Allergy is a disease that is accompanied by an uncomfortable and sometimes painful condition. If such a reaction appears on the face, then this causes even more inconvenience, since the appearance of a person suffers.

The question arises as to how to treat allergies on the face. Is it possible to cope with this disease? The success of the treatment will depend on many factors that everyone needs to be aware of.
Allergy symptoms
First of all, you need to know what an allergy looks like on the face. There are several forms of its manifestation.

Redness in the form of spots, small dots may appear on the face. Peeling of the skin, rash, blisters, similar to those that remain after a nettle burn, are not excluded. Rashes most often occur on the cheeks, chin, bridge of the nose.
Swelling of the face is very dangerous. Such a manifestation of an allergy usually affects the lips, nose, and eyelids. Conjunctivitis is also one of the manifestations of allergies. He has extremely unpleasant symptoms.
All these allergic reactions can be accompanied by itchy skin. Heexpressed in varying degrees - from mild to painful, with consequences in the form of scratching and ulcers.
Allergy on the face, the photo of which sometimes indicates its very strong manifestations, occurs more often than in other parts of the body. The reason may be cosmetics. Before purchasing this or that product, it is recommended to test using probes. The presence of an allergen is not excluded in the composition of a cosmetic product. If this substance enters the body with food or air, then the lips, tongue, nose are the organs that first come into contact with the dangerous component.
The face, unlike other parts of the body, is always open, not protected from the harmful effects of the environment.
Types of allergic reaction
An allergic reaction can begin immediately or within a few hours after a foreign body enters the body (immediate development). It is also possible that this ailment makes itself felt only after a few days from the moment when contact with the allergen occurred (delayed view). Are there any differences? The mechanism of these phenomena is almost the same, and the result is the same.
Sources of the problem
The causes of allergies are very diverse. It all depends on what substance is the causative agent of the reaction. The classification of the reasons causing such a phenomenon may look like this:
- Eating a food(s) containing an allergen.

- Use of a drug that causeschanges.
- Insect bites cause the body's response to poison, complex forms of allergies can occur only in exceptional cases.
- Contact with animals can be dangerous with similar reactions to fur, saliva, feathers.
- Allergy to dust. In this case, the causative agent is a tick.
- Allergy to cold is a special kind of disease.
- Allergy to the sun - photodermatitis.
Predisposition to similar body reactions to seemingly normal phenomena and products is inherited. If one of the parents suffers from allergies, then with a probability of 40% the child will also struggle with this disease.
All other causes of allergies are related to the environment and the conditions of human existence in it. Pregnant women should be very careful about this issue. It is not at all uncommon that a newborn has various rashes on the body, an allergy on the face. How to treat it, only a specialist will determine. But during the course of pregnancy, the mother must fulfill a number of requirements.
First of all, it concerns the observance of recommendations on the nutrition of the expectant mother. The weakening of the immune system of a pregnant woman is one of the main causes of allergies in a child. Drinking alcohol and smoking also affects the he alth of the baby.
First Aid
Allergy on the face (you can see a photo of its manifestations below) is a very serious problem. It is necessary to react to its appearance immediately.

Cureit is impossible to get an allergy on your own, but everyone can provide first aid and alleviate the condition.
Allergy manifests itself in different ways. A red face is one of her signs. What to do? In this case, immediately clean the skin. This must be done carefully, using wet cotton swabs. A good cleaning agent is sour milk, kefir, sour cream. The next step in the procedure will be rinsing the face with boiled or distilled water.
One of the ways to provide first aid for such problems can be the use of medicines. New allergy drugs (Lordestin, Norastemizol, Fexofenadine, Descarboethoxyloratadine) have a quick effect, in addition, they are quite harmless. Another positive characteristic of these new generation drugs is that they do not have a hypnotic effect.
Doctors advise to pay attention to the drug "Kestin", which effectively helps at the first sign of an allergy.

If a person knows about the possibility of such a reaction, then in the home medicine cabinet he must have antihistamines. They should be applied as soon as the first signs of allergy appear.
How to relieve symptoms
Unpleasant symptoms of an allergic reaction that you want to get rid of quickly are swelling, rash, spots on the face. Allergies can temporarily recede if you use a compress.
To prepare it, you will need gauze, which must be applied to the face. The fabric can be soaked in a solution of boric acid (1 teaspoon per glass of pure water), in a decoction of chamomile, sage, chilled tea.
Specialist consultation
In addition to recommendations on the use of medications, allergists can give patients simple everyday advice on how to treat allergies on the face, runny nose, conjunctivitis. Recommendations usually give good results.
Many people suffer from allergies during flowering plants. It is impossible to get rid of pollen completely, but it is possible to reduce its amount in the room where the patient is located. How to do it?
To do this, you need to keep the windows closed. If this does not work, then you can pull gauze in the opening, which should always be wet.
Daily cleaning in the apartment will also alleviate the patient's condition. It is best to go for a walk in rainy weather, when there is no pollen in the air.
If the patient has the opportunity, it is best to go on a trip during the flowering of potentially dangerous plants, change the climate. The main thing is that in a new place you do not have to face the same problem. The exclusion of contact with the allergen is an important condition in the treatment of the disease in question.
Experts advise not to use homeopathic remedies and herbal treatments in the fight against the disease if the cause of the allergy is flowering plants. Why? The danger is that herbs and homeopathic remedies can only make matters worse.
How to fix the problem?
How to treat an allergy on the face, the doctor will determine. Most often, intramuscular or intravenous injections of such drugs are prescribed: Claritin, Suprastin, Dimedrol, etc.

These medicines are allowed in tablet form.
Ointments containing hormones for the treatment of this disease can only be prescribed by a doctor. Their use must be justified due to the severity of the compound.
A diuretic is sometimes prescribed for allergic swelling of the face. It can remove excess fluid from the body and alleviate the patient's condition.
To prevent allergic reactions or eliminate its first signs, you can use topical preparations - drops and sprays. These include such medicines: Romoglin, Hi-Krom, Lomuzol.
Treatment of the disease in question is a very lengthy process. This may take several years. In addition, therapy is a complex event. The whole point is to minimize the body's overreaction to foreign bodies.
Scars, changes in skin pigmentation - such unpleasant consequences can have an allergy on the face. Only a specialist can know how to treat an ailment that has arisen, so seeking medical help is the only right decision.
The result of therapy will depend on how correctly the causes that gave rise to the allergy are identified. This is the main condition. Without eliminating the cause of the disease, it is impossible to get rid of it.
Chamomile cream is a proven remedy that will not cureallergies, but will significantly improve the patient's condition, at least for a short time.
It contains azulene, which has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect. Cream based on chamomile is able to heal damaged skin.
As for decorative cosmetics, the use of it should be completely excluded during the treatment of allergies.
Folk remedies
Recipes of traditional medicine also suggest how to treat allergies on the face. Such options are especially relevant for people who cannot use drug treatment (for example, for pregnant women).
Means offered by traditional medicine can be attributed to sparing methods of treatment. First of all, it will be plants. Washing with a decoction of herbs will relieve an allergic reaction, have a calming effect on the skin of the face. The string and chamomile have just such an ability.
Allergy Diagnosis
If the patient is not sure or does not know what causes an allergic reaction, then a test is performed. A solution with an allergen is applied to slightly damaged skin of the forearm. During the allotted time, the condition of the skin is observed, after which a conclusion is made about the effect of the pathogen on the body. When a group of allergens is identified, treatment can begin.
From the foregoing, it follows that such a phenomenon as an allergy on the face requires serious attention. Doctors and those people who have overcome the disease can advise how to get rid of the disease and keep it away from you.

Preventive measures are most often aimed at preventing an existing disease from becoming acute or chronic.
But there are tips, using which, you can avoid the appearance of this serious illness. So, it is not recommended to use pillows made of feathers and down. They contain a very large number of allergens. Synthetic pillows are safer. Many people prefer them. These materials rarely cause allergies.
Decorative cosmetics should be used in reasonable quantities. It is worth paying attention to its quality, implementation time.
But if, nevertheless, a runny nose, conjunctivitis, an allergy on the face of an adult have a pronounced character, then you can’t do without the intervention of a doctor, since we are no longer talking about preventing the disease, but about its treatment. It must be remembered that the timely actions of the patient significantly affect the process and result of recovery.