In this article, we will look at the symptoms and treatment of gardnerella in women.
This is the name of the occurrence of an infectious syndrome associated with vaginal dysbacteriosis, which is accompanied by an increased concentration of gardnerella, and at the same time the absence or excessive decrease in the number of lactic acid bacteria. The chronic form of gardnerellosis leads to inflammatory diseases of the vagina, and in addition, to endometritis. Therefore, it is so important to carry out treatment in a timely manner.
Where does gardnerella come from in women? This syndrome is a prerequisite for the development of adnexitis, that is, because of it, an inflammatory process can develop in the ovaries or in the fallopian tubes.

Serious complications during childbirth or during pregnancy are not ruled out. Infection of a man most often occurs during intercourse with a woman who is a carrier of gardnerella. Consider what symptoms people experience against this background.diseases. And also find out how gardnerella is treated in men and women.
What are the reasons for the increased concentration of gardnerella in women?
Gardnerellas are a group of facultative anaerobes, they are constantly present in small quantities in the vaginal microflora and do not cause any discomfort and symptoms of gardnerellosis. About forty-five percent of he althy women of various age groups are carriers of them.
The active process of reproduction of gardnerella under the influence of endogenous factors leads to the displacement of lactobacilli. In this case, the normal flora is replaced. As a result of this process, the dysbiotic disturbance of the mucosa actively progresses, its protective properties change, and at the same time the cells of the vaginal epithelium.
The causes and treatment of gardnerella in women are of interest to many.
These anaerobes are capable of producing many of the amino acids required by pathogenic organisms for metabolism and nutrition. In the process of decarboxylation of amino acids, amines are released into the vaginal secretion, which have an unpleasant odor resembling rotten fish. The reasons for such a process are usually the following:
- Performing frequent douching, as a result of which lactobacilli are washed out.
- The use of chlorine-containing antiseptics in the form, for example, Miramistin or Gibitan.
- Using contraceptive drugs containing nonoxynol, such as drugs such as Patentex or Nonoxynol.
- Promiscuous women in the genitalscontacts.
- Unjustified use of antibiotics.
- Presence of diseases of the genitourinary system.
- Exposure of the body to long-term radiation exposure.
- Development of intestinal dysbacteriosis.
- Occurrence of hormonal failures. The functions of the ovaries determine the activity of reproduction of the lactobacilli flora. The hormonal component in the etiology of gardnerellosis explains the fact that this disease is rarely diagnosed in adolescence (from fourteen to eighteen years) and during menopause.
- Decreased immunity susceptibility to various infectious agents.
- Treatment with antidepressants, hormonal drugs and so on.
Next, consider what symptoms are observed in women against the background of this disease. We will move on to the description of the treatment of gardnerella later.
Symptoms of the disease in women
The main feature of this pathology is the absence of external manifestations of inflammation of the vaginal wall. In fifty percent of women, the disease can occur with blurred symptoms. During a colcoscopic examination, dystrophic deformities are detected in combination with an abnormal process in the cervix.

Sometimes there is an absolutely asymptomatic course of the disease in the form of a complete absence of any clinical signs during laboratory testing. Obvious symptoms of an increased concentration of gardnerella are abundant yellow discharge, which has a creamy consistency. On the backgroundThis has the smell of rotten fish along with the pain and itching of intercourse.
This needs treatment.
Where do women get gardnerella from? As a rule, they parasitize on the mucous membranes of the vaginal walls. This disease can manifest itself as a condition of nonspecific bacterial vaginitis, which in this case is a side effect of gardnerellosis. Against the background of this disease, the balance of microflora is significantly disturbed. The symptomatology of gardnerella is distinguished by the following pathological manifestations of the female genitourinary sphere:
- Appearance of swelling of the mucosa.
- Development of surface hyperemia.
- Presence of itching sensation.
- The occurrence of secretions. At the same time, they may have a high intensity or, conversely, be completely absent.
- The presence of an unpleasant odor.
- Feeling sore during intercourse.
The symptoms and treatment of gardnerella are interrelated. Only a laboratory study of the patient's biological material taken from the surface of the mucosa makes it possible to identify a pathogenic agent. In this case, most likely, the presence of an excessive amount of active forms of gardnerella will be revealed. Smear culture may also be performed along with advanced scraping analysis by polymerase chain reaction.
What is the treatment for gardnerella?

Treatment and diagnosis of the disease in women
Gardnerellosis is diagnosed based on the collection of detailedanamnesis, and in addition, based on the data of clinical, screening studies and aminotest. During the examination for possible gardnerellosis in women, it is recommended to conduct additional testing in order to exclude sexually transmitted infections, such as genital herpes, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and so on. Treatment of ureaplasma and gardnerella is very similar. The therapeutic regimen usually consists of the following two steps:
- Elimination of infection and accompanying inflammation. Gardnerella are resistant to substances such as aminoglycosides, sulfonamides, tetracyclines and cephalosporins, but are very sensitive to clindamycin and ampicillin. Therefore, specialists choose "Clindamycin" or "Metronidazole". In order to speed up recovery, immunotherapy is carried out. For the period of treatment of gardnerella and taking medications, doctors recommend refraining from sexual contact without the use of condoms.
- Restoration of a he althy microbiocenosis in the vagina. For this, eubiotics are prescribed in the form of "Bifidumbacterin", "Acilact" and "Lactobacterin", stimulating the growth of the natural lactobacilli flora, helping to reduce the number of relapses of the disease.
Consider the causes and treatment of gardnerella in women during pregnancy.
Gardnerella during pregnancy
During the period of growth and development of the embryo, the woman's body undergoes a lot of various transformations that are associated with the restructuring of the hormonal background, which leads to the appearance of a number of pathological hidden processes, among which are veryoften diagnosed and gardnerella. Such a condition does not pose a serious danger to the embryo, since the placental barrier reliably prevents the penetration of certain pathogens into the fetal bladder. In addition, the passage of the child through the birth canal of the mother is completely safe if she is diagnosed with this disease. They are not highly pathogenic, that's the reason.

Treatment of gardnerellosis during gestation has some limitations, which are associated with the impossibility of implementing general antimicrobial therapy. Therapeutic manipulations include the use of suppositories along with irrigation of the walls of the vagina with medicinal solutions that inhibit the growth of the pathogen. If the treatment of gardnerellosis is ineffective, doctors use a course of antibiotic therapy during the prenatal state, since in the late stages of gestation, if there is an urgent need, it is still allowed to use the directed drug effect of drugs in the treatment of gardnerella.
Treatment at home
Before starting a treatment course using folk methods, it is recommended to coordinate your actions with your doctor in order to avoid possible complications and adverse reactions. Such therapy should be carried out under medical supervision with laboratory assessment of the current condition of the patient. It must be borne in mind that self-medication can always be dangerous. So, folk methods in the presence of an increased concentration of gardnerella in the female bodysuggest using decoctions from the following fees:
- In equal proportions take marshmallow root, cudweed, sweet clover, nettle, blueberry, lavender, and pine buds. Three tablespoons of the collection are brewed with boiling water, after which they are boiled over low heat for about fifteen minutes. Then the product is poured into a thermos, insisting it for ten hours. Use the resulting medicine should be 120 milliliters forty minutes before meals.
- Combine in equal proportions mint, yasnotka, eucalyptus, coltsfoot, bearberry, clover, tansy and bergenia root. Pour three tablespoons of the collection with one liter of boiling water and boil the medicine for about fifteen minutes. Further, the remedy must be insisted in a thermos for twelve hours. Then the resulting medicine is taken 120 milliliters before meals.
As part of the treatment, you can also use special tampons, which are prepared according to the following recipes:
- A solution is made from a spoonful of apple cider vinegar and carrot juice. The ingredients are mixed and applied to a gauze pad, which must be inserted into the vagina for twenty minutes.
- Preparing a mixture of sea buckthorn oil and aloe juice. It is applied to a gauze pad and also inserted into the vagina for twenty minutes.
Used in the treatment and soothing bath of flowers of plants such as calendula, chamomile, oak bark and walnut leaves are also added. For a general strengthening of immunity, medicinal tea made from quince, lemon, garlic, fresh cherries and apples is suitable. All ingredients are thoroughly crushed and mixed, after which they are poured with boiling water. They drink tea120 milliliters up to five times daily.

For the prevention of gardnerellosis in women, you must adhere to the following recommendations:
- You should have only one sexual partner, and at the same time lead an orderly sex life.
- It is necessary to exclude casual sex.
- It is very important to observe intimate hygiene. During your period, you should change your pads or tampons regularly.
- Immunity should be strengthened.
- You should only wear underwear made from natural materials.
- It is required to carry out timely therapy of various inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, including the treatment of ureaplasma in women.
Gardnerella in men
Infection of men very often occurs during intimate contact with a woman who is a carrier of gardnerella. The contact-household method of transmission of this infection, for example, when shaking hands, in a sauna or during a kiss, is completely excluded.
Predisposing factors for the appearance of gardnerellosis in men include concomitant or recent diseases of the genitourinary system, antibacterial treatment, the use of immunosuppressants, as well as a decrease in immunological activity as a result of physical or emotional stress.
In the male body, gardnerella cannot exist for a long time and, as a rule, are excreted three days after being hit. In ten percent of cases, anaerobescan linger in urological tissues. In this case, gardnerella-associated balanoposthitis appears, which is also referred to as nonspecific urethritis.
Symptoms of gardnerellosis in men
In the vast majority of situations, colonization of male genital organs by gardnerella does not show severe symptoms. Very rarely, this pathology is manifested by burning or discomfort during urination. At times, a thin, scanty discharge with a characteristic smell of rotten fish is also possible, but, as already noted, this is extremely rare. Gardnerella can cause complications in the form of prostatitis, vesiculitis, that is, inflammation of the seminal vesicles, and in the form of urethritis, a pathological process in the urethra.
Treatment and diagnosis in men
Diagnostic measures against the background of this disease in men involve the study of urine, ejaculate, prostate secretion, and in addition, scraping from the urethra by performing a polymerase chain reaction.
The therapeutic regimen is selected individually, taking into account the presence or absence of concomitant infection and the resistance of the pathogen to drugs. As a rule, men with gardnerella are prescribed tablets such as Levofloxacin, Clindamycin or Doxycycline. While taking the drugs, it is imperative to follow a diet that implies a complete rejection of alcohol, fatty, smoked and spicy foods.

If there is a pronounced clinical manifestationdiseases are treated with immunostimulants that restore the mucosa and increase the protective ability of the body's immune system. According to the indications, antiallergic drugs are prescribed along with complexes of various trace elements and vitamins. In order to avoid re-infection with gardnerella, it is very important that men follow preventive measures. For example, such measures include abstaining from sexual contact with a menstruating woman and the use of condoms during sex, especially when the relationship occurs with an unverified partner.
What else is the treatment of gardnerella in women and men?
Means used
How should gardnerella be treated? The range of medicines that affect the growth of the pathogen and suppress it completely include the following antimicrobials for the treatment of gardnerella in women and men:
- Treatment with Ornidazole. This medicine has a quick and lasting effect on gardnerella. Its active component enters the microbial cell, interacting with its genetic structure, as a result of which the replication of nucleic acids is suppressed.
- The use of "Clindamycin" in the treatment of gardnerella in women. This medicine is also active against gardnerella. For local therapy of gardnerella in men, a cream is used, and for women, suppositories are available for vaginal administration.
- Treatment with Metronidazole. The active component of this agent can penetrate deep into the structure of pathogenic cells.microorganism, damaging its genetic base. Thus, this drug provides high efficiency in the treatment of gardnerellosis. It should not be combined with alcohol, as this may increase intoxication.

Gardnerellosis in men and women is an infectious pathology that requires high-quality diagnosis and comprehensive treatment. If such violations of the microflora are detected, it is necessary to undergo appropriate treatment, which will help to avoid various complications, preserving reproductive he alth for a long time and improving the quality of life.
We looked at the symptoms and treatment of gardnerella in women and men.