The standard situation, when a fun evening with alcohol turns into a hard morning, is familiar to many. It's great if you can afford to lie in bed, get enough sleep and slowly restore your former shape. And if not? There's a business meeting coming up in an hour or two, and all you care about right now is how to clean up the fumes.
An unpleasant odor that appears after drinking alcohol means that the liver is in the process of breaking down ethyl alcohol with the release of acetaldehyde. The body, in an effort to get rid of this extremely toxic substance, throws it out through the lungs, skin pores and urine.

Of course, this begs the question of whether it is possible to speed up the decay process and how to remove the fumes faster. Can. But for this it is necessary that the blood circulation in the body occurs more lively. And this requires physical activity.
If the amount of alcohol drunk the day before was significant, do not overload your heart with a run or other active sport. Limit yourself to light exercises, including swinging your arms, legs, and turning your torso. An alternative to charging can be a regular aspirin. It thins the blood, improves its circulation, and, moreover, relievesheadache.

Prepare freshly squeezed citrus juice (orange, tangerine, grapefruit) or cool water with lemon. This will regulate the water balance in the body and return the tone.
Take activated charcoal tablets at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg. body weight. Crushed and mixed with water, charcoal absorbs toxins faster than whole tablets.
Be sure to take a shower. It will not only give you a tone, but also wash away the released aldehyde from the skin. Send all the clothes that you were wearing the day before to the wash - it steadfastly retained the smell of fumes.
Walk to work if possible. Fresh air will ventilate your lungs and clear your head.
These should be your first steps in deciding how to remove the fumes.
But that's not all. The process of alcohol breakdown continues, which means that the smell is still there. Therefore, we have to figure out how to remove the smell of fumes.
Doctors are of the opinion that it should be fatty food. Fat, enveloping the stomach, will temporarily reduce the amount of aldehydes released. You can choose any dish according to your taste. It can be scrambled eggs with sausages, 300 gr. sour cream or rich broth with coriander and cumin.
There is an opinion that it is enough to drink any vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons. For a while, the smell of fumes will muffle.
There are situations when in a matter of minutes you need to disguise the traces of yesterday's party. Find out how to kill the smell of fumes so as not to getin a mess.

An excellent remedy is nutmeg and coffee beans. It is enough to chew them for 5-7 minutes so that the unpleasant odor disappears for a short period of time. The same property has cloves and parsley root.
The next method will take a little longer. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of s alt in a glass of water and rinse your mouth. Then chew on two bay leaves. This will keep your breath fresher for longer.
Armed with the knowledge of how to remove alcohol from alcohol, do not forget that the best remedy is not to abuse it.