As a rule, ulcers on the tonsils are one of the main signs of a sore throat. But this disease usually occurs with a high temperature. But if it is not there, then you need to think about what instilled in the appearance of pus in the throat. Let's try to figure out in what situations this is possible.
Reasons for appearance

The palatine tonsils are considered an ideal place for the spread of infection. In their thickness there are channels that are constantly cleared of bacteria that enter them. But when immunity is weakened, this mechanism can be disrupted, and they are filled with microorganisms that create abscesses on the tonsils. Without temperature, these problems rarely occur. Indeed, most often they appear as a result of tonsillitis or pharyngitis - diseases for which hyperthermia is characteristic. They can be caused by coccal flora, as well as adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, influenza and other infectious lesions.
Tonsillitis and pharyngitis
Angina begins with the defeat of the tonsils. Their surface layers turn redand swell. In this case, abscesses on the tonsils without temperature may well form. This disease is called catarrhal angina. For her, in addition to the defeat of the tonsils, an increase in lymph nodes is characteristic. Also, the disease accompanies a feeling of dryness and sore throat.

Acute pharyngitis is characterized by dryness and soreness in the throat. In this case, abscesses form on the back wall. The disease can become chronic. It often develops against the background of purulent sinusitis, caries, deviated nasal septum, enlarged adenoids.
Painless formations
There are a number of diseases in which abscesses appear on the tonsils without fever and pain. For example, chronic tonsillitis can cause congestion in the throat, similar to plaque that occurs with acute tonsillitis. Also, an identical clinical picture is observed with a fungal infection of the pharynx, with the development of stomatitis. When diagnosing diseases, syphilis tonsillitis or Venchan's disease cannot be ruled out.

Acute tonsillitis, in which abscesses form on the tonsils without fever, is typical only for people who are in a state of deep immunosuppression. Their body is unable to fight the infection. Therefore, having found a white dot-like plaque on the tonsils, it is better to contact the specialists.
Similar symptoms
Even if you can see what looks like a sore throat, it's notmeans you have an infectious disease. Sometimes the reason for their formation is somewhat different. So, in some cases they can be confused with the remnants of food. Dairy products immediately after consumption can cause the formation of plaque, which can be mistaken for purulent formations. You can rule out this version by simply drinking a few sips of water.
Also, formations that look like abscesses on the tonsils without temperature can be a fibrinous plaque. It appears on the wound surface after burns or various injuries of the pharynx.
Baby problems

Parents of children who get sick quite often may face complications in babies. So, there may be ulcers on the tonsils without a temperature in a child. This indicates that these organs have ceased to cope with their function. This means that the immune system is significantly weakened. The severity of this symptom should not be underestimated.
Such plugs can be evidence of the development of chronic tonsillitis. But if the disease does not cause hyperthermia and is not accompanied by pain, this does not mean that it is not dangerous. Chronic tonsillitis is primarily the cause of the regular occurrence of the acute form of this disease. In addition, the disease is fraught with complications: myocarditis, rheumatism, polyarthritis. Also, the possibility of kidney damage cannot be ruled out.

If you want to know what abscesses look like ontonsils without temperature, a photo of a sip of people with similar problems will provide an opportunity to consider everything in great detail. If you are convinced that you have just such a lesion, then this is not a reason to self-medicate. First you need to establish a diagnosis. To accurately determine it, scraping from problem areas and a blood test may be necessary.
So, if the foci of infections on the tonsils were caused by fungi of the genus Candida, then you cannot do without the appropriate drugs. As a therapy, drugs such as "Fucis", "Nystatin" can be prescribed. Moreover, the latter is recommended, if possible, to dissolve in the mouth. Throat antiseptics, such as Chlorophyllipt or Ingalipt, may also be prescribed.
If it has been found that streptococci or staphylococci have caused ulcers to appear on the tonsils without fever, treatment should be based on the use of antibacterial drugs. Good results are obtained by therapy with the use of antibiotics of the penicillin series. These can be drugs such as Flemoxin Solutab, Ampiox, Augmentin, Flemoklav Solutab, Trifamox, Cefalexin, Cefixime. In some cases, other means are shown, the medicines Sumamed, Klabaks, Fromilid, Ermitsed can be prescribed.
If you have found abscesses on the tonsils without fever during pregnancy, it is better to take tests for an accurate diagnosis. Even if the doctor prescribes antibiotics, you should not refuse them. In some cases, a disease transferred on the legs without appropriate therapyfraught with the development of serious complications. At the same time, the possible harm from antibacterial drugs will be much lower.
Using topical products and rinsing

Separately, it is worth noting the importance of symptomatic treatment. For these purposes, the drug "Lugol" is often used. They lubricate the affected areas several times a day. Local antibiotic therapy may also be prescribed. For these purposes, use the Bioparox spray, which is sprayed in the oral cavity, and Grammidin, which must be absorbed until completely dissolved.
If abscesses were found on the tonsils, even before visiting the doctor, you can rinse. To do this, you will need a tablet of furacilin or streptocide, which must be dissolved in 0.5 liters of water. Gargle with this solution. This will contribute to the destruction of pathogens, washing them out of the tonsil channels and preventing their further reproduction.
Also, for rinsing, you can prepare a solution of s alt, soda and iodine. To do this, take 1 tsp in a glass of hot water. sea or ordinary s alt, 0.5 tsp. soda and 1-2 drops of iodine. Gargle preferably every hour. When the condition improves, you can switch to a decoction of calendula or chamomile.