Methods of treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis

Methods of treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis
Methods of treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis

Medical visits for low back pain are among the most common. With a detailed consideration of the complaints of patients, it is most likely to be suspected, and then osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is confirmed. Until recently, it was believed that such a disease can appear only in old age, as a result of age-related degradation of tissues. But at the present stage, statistics state a significant rejuvenation of the pathology - the problem is diagnosed in people under 30 years old.


Why does osteochondrosis appear in any part of the spine? This has not yet been found out. Degenerative processes begin gradually, almost not manifesting themselves in the early stages, but are very noticeable with pain at the last stage of the disease.

Specialists identify such factors that provoke the disease:

  • Extreme physical activity on the spine.
  • Low level of physical mobility.
  • Professional activity involvingtense, uncomfortable position for a long time.
  • Acquired or congenital diseases of the spine (scoliosis, etc.).
  • Unbalanced diet, metabolic disorders.
  • Frequent hypothermia, viral diseases.
  • Anomalies in the development of the vertebrae.
  • Allergies, autoimmune diseases, hormonal disorders.
  • Spinal injuries.

Of all types of osteochondrosis, 50% of cases of patients with back pain are diagnosed with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. Pathology is associated with the mobility of this part of the bone base, most of the load during walking and actions falls on the intervertebral discs, which provokes degenerative processes.


The first and main signal of the disease is pain, its nature and distribution depend on which parts of the spine were damaged, how much the nerves are affected and at what stage of destruction the intervertebral discs are.

treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region
treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region

Main symptoms:

  • Pain. Patients describe it as aching, dull, constantly pulling. Manifestations can appear on both sides of the body or only one of them. Painful sensations affect the buttocks, encircle the back in the lumbar region, give to one or both legs. Patient has difficulty straightening after prolonged flexion.
  • Lower back pain or lumbago - severe pain during physical exertion, after lifting weights, pain can haunt a personfor several days.
  • Change in sensitivity (decrease/increase) of the epidermis in the lower back, legs, buttocks. Manifested as numbness, tingling, etc.
  • Muscle failure - in the absence of therapy, the muscles weaken, tone is lost, reflex manifestations decrease, over time muscle atrophy may develop, expressed in a significant decrease in their volume.
  • Disturbances in the blood supply during exacerbation of the disease, changes in weather, atmospheric pressure: the skin of the lower extremities turns pale and becomes cold. The patient complains of itching, stabbing pains.
  • Vegetative changes - the transferred nerve roots cannot fully perform their functions, the regulation of blood vessels and sweat glands is disrupted. As a result, the legs acquire a bluish tint, excessive sweating or, conversely, dry skin appears.

Quite often, the disease affects not only the lumbar region, but also captures the sacral. In this case, the following symptoms join the above symptoms:

  • Pelvic Disorders - Urge to Urinate Frequently, Urinary Incontinence/Retention, Erectile Dysfunction (Men).
  • Coccyx lesion, or coccygodynia, pain in the coccyx and anus.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine should be started in the early stages. Degenerative changes can only be stopped, the pathology cannot yet be cured.

osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine treatment at home
osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine treatment at home

Stages of the disease

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbarof the sacral region is conservative, the method of therapy is selected depending on the degree of damage to the spine and the stage of the course of the disease.

There are several stages of pathology:

  • Preclinical - the processes of change are just beginning, the patient does not feel pain, there is a slight discomfort during movements, rapid fatigue of the muscles along the spine. With any method of examination, changes in the tissues are not detected.
  • Changes in the gelatinous body - the first sharp or pulling pains appear in the area of the affected disc. The symptom appears due to compression of the nerve roots. During this period, there is a violation of metabolic processes in the affected gelatinous body, the cells of the fibrous ring are gradually destroyed, the regeneration processes stop.
  • Destruction of the fibrous ring, development of protrusion, displacement of the vertebrae relative to the axis. The patient increases the mobility of the vertebral discs, which provokes continuous muscle tension in the lower back. The pain syndrome increases and spreads to the areas of the body adjacent to the lower back. The most insignificant reasons can be the starting factor for the pain syndrome - an uncomfortable pillow, standing or sitting for a long time, walking short distances, awkward turning of the body, etc.
  • Replacement regeneration of the intervertebral disc - scar tissue grows in place of the destroyed intervertebral disc, the degenerative process spreads to the rest of the spinal column. Together with the scar tissue, the process of growth of bone protrusions (osteophytes) occurs, they alsocompress blood vessels and irritate the nerve roots. At this stage, the chronic course of the disease is ascertained, the pain syndrome may not disturb, but the movements of a person are significantly hampered.

At the last stage of the disease, doctors consider the issue of disability of the patient. Treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine and the methods of therapy used depend on the degree of destruction of bone and cartilage tissues, are prescribed after a thorough study of the current state of the patient.


A vertebrologist or a neurologist deals with the treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. The specialist, before prescribing therapeutic procedures or drugs, will conduct a series of studies.

Diagnosis is carried out using methods such as:

  • Blood test (biochemical and clinical).
  • X-ray.
  • Computed tomography.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

The complex of these studies gives the specialist complete information about the he alth of the spine, the degree of damage to the intervertebral discs, the infringement of nerve endings and tissue inflammation. Treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region includes medication and physiotherapy, traditional medicine methods, massage and changing habits.

osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine treatment at home
osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine treatment at home

Drug Therapy

At the present stage, medical science is still studying the causes of the disease and searching for methods for the complete restoration of the functions of the spine affecteddystrophic tissue changes. Treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis eliminates the main symptoms (pain and inflammation), inhibits the development of the disease, creates conditions for a normal life with the existing pathology. It is not yet possible to cure the disease.

Drug treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis is prescribed by a specialist and takes into account many factors of the patient's general condition. Self-medication can exacerbate the disease and accelerate degenerative changes in the spine. The doctor, depending on the symptoms, will prescribe the following groups of drugs:

  • To eliminate pain. It is recommended to take broad-spectrum drugs in the form of injections or tablets (Analgin, Baralgin M, etc.). With severe pain, Ketorolac may be prescribed.
  • To relieve inflammation. Ibuprofen in the form of tablets is considered a popular, effective and safe remedy.
  • Combined remedies to eliminate inflammation and pain relief. Such drugs are produced by many pharmaceutical companies, unlike Ibuprofen and Analgin, they have more pronounced qualities, but carry a wider range of side effects. Among such medicines are Voltaren, Ortofen, Diclobene, Diclofenac, etc. Release form - tablets, solutions for intramuscular injections.

Treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis, in complex therapy, involves the use of external ointments along with tablets (injections) or as an alternative. Experts recommend the following ointments:

  • Anti-inflammatory action - Voltaren, Nise Gel, Fastumgel, Nurofen, Finalgel, etc.
  • Pain relief with a local irritating effect is prescribed to increase blood circulation at the site of pain ("Apizartron", "Finalgon", "Kapsicam", etc.).
  • Chondroprotectors - protect the intervertebral disc, cartilaginous tissue of the joints from further destruction, this group of drugs cannot restore tissues, no matter what the advertising messages say. The most effective drug is Chondroxide.
  • Homeopathic ointments relieve pain, relieve inflammation ("Traumeel S", "Target T").
  • Ointments designed for professional athletes, massage ointments (Shungite, Dikul's balm, Artrocin gel, poison-based ointments). These funds promote tissue regeneration, relieve inflammation, improve blood circulation.


Drug therapy for spinal pathologies is indicated for use in a hospital for the treatment of the acute stage of lumbar osteochondrosis. Treatment at home is carried out by the same means, in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor. In addition to tablets, injections and ointments, physiotherapeutic procedures carried out in an outpatient clinic or day hospital are of great benefit.

treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region reviews
treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region reviews

The range of activities includes:

  • Electrophoresis with painkillers (usually with "Analgin"). Full course - 10 procedures with a session duration of 15 minutes.
  • Magnetotherapy (10sessions).
  • Underwater traction. The use of the procedure requires the presence of a swimming pool, a certain number of devices and experienced personnel, and is usually carried out in sanatoriums and clinics. The purpose of the procedure is to stretch the spine, eliminate pinching of the nerve roots, and relax the muscles.
  • Paraffin therapy. Warm application of paraffin intensely warms the tissues, stimulates blood flow, eliminates the pain syndrome of the spine, which characterizes osteochondrosis of the lumbar region. Treatment at home or in the hospital with paraffin is recommended for 10 treatments.

Medications and physiotherapy relieve acute pain and resulting inflammation, but these measures cannot serve as an obstacle to the further progression of the disease. Conservative and preventive methods should be mastered by the patient independently under the guidance of a specialist. This will avoid exacerbations in the future, and the disease will not impose restrictions on lifestyle.

Physical education and massage

The patient has an arsenal of methods to strengthen the back and its individual parts in order to stop lumbar osteochondrosis. Treatment at home, in addition to the use of drugs prescribed by a doctor, allows a set of gymnastic exercises. Usually the specialist himself recommends a complex of exercise therapy. Classes are held from two positions - lying and standing. The pace and reps increase gradually.

osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine treatment reviews
osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine treatment reviews

Exercise lying on your back:

  • Raising hands (oninhale), lowering (on exhalation).
  • Bending the legs without lifting the heels off the floor.
  • Raising legs perpendicular to the floor.
  • Raising and moving the leg to the side (alternately).
  • Alternate knee bend (“bicycle”).
  • Raising the leg up from lying on the side.

Standing exercises:

  • Tilts to the sides (alternately).
  • Bend forward, backbend (alternately).
  • Neck flexion (forward/backward), side turns.
  • Turns in the lower back.
  • Legs out to the sides (alternately).
  • Raising and pulling the knee to the chest (alternately, on both legs).

All exercises are performed without jerks and sudden movements, breathing should be even. At the first stage, each exercise is performed no more than 5 times, the number of approaches and repetitions is gradually increased, and then the complex can be complicated. Physical activity will strengthen the muscle corset, improve blood circulation in the tissues, and relieve exacerbations.

To strengthen, relax the lower back, therapeutic massage sessions are recommended. It is carried out upon reaching remission. The specialist performs manipulations on he althy areas of the back, warming up the tissues, and then proceeds to work on the affected areas. The area of attention of the massage therapist includes the lumbar, sacral spine, buttocks, thigh to the knee, with a global lesion, the shins and feet are massaged. Massage is carried out in courses, it is enough to spend 10 sessions once or twice during the year.

Folk treatment

Osteochondrosis of the lumbarof the back responds positively to treatment with drugs of natural origin, collected by folk healers. The arsenal of products includes ointments, rubbing infusions and therapeutic baths.

osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine treatment at home
osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine treatment at home

Several effective homemade recipes:

  • Ointment based on St. John's wort with mint. Mix the herbs in equal amounts (1 tablespoon each), pour a glass of boiling water and insist (10 minutes), strain the composition. In a water bath, melt 2 tbsp. spoons of medical vaseline and mixed with infusion, adding hellebore tincture (1 teaspoon). Stir thoroughly, as the mixture cools, it may separate. The ointment is rubbed several times a day.
  • Ointment based on yarrow (dry herb 2 tablespoons) and St. John's wort (dried, 1 tablespoon). Grind raw materials, pour hellebore tincture on alcohol into it (1 tbsp. L.). To the resulting composition add 2 tbsp. l. melted vaseline. Cool the mixture. Rub the ointment several times a day into the affected areas.
  • Coniferous decoction - Pour pine or spruce needles (1 teaspoon) with boiling water (1 cup) and keep on fire for 60 seconds (boil). Infuse for 30 minutes, cool and strain. Take ¼ cup three times daily.
  • Healing bath - pour 0.5 liters of sage herb infusion into warm water, as well as 50 g of freshly squeezed carrot juice. The duration of the procedure is up to 15 minutes, the number of sessions is 12 days.

There are many more recipes to relieve inflammation and pain in the spine caused by osteochondrosislumbar. Treatment at home allows you to use the full range of medications, folk methods, massage and physiotherapy exercises. The main task of the therapy of the first stage is to relieve pain and inflammation, the rest of the actions are aimed at strengthening the general condition, eliminating the prerequisites for the next attack.


Many people are faced with such a problem as osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. Treatment at home with improvised means and simple exercises helped most patients only up to a certain time. Most of the patients, based on their own experience, are advised to consult a doctor at the first appearance of back pain. This expedient step will save you from many mistakes. The patients admitted that Ignoring the symptoms, they tried to lead an established lifestyle. Quite quickly, ignoring the disease led most patients to a hospital bed. It took a long treatment, which used drugs with strong side effects, it took a long time for rehabilitation. Patients are advised not to do rash acts and not to hope that the disease will pass by itself.

Drug treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region received positive reviews. Almost all reported that without the elimination of the pain syndrome, further therapy is impossible. No folk remedies, self-hypnosis can cope with pain, especially in advanced cases of the disease. No less useful was the pharmacological removal of the inflammatory process in muscles and nerves. Also noted usefulthe effect of intramuscular administration of vitamin complexes that contribute to the restoration of damaged nerves.

The stories of patients indicate that there is no single, perfect way to treat osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region. The reviews are written by different people, and they say that painkillers almost always work the same for everyone, but medications for eliminating inflammation should be selected individually, and for this it is useful to find a doctor who inspires confidence in the level of professionalism.

alternative treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar
alternative treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar

About prevention and lifestyle

Many stories have been written about the changes in lifestyle that have taken place, many methods of prevention have found their positive and negative reviews. Treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine lasts for the rest of your life from the moment of the first crisis and diagnosis. Patients agree that the best way to lead a normal life is to prevent acute conditions. There are no discrepancies on this issue, but the methods differ, many options are offered on how to avoid repeating the long process of getting out of a critical pain situation.

Most patients are advised to find a good massage therapist and have sessions twice a year to prevent exacerbations. There are patients who are ideally suited for acupuncture, and someone believes that swimming in the pool or hatha yoga solve all problems, including osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine. Treatmentreviews receive only positive, which is understandable - the elimination of pain and inflammation will always be considered a huge achievement for a person exhausted by many days of suffering. Further actions, according to the patients themselves, lie entirely in the plane of prevention.

After considering the advice of patients and the recommendations of doctors, we can conclude that the most effective methods for preventing exacerbations and stopping the disease are as follows:

  • He althy eating - exclusion from the diet of spicy, s alty, fried, fatty foods. Drawing up a menu in such a way that fresh vegetables, cereals, vegetable and butter, nuts, berries, dietary meat and fish are on the table every day.
  • Movement - regular exercise is considered almost the only panacea for maintaining a normal state. The main emphasis in the exercises is on training the back muscles, correcting posture.
  • Normal weight - doctors and patients believe that weight fluctuations are acceptable within the normal range. Excess weight is a provocateur of exacerbations.
  • Drinking regime must be observed in full. Without enough water, intervertebral discs will break down faster.
  • Getting rid of bad habits will help the whole body, bones and cartilage will no longer be subjected to additional destructive influence.
  • Avoid excessive physical and emotional stress.

It is not yet possible to cure osteochondrosis; from a certain age, the destruction of cartilage tissue is diagnosed in almost every person. Most people accept this a need to rethink your lifestyle and bring in a little more he althy activities and habits.
