doctors recommend extending the course of treatment up to three months.
Even before using the Vitrum Memory vitamin complex, you should consult a specialist. Some patients should not use this drug. It is necessary to refuse treatment with multivitamins if the patient has a history of at least one of the following diseases:
- digestive ulcer;
- severe kidney pathology;
- acute period of heart attack or stroke;
- hypocoagulation;
- erosive gastritis;
- hypotension;
- bleeding tendency;
- intolerance to any of the components of the drug.
Vitamins "Vitrum Memory" can be prescribed only to adult patients. During lactation and pregnancy, women are not allowed to take this medication.
Side effects
If you follow the rules for taking the medication and dosage, side effects develop extremely rarely. The manufacturer warns of a possible negative reaction of the body that occurred during treatment with the drug.

From the side of the central nervous system, symptoms such as headache, sleep disturbance, dizziness may develop. Allergic reactions are manifested in the form of urticaria, pruritus, Quincke's edema. On the part of the digestive system, abdominal pain, nausea, stool disorders, and vomiting may occur.
What to replace?
Pharmaceutical manufacturers offer a fairly wide range of medicines based on ginkgo biloba leaf extract. This plant substance has repeatedly proven its therapeutic effectiveness in the treatment of various disorders in the brain. Phytocomponent extract has powerful anti-inflammatory, vasodilating, regenerating and tonic properties.

The most popular analogues of Vitrum Memory:
- Ginkgo Biloba Evalar.
- Tanakan.
- Bilobil.
- Memoplant.
Medicals are also on saleproducts that do not contain a plant component, but at the same time they have a similar therapeutic effect. These drugs include Piracetam, Nootropil, Phenibut, Glycine.
Bilobil or Vitrum Memory?
Reviews confirm that preparations based on ginkgo biloba help to cope with various unpleasant symptoms of brain dysfunction. It is recommended to take them not only for the elderly, but also for the younger generation. Because it is the latter who suffer the most from the modern rhythm of life.

The medicine "Bilobil" (Slovenia) is an effective analogue of "Vitrum Memory". The drug may contain 40, 80 or 120 mg of the active plant component. The tablets are available in the form of gelatin capsules with a brown powder inside. The tool has a positive effect on brain activity, normalizes metabolism and has an antioxidant effect, as well as the drug "Vitrum Memory".
Patient reviews suggest that both medications have a fairly pronounced therapeutic efficacy. At the same time, the cost of Bilobil is several times less than the original American drug and amounts to only 230-260 rubles per package (60 capsules).