In the ranking of modern dietary supplements designed to nourish the body with natural protein substances that effectively improve the condition of the spine and joints, the leading position is occupied by the Collagen Ultra line of products. Reviews about these drugs are very different: from admiring to neutral, but there are also warning and negative comments.

Buyers and doctors actively express their personal opinions and recommendations in them, what is good or dangerous for the body of the main component of the preparations of the described series - collagen hydrolyzate, as well as extracts of medicinal plants that are part of dietary supplements, creams and gels. What is this tool really and how to use it correctly?
Collagen hydrolyzate is the basis of unique preparations
In medicine, collagen is a fibrillar protein that has a structure in the form of threads -fibrils responsible for the strength and elasticity of the connective tissue of the body - cartilage and ligaments, bones, joints and tendons, skin, nails and hair. With collagen deficiency in the human body, biodestructive changes occur in tissues, which entails the appearance of not only aesthetic defects - age-related flabbiness of the dermis and cellulite, brittle nails and hair, but also leads to serious he alth consequences.

Diseases such as osteoporosis and polyarthritis of the joints, rheumatoid arthritis are the result of a lack of protein, which occupies about 6% of a person's body weight. To help the body restore the protein balance in the connective tissue, the basic component of all products of the Collagen Ultra line is able, the reviews of doctors about which are generally positive if a person takes them as prescribed by a specialist in combination with other drugs.
Functions of collagen - the role of the substance in the formation of joints, skin, nails and hair
The filamentous protein is strong and virtually indestructible. Collagen:
- Protects cells and tissues from damage;.
- Increases their elasticity.
- Keep fabrics strong.
- Stimulates the formation of cell membranes.
- Provides the processes of regeneration of organs and tissues.
- Prevents the appearance and development of malignant neoplasms.
When ingesting dietary supplements from the Collagen Ultra line, in reviews of which there is relief from characteristic clicks and crunches in the joints, the body getsprotein in the form of blanks - oligopeptides.

They are optimal chains with the correct structure of amino acids, facilitating the synthesis of the body's own collagen. Thus, a person does not need to follow a strict diet that provides him with the necessary building materials if he consumes the described nutritional supplement approved by his doctor.
Therapeutic result
Activation of fibroblasts - cells that produce protein, accelerates the synthesis of vital protein. The result of taking preparations from the Collagen Ultra line for joints in the reviews is characterized by the strengthening of cartilage tissue, the restoration of damaged areas after injuries, dislocations and those resulting from illness, the strengthening of ligaments and tendons, and an increase in their elasticity. Collagen has the ability to combine water molecules, increasing the hydrophilicity of tissues during swelling, due to which the shock-absorbing function of intervertebral discs and intra-articular joints is restored.

Many positive examples of application convince that the products of the Russian NPO He althy Eating have a beneficial effect not only on the human musculoskeletal system, but also help fight age-related problems of the skin, hair and nails.
They take collagen hydrolyzate both as part of a medical complex of drugs prescribed by a doctor, and for the purpose of prevention.

A nutritional supplement from the Collagen Ultra line is described in a positive way in the reviews and recommended:
- Patients suffering from joint problems - arthrosis and osteochondrosis, various types of arthritis, intervertebral hernia, bursitis and other degenerative-dystrophic changes in the musculoskeletal system, as well as inflammatory diseases.
- People who have undergone surgery or joint injuries to reduce the rehabilitation period.
- Patients at risk of developing articular and vertebral pathologies - osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis and others. This category also includes people who have reached the age of 35-40, as due to the accelerating natural aging process, less collagen is synthesized in the body.
- Athletes engaged in strength training to protect against injuries of ligaments and joints, actively practicing loads that affect the musculoskeletal system. The dietary supplement is also used to relieve muscle tension and maintain he althy joints.
Properties of components
The main active ingredient in the "Collagen Ultra" line of products is collagen hydrolyzate, produced by long-term heat treatment of animal fibrillar protein. In its structure and effect, it is identical to the natural collagen synthesized by the human body. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, processed animal protein in the form of basic amino acid chains is well absorbed and stimulates the synthesis of its own fibers. Vitamin C, without which this process is impossible, additionally provides a general strengtheningeffect, increases human immunity, relieves painful symptoms during exacerbations.
In various forms of release of the drug may be present:
- Glucosamine sulfate is the most important component of cartilage, which has cushioning and shock-absorbing properties for joints.
- Proline is an amino acid involved in the process of collagen synthesis.
- Calcium is a micronutrient needed to restore the structure and strengthen bones.

Cream or gel "Collagen Ultra" for joints, in the reviews characterized positively, enriched:
- Essential oil of rosemary, which has analgesic, anti-inflammatory properties, and improves blood circulation in the joints.
- An extract of pine buds, which contains turpentine - an excellent warming substance for joints, increasing blood flow to the affected area and its rapid healing.
- Burdock extract, which has an antipyretic effect in the foci of inflammation.
In products for local use, glucosamine and dimexide, aromatic oils of geranium, eucalyptus, lingonberry, horsetail, mint and sage, fir and lemon, sunflower and mustard oil, extracts of medicinal plants - wormwood, horsetail or hot pepper.
Forms and cost
Various He alth Food NGO enterprises produce three main types of Collagen Ultra products:
- Powder for oral use. Packaged dietary supplement 8 g in convenient single-use sachetsapplications, which in turn are packaged in packs for 7-day use worth 277 rubles and 30-day - 881 rubles. The taste of the dietary supplement can be neutral, and can also be enriched with strawberry, orange, peach, lemon and cherry flavors.
- Gel with a transparent texture in a tube of 75 ml at a price of 114-116 rubles.
- Cream of the usual white consistency in a tube 75 g worth 139 rubles.
"Collagen Ultra": reviews of doctors
Specialists whose practice is associated with the surgical treatment of the spine and joints are doubtful about nutritional supplements for the rehabilitation treatment of connective tissue:
- Doctor traumatologist-orthopedist of the Clinic of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Joint Pathology of the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenova, Deputy Director of the Center for Research and Innovation, Ph. D. Sereda Andrey Petrovich, based on the latest recommendations of the AAOS - American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, reports on the uselessness of oral administration or the use of external preparations with glucosamine for joints in specialized forums.
- Tsykunov Mikhail Borisovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Rehabilitation of the Federal State Budgetary Institution CITO named after A. I. N. N. Priorov in Moscow is sure that there are no drugs that stimulate the successful regeneration of connective tissue.
Alternative opinions are expressed not only by practicing rheumatologists, but also by scientists. According to the results of research conducted by Tamara Ivanovna Nikolaeva - Candidate of Biological Sciences - and a group of scientists at the Institute for Theoretical andof Experimental Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, abbreviated as ITEB RAS, Collamin-80 was obtained, on the basis of which Collagen Ultra nutraceuticals for joints and spine were developed. The reviews confirm that long-term use of collagen hydrolyzate can reduce the degenerativeness of cartilage tissue affected by osteoarthritis and delay the development of the disease. The Pushchino Scientific Center recommends the use of a food supplement for preventive purposes and at the initial stage of the disease, in combination with drugs for pain relief and inflammation. Athletes can correctly prescribe the course use of dietary supplements only by a sports doctor, and people who are obese are not advised to use it, as this can aggravate the disease. Dermatocosmetologists involved in skin rejuvenation of their patients welcome the positive effect of taking Collagen Ultra, but do not consider it an effective anti-aging therapy, since today there are more effective methods for this purpose.
Comments from patients taking the supplement
Describing powder "Collagen Ultra" in reviews, buyers adhere to polar points of view. Some users talk about the positive dynamics as a result of long-term use of the drug, others are disappointed, because they had unreasonably high hopes for it. Those patients to whom the doctor prescribed the powder and gel in combination with the main treatment say that the supplement has all the properties indicated in the instructions. People who decide to take the drug on their own as the only cure for destructive changes in cartilage should notmanaged to achieve healing, since the dietary supplement is not a medication, but a source of collagen with concomitant ascorbic acid, which improves the synthesis of its own fibers.
About Glucosamine or Calcium D3 Supplement
Scientists of the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences do not stand still, improving the line of drugs:
- "Collagen Ultra plus glucosamine";
- "Collagen Ultra plus Calcium D3".
The Collagen Ultra Plus food supplement with cherry flavor and glucosamine has become the most popular among users.

In the reviews, buyers note that after diluting the powder in water or juice, it resembles a delicious drink from berries, while helping the body form building material for the spine and joints. Dietary supplement "Collagen Ultra plus Calcium D3" with different tastes serves as a source of two essential substances for the body - collagen and calcium, which strengthens joints, ligaments and bone tissue. Patients suffering from osteoporosis claim improvement after long-term supplementation.
Customer opinions on topical joint products
Gel "Collagen Ultra" reviews are polar. It helps some buyers from negative sensations in the muscles and discomfort with osteochondrosis, others, after vain attempts to relieve them of severe pain in their knees, use it for home hair lamination. In case of serious symptoms of diseases of the spine and joints that require a visit to a doctor, you should notengage in self-treatment with the help of dietary supplements. And in the complex therapy prescribed by a specialist, the effectiveness of the supplement is confirmed by patients. In anti-wrinkle masks, Collagen Ultra gel helps to fight small “age traitors”, but is useless for signs of fading and sagging of mature skin, where the help of a beautician is required.
Does a person need collagen powder and gel? Yes, to compensate for amino acid deficiencies in malnutrition, vegetarianism or diets. But it will be superfluous with a well-balanced diet, saturated with a wide variety of protein sources, that is, a wide amino acid set.