A bridle is a film. The tongue is attached by this film to the lower jaw, to the oral cavity. The normal length of the frenulum is 1.5 centimeters. If it is less than usual, then the movements of the tongue are limited. It happens that it is shorter than usual or is in the wrong place. All this makes it difficult to speak properly. And people with such problems think about how to fix it so as not to bring pain to themselves. If such a pathology is in infants, then this prevents them from taking the breast correctly. But how to lengthen the tongue? The following methods will help to make the tongue longer.

How to stretch the bridle for children?
For babies, this procedure can be done even in the maternity hospital: the surgeon cuts the child's frenulum without anesthesia and immediately after the operation they give the mother's breast. Children 4-5 years old undergo surgery and stitches, after which classes are held with a speech therapist. In order not to harm the child with exercises, you need to warn the speech therapist about the operation. Sometimes they learn about such a problem already in adulthood. An adult can stretch the bridle in the same way as a child. Need to spend a lot of timeclasses. If a person decides on such an act, then you need to take it seriously. Exercises are performed 3 times a day, for 10-12 minutes.
The cause of this phenomenon has not yet been determined, but it may be heredity, pregnancy at a later age, or intrauterine development problems.

Methods of lengthening
There are two ways to lengthen the tongue: the first way is a surgical intervention, that is, an operation; the second way is to lengthen the tongue at home with the help of exercises. True, the second method requires a long time and a lot of effort. To lengthen the tongue, a set of exercises is used that must be performed every day, otherwise there will be no result.

Lengthening of the tongue depends on the condition of the hyoid frenulum.
If it is not developed and short, then the following exercises should be used:
- "Fungus" - you need to open your mouth wide and smile. Then stick the tongue to the sky so that the tip does not tuck. And you have to smile too. Exercises should be done for one minute, then every day increase the time. In this way, the ligament will gradually stretch and not be damaged.
- "Malyar" - you need to open your mouth and smile. Run the tip of the tongue across the sky from the teeth to the throat and back. And so you need to do several times without moving the lower part of the jaw.
- Smiling, open your mouth. It is necessary to stretch the tongue to the nose, then to the upper lip. Languagecannot be narrowed, he must be in a relaxed state. It won't work right away, but it will work out over time. During this exercise, you must ensure that the lips and lower jaw do not move.
- Smiling, put the tongue as in the exercise "Fungus" and open - close your mouth. It may hurt a little in the ligament area, but this is normal, because this exercise helps to stretch the hyoid ligaments.
- "Horse" - you need to put your tongue in the "Fungus" position and click your tongue, as if depicting a horse's clatter. You have to suck your tongue and click, suck and click. In this exercise, only the tongue works, the lower jaw is motionless.
- "Kitten". This exercise is similar to how a cat laps milk. So a person should try this, sticking his tongue out.
All these exercises will bring results only when a person does them every day and several times.
If you do not want to perform this complex, then you can simply reach out with your tongue to your nose. You need to do this exercise often for a long time. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say: “If you suffer for a long time, then something will work out.” Therefore, you need to put in as much effort as possible.
This is the main way to lengthen the tongue at home, exercises can be done from any age. Toddlers will be able to handle them from the age of two.

Also, tongue twisters or children's poems will not be superfluous, which must be pronounced clearly, with intonation. Children aged 4-5 years old can use clean fingersstretch the bridle, do a massage according to the method of E. V. Novikova. If you make every effort, the result will be visible in 2.5-3 months.
You can do a simple massage to lengthen the tongue: grab the frenulum at the very bottom under the tongue with two fingers (forefinger and thumb) and pull your fingers along it to the tip of the tongue. We must try to pull it, but you can not use a lot of effort so as not to damage the thin fabric. In each reception, you need to do several of these techniques. The fingers will quickly begin to feel the frenulum, and this action will not cause discomfort. By doing massage 4-6 times a week, a person will make sure that the frenulum has changed in length.
If the frenulum is less than 8 mm, then it is better to stretch it, and not to operate. After the operation, a scar remains on the frenulum, which will reduce its mobility. In addition, a child who underwent surgery will be afraid to do exercises in order not to experience the pain that he experienced during the operation.
Therefore, the best way to lengthen the tongue is with special exercises.