Description and instructions for use: "Mistral"

Description and instructions for use: "Mistral"
Description and instructions for use: "Mistral"

In this article, consider the drug "Mistral Oxy". Instructions for use of this tool states that it is intended for pre-sterilization cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization. This drug is produced by the Russian company CJSC Household Chemistry Factory.


In accordance with the instructions for use, "Mistral" is a transparent reddish liquid with a mild pleasant odor (due to the presence of a special fragrance in the product), which has excellent detergent and sporicidal properties.

instructions for use Mistral
instructions for use Mistral

The spectrum of antimicrobial effects of the drug is quite wide. He is active against:

  • causative agents of especially dangerous infections: spores of anthrax, tularemia, plague and cholera, viral agents (HIV, cytomegaly, rotaviruses, parainfluenza, poliomyelitis, adenoviruses, herpes, hepatitis, ECHO, SARS, SARS, Coxsackie, enteroviruses, norovirus);
  • GR+ and GR- bacteria (including Mycobacterium tuberculosis);
  • molds, dermatophytes andfungi from the genus Candida.

Composition of the drug

Let's pay attention to the components of the Mistral disinfectant. Instructions for use contains data on its chemical composition:

  • main components: hydrogen peroxide -10%, alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride - 12%, polyhexamethylene biguanide hydrochloride - 6%;
  • additional ingredients: water, neurogenic surfactants, perfume, anti-corrosion additive, dye.
Mistral disinfectant instructions for use
Mistral disinfectant instructions for use

Where and when is Mistral concentrate used

Instructions for use states that this remedy is necessary when:

  • manual disinfection (including pre-sterilization cleaning) of medical devices, including surgical and dental instruments from a variety of materials: glass, metal, plastic, rubber;
  • disinfection by a mechanized method of metal instruments in ultrasound units of the "Crystal" type;
  • pre-sterilization cleaning, which is not combined with disinfection, of medical devices from a variety of materials, both mechanically and manually;
  • final cleaning of endoscopes before HLD;
  • disinfection of parts of respiratory and anesthesia equipment, suction systems in dentistry, incubators, spittoons, denture blanks made of plastic, ceramics and metal, silicone impressions and other dental materials;
  • TWO-endoscopes;
  • sterilization of various medical devices;
  • disinfectiona variety of surfaces: hard furniture, sanitary ware, apparatus, appliances and utensils in laboratories, pharmacies, canteens, as well as kitchen utensils, linen and devices intended for patient care;
  • eliminate food residues and secretions: urine, vomit, blood, sputum;
  • disinfection of cleaning and medical equipment contaminated with pathogenic fungi or tuberculosis mycobacteria (dressing materials, rubber mats, etc.);
  • disinfection of toys and shoes when they are contaminated with bacteria, viruses, Candida fungi, dermatophytes;
  • final, preventive or current disinfection in he althcare facilities, obstetric hospitals, childcare facilities, pharmacies, various laboratories, treatment rooms, blood collection and transfusion stations;
  • disinfection of surfaces in foci of infections, vehicles (sanitary, for transporting food) and public utilities (dormitories, hotels, solariums, baths, beauty salons, public toilets, hairdressers, laundries);
  • surface treatment in catering, grocery markets, shopping malls, military, social, sports facilities and so on;
  • disinfection of moldy surfaces;
  • spring cleaning;
  • decontamination of any surfaces, equipment, apparatus, inventory, toys, utensils, rubber mats, medical waste in foci of especially dangerous infections;
  • disinfection of hard surfaces during preventivedisinfection in the biotechnological and pharmaceutical industries.
mistral instructions for use
mistral instructions for use

Preparing the solution

As you can see, there is a large list of areas where "Mistral" can be used. Instructions for using the disinfectant also describe the method of diluting the drug in some detail.

The product is diluted with water in plastic, glass or enameled containers. To do this, the required amount of "Mistral" is added to a certain amount of water (drinking) at room temperature. So, for manufacturing:

  • 1 l of 0.3% solution should be mixed with 3 ml of product and 997 ml of water;
  • 1 l 0.4% solution - 4 ml of product and 996 ml of water;
  • 1 l 0.5% solution - 5 ml of the product per 995 ml of water;
  • 1 l of 1% solution - 10 ml of product per 990 ml of water;
  • 1 l 2% solution - 20 ml of the product for 980 ml of water;
  • 1 l 3% solution - 30 ml of the drug and 970 ml of water;
  • 1 l 4% solution - 40 ml of the drug and 960 ml of water;
  • 1 l of 5% solution - 50 ml of the drug and 950 ml of water.
mistral disinfectant instructions for use dilution method
mistral disinfectant instructions for use dilution method

To make 10 liters of a solution of any concentration, the agent and water are taken in an amount ten times greater than necessary to prepare 1 liter of solution. For example, when preparing 10 liters of a 5% solution, take 500 ml of concentrate and 9500 ml of water.

It is in these proportions that solutions are prepared using the drug"Mistral". Instructions for use No. 6/10 talks in more detail about the use of this tool in he alth facilities.

Use of concentrate for disinfection of medical devices

Where else can and should I use this tool? Instructions for use "Mistral" states that the concentrate is used for disinfection of medical devices (including surgical and dental equipment) made of metal, rubber, glass and plastic.

Carry out such processing in enameled containers or plastic with tight-fitting lids. To do this, the workpiece should be immersed in a freshly prepared solution, and if it has cavities and channels, they are filled with a syringe.

If possible, the products should be immersed in such a way that the solution covers them by at least 1 cm. which is additionally washed with distilled water for an additional half a minute.

Disinfection of small instruments in an ultrasound unit

Instructions for the use of "Mistral" reports that:

  • devices with locking parts before disinfection are placed open in the basket in 3 layers, but no more;
  • tools without locks stacked in one layer;
  • small devices are placed in a glass or Petri dish with a solution prepared in advance, and then placed in the center of the loading basket;
  • after processing metal productswashed for 3 minutes with drinking running water, after which they are washed again with distilled water for half a minute. Dry them with cloth napkins;
  • prepared solution can be used repeatedly.
mistral oxy instructions for use
mistral oxy instructions for use

Pre-sterilization cleaning for various infections

  • In the presence of viral, bacterial or fungal agents, medical products made of metal, rubber, plastic and glass are immersed in a 3-4% solution of the agent and kept for 60 to 120 minutes.
  • In the case of processing tools in the "Crystal-5" (ultrasonic installation), a 3% solution is used with an exposure of 20 minutes.
  • To clean rigid endoscopes, these instruments are immersed in a 5% solution with an exposure of 15 minutes.
mistral instructions for use 6 10
mistral instructions for use 6 10

Disinfection of medical devices combined with pre-sterilization cleaning

  1. For soaking, use a 3-4% solution of "Mistral" with an exposure of 30-120 minutes.
  2. To wash, use the previous solution for 30 seconds.
  3. Rinsing takes place for 5-10 minutes under running water.
  4. Then for 30 seconds in distilled water.

Using "Mistral" for disinfection of various objects

mistral concentrate instructions for use
mistral concentrate instructions for use
  • Disinfection of various objects using Mistral solutions should be carried out bysoaking, wiping, dipping and sprinkling.
  • Surfaces and furniture are wiped using a rag soaked in the solution (consumption 100 ml/m2).
  • Plumbing is treated with a ruff, brushes or rags (solution consumption 150 ml per square meter).
  • Patient care items should be immersed in the solution and then rinsed with water.
  • Any dishes should be completely immersed in the Mistral solution (2 liters per set), then rinsed with drinking water.
  • Linen must be soaked in the solution (5 liters of solution are used for 1 kg of linen) and covered with a lid. After disinfection, it is washed and rinsed.
  • Medical waste, that is, dressing material, tampons, wipes, is placed in a 3% solution for 2 hours, and then disposed of.
  • After disinfection, the room is wet cleaned.
