Vitamins - organic trace elements necessary for the functioning of the body. Useful microelements are responsible for the work of organs that help to stay alert and he althy. Vitamin deficiency can lead to a malfunction in metabolism and deterioration of well-being. "Vitrum" is a complex preparation, which includes many useful trace elements.

Issue form
The drug is produced in tablet form in bottles of thirty, sixty, one hundred and one hundred and thirty pieces.
Each tablet contains the following set of useful components:
- retinol;
- tocopherol;
- B vitamins;
- cholecalciferol;
- ascorbic acid;
- antihemorrhagic vitamin;
- routine.
- calcium;
- magnesium;
- iron;
- zinc;
- cob alt;
- phosphorus;
- potassium;
- manganese;
- copper;
- folic acid;
- iodine;
- chrome;
- nickel.
Additional trace elements are the following substances:
- stearic acid;
- magnesium stearate;
- cellulose;
- titanium dioxide.

One tablet of "Vitrum" contains the daily norm of the necessary useful components for a full life. This multivitamin complex enhances the body's resistance to various infections, protects against harmful effects from the external environment. According to the instructions and reviews, "Vitrum Forte" is prescribed to patients with malnutrition, persistent illnesses, against the background of the use of antibacterial drugs or surgical interventions.
Retinol is involved in metabolism, supports vision, and has a beneficial effect on the skin. With a deficiency of this element, a person may experience severe visual impairment, severe cracks in the corners of the lips and on the fingertips.
Tocopherol takes part in tissue respiration, carbohydrate metabolism, and also contributes to the full functioning of the male reproductive system. With a lack of this vitamin in the body of a woman, infertility or a difficult pregnancy can be observed. Tocopherol is a strong antioxidant that protects tissues from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.
Due to the presence of vitamin D3 in the composition, the absorption of calcium and the absorption of phosphorus increase. Deficiency of a substance in the body of a child can lead torickets.
Phylloquinone is involved in hematopoiesis and metabolism in the body. Its deficiency leads to severe disorders in the liver.
Ascorbic acid strengthens blood vessels, strengthens the protective barrier in the body. The lack of this trace element can lead to problems in the formation of the hormone insulin of the pancreas, to a decrease in immunity.
Thiamin has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular muscle, central nervous and endocrine systems.
Riboflavin promotes the synthesis of red blood cells and hemoglobin, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the autonomic and central nervous system, and normalizes the formation of bile. Deficiency of the substance leads to a malfunction in the functioning of the liver.
Pyridoxine is one of the main trace elements in the functioning of the nervous system, as well as in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, enhances tissue repair processes.
Cobalamin affects the absorption of iron in the small intestine, is directly involved in the metabolism of the body, puts the nervous system in order, and activates the process of blood clotting.
Folic acid stimulates the synthesis of amino acids, and is also involved in redox activities. The lack of a substance leads to a failure in the absorption of iron, to the formation of a lack of oxygen in tissues and cells.
Calcium helps to improve the contractility of the heart muscles, improves the process of blood clotting. The lack of a microelement leads to the destruction of tooth enamel and the appearance ofosteoporosis.
Phosphorus is considered an integral part of nucleic acids and tooth enamel. Deficiency leads to reduced absorption of calcium, problems in the functioning of the heart, and brittle bones.
Iron is the main component of hemoglobin, takes part in the processes of hematopoiesis and helps to ensure the delivery of oxygen to organs, cells and tissues.
Copper appears in redox processes, protects the body from harmful effects from the external environment.
Zinc is involved in metabolism, DNA synthesis, insulin production. In addition, the microelement ensures the full functioning of the thymus gland.
Iodine refers to the basis of thyroid hormones. It puts in order the brain and mental activity, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Lack of iodine in the body leads to complex thyroid diseases.
According to reviews, Vitrum vitamins contain magnesium in their composition, which contributes to the full functioning of the nervous system, reduces the amount of acetylcholine, and normalizes metabolism. Magnesium deficiency leads to calf cramps, nervousness, loss of sleep.
The vitamin-mineral complex is prescribed for people for the treatment and prevention of the following conditions and ailments:
- infectious and viral diseases;
- lowered immunity;increased need for vitamins;
- during physical and mental stress;
- inadequate and unbalanced diet;
- with apathy;
- totalweakness;
- loss of vitality;
- when taking antibiotics.
The drug should not be taken in the presence of the following diseases and conditions:
- Hypersensitivity.
- Individual intolerance to the components in the complex.
- Cholelithiasis (a disease accompanied by the formation of stones in the gallbladder).
- Hypercalcemia (increased plasma calcium concentration).
- Chronic kidney and liver disease.
- Hypervitaminosis (an acute disorder resulting from intoxication with an overdose of one or more vitamins).
- Stomach ulcer (a chronic polyetiological pathology that occurs with the formation of ulcerative lesions in the stomach, a tendency to progression and the formation of complications).
- Lactase deficiency (a condition characterized by the inability of the body of a child or adult to digest milk sugar due to insufficient production of the enzyme lactase in the intestine).
- Thrombophlebitis (a disease characterized by an inflammatory process in the wall of a vein in the presence of a blood clot in its lumen).
- Under the age of twelve.
- Metabolic disorder.
- Gout (a chronic metabolic disease characterized by impaired purine metabolism and inability of the kidneys to excrete uric acid).
- Thyrotoxicosis (a process that occurs in the human body due to a persistent increase in the number of thyroid hormones).
- Diabetes mellitus (endocrinea disease associated with impaired glucose uptake and developing as a result of absolute or relative).
- Cardiovascular disease in the stage of decompensation.
How to use "Vitrum"?
According to the instructions for use, vitamins are prescribed to patients over twelve years of age, one tablet once a day. "Vitrum" must be swallowed whole, without chewing. The duration of the course is not less than one month.
During pregnancy and lactation, you can take the drug, but only under the strict supervision of your doctor. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage indicated in the instructions, you should not additionally use preparations that contain iron, magnesium, calcium and other multivitamins along with Vitrum.

Adverse reactions
The vitamin-mineral complex is usually well tolerated by patients and only in exceptional cases can cause negative reactions:
- allergic skin reactions;
- urticaria;
- pain in the stomach;
- bloating;
- nausea;
- vomit;
- stool problems.
When increasing the standard dosage of the drug, some complications may occur, overdose symptoms may develop:
- Nausea.
- Dizziness.
- Migraine
- Nervous excitability (the reaction of the human body tooverwork, a lot of information and conflicts).
- Kidney disease.
- Hyperkalemia (a condition in which the concentration of potassium in the plasma exceeds).
- Increased liver transaminases.
- Hyperglycemia (higher than normal serum glucose).
- Paresthesias (disorders of sensitivity, characterized by spontaneous sensations of burning, tingling, crawling).
- Problems of functioning of the thyroid gland.
- Dry skin.
- Gastritis (a long-term disease, characterized by dystrophic-inflammatory changes in the gastric mucosa, occurs with impaired regeneration).
- Arrhythmia (any disturbance in the regularity or frequency of the normal heart rhythm, as well as the electrical conduction of the heart).
- Hair loss.
- Tremor of the limbs (involuntary trembling of the legs and hands, which appears due to the influence of a variety of factors).

Vitrum Prenatal
Complex drug is prescribed to women while waiting for the baby and during lactation. One capsule contains the daily requirement of essential nutrients. The trace elements that are part of the drug ensure the full development of the fetus and support the functioning of all internal systems and organs.
Vitamins and minerals included in the complex normalize protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the body of the expectant mother, contribute to the nutrition of the fetusthrough the vessels of the placenta, increase immunity, take an active part in the hematopoietic system, help the production of amino acids and hormones.
Expectant mothers in their reviews of "Vitrum Prenatal Forte", noted a noticeable improvement in skin, hair, irritability, apathy and lethargy disappeared. Folic acid in the composition of the drug ensures the full development of the neural tube of the embryo in the first weeks of development.
When planning a pregnancy, the vitamin-mineral complex should be started two to three months before the intended conception. After it, vitamins also continue to be consumed until the birth of the child.
You need to take one tablet once a day. During lactation, a woman should use the drug in the same dosage before the onset of the first complementary foods. Do not increase the recommended dosage to avoid overdose. The cost of vitamins is 600-750 rubles.

"Vitrum" for people over 50
According to patients' reviews, it is known that the drug is quite well-known, it is used by a large number of women and men who observe a positive trend when using it. A complex of vitamins and minerals intended for people over fifty. Available in the form of film-coated tablets.
The maximum daily dose is one tablet. The duration of the course is three to four months. When taking the drug, side effects may occur in the form of urticaria, itching and slight Before use, you should consult with a therapist. The shelf life of vitamins is five years, the drug must be stored away from children at a temperature not exceeding twenty-five degrees.
According to the instructions for use and reviews, "Vitrum Centuri" has a positive effect on long walking, when performing certain exercises, helps to increase mental endurance. The cost of vitamins is 550-1100 rubles, depending on the number of tablets.
Vitrum Beauty
Is a multivitamin preparation, combined action. The composition of the vitamin-mineral complex includes the following active ingredients:
- calcium hydrogen phosphate;
- phosphorus;
- choline tartrate;
- magnesium;
- ascorbic acid;
- bioflavonoids;
- inositol;
- horsetail grass;
- nicotinamide;
- routine;
- alpha-tocopherol acetate;
- betaine hydrochloride;
- calcium pantothenate;
- para-aminobenzoic acid;
- pyridoxine hydrochloride;
- zinc;
- methionine;
- manganese;
- cysteine;
- papain;
- riboflavin;
- iron;
- thiamine mononitrate;
- betacarotene;
- boron;
- folic acid;
- biotin;
- iodine;
- cyanocobalamin;
- selenium.
The active ingredients of the drug are important elements in metabolic processes. The vitamin-mineral complex contains amino acids that are involved inthe formation of fibrillar protein that can improve the structure of hair, skin and nails. According to reviews, Vitrum vitamins have a powerful antioxidant effect, help to tidy up metabolism.

Indications for use are:
- hair breakage;
- fragile nails;
- increased physical and mental stress;
- hypovitaminosis;
- malnutrition.
The drug is contraindicated in case of excessive sensitivity to a number of substances that make up the complex.
How to use:
- "Vitrum Beauty" is taken orally after meals.
- Adult patients are prescribed two tablets a day.
- For best results, dosage can be increased to three capsules.
In rare situations, overdose is possible, during which dry mouth, loss of appetite, general weakness can be observed. Therapy includes gastric lavage, the use of activated charcoal or polysorb.
According to reviews, "Vitrum Beauty" can not be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding. As noted by many representatives of the fair half, the drug makes the hair much stronger, their growth increases significantly, the nail plate becomes thicker and does not exfoliate. The cost of the drug is 1500 rubles.

"Vitrum": analogues
According to reviews, we can conclude that the complex hasa large number of substitute drugs:
- "Peak".
- "Alphabet".
- "Dekamevit".
- "Kvadevit".
- "Prenatal".
- "Multitabs".
- "Pregnavit".
- "Duovit".
These complexes have the same indications for use, contraindications and side effects.