Sheep feces in children: causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period and pediatrician advice

Sheep feces in children: causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period and pediatrician advice
Sheep feces in children: causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period and pediatrician advice

About the he alth of the intestines, and, perhaps, of the whole organism, a child's feces can tell. Its consistency, smell, color, frequency of bowel movements are valuable information that helps to diagnose (in case of development) many pathologies. The presence of sheep feces in children is a clear sign of a problem in the body. The causes and treatment of this condition in babies will be discussed in this article.

What is sheep feces in children

In babies, as well as in adults, "sheep poop" is hard, rounded, dry small lumps, similar to sheep feces.

what is sheep feces
what is sheep feces

Such feces are usually the result of spastic constipation, that is, its appearance is associated with a spasm of some part of the intestine, due to which the feces simply cannot move lower.

Physiological causes

The etiology of spastic constipation and hence sheep feces is manifold. So, physiological and pathological causes of this condition are distinguished.

Among the physiological causes of sheep feces in a child, the following are important:

  • When a baby eats dry food, and there are no hot liquid meals and vegetable fiber in his menu, then constipation is a consequence of an unbalanced diet. In this case, it is very easy to eliminate the problem, it is enough to exclude sweets and sandwiches, replacing them with fruits, give soups for lunch and introduce more vegetables.
  • baby needs proper nutrition
    baby needs proper nutrition
  • In addition, constipation often occurs against the background of dehydration, and therefore parents should carefully monitor the child's drinking regimen, especially when it comes to children under one year old.
  • Another non-pathological reason why a child has sheep feces is hypodynamia, that is, constipation due to the lack of outdoor games and sitting all day near the TV or computer. Helping a child in this case is quite simple, you just need to optimize motor activity.
  • Sheep feces can appear due to various stresses due to punishments, fear, school problems and so on.
  • Overdose of drugs, such as "Imodium" (slows down intestinal peristalsis), sorbents (activated carbon, "Smecta" and so on).

Pathological causes

Perhaps the most common problem leading to the appearance of sheep feces in a child is dysbacteriosis. This condition is a replacement of "good" intestinal bacteria with bad ones, as a result of which the digestion of food in the large intestine is disturbed, immunity suffers, vitamins are not synthesized, and so on.

Lead todysbacteriosis can:

  • intestinal and other infections suffered by the mother during pregnancy and the child after birth;
  • delivery by caesarean section;
  • irrational feeding (lack of breastfeeding, incorrectly selected, introduced or unadapted milk formula, incorrectly introduced complementary foods);
  • unbalanced diet (for older kids);
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • decreased immunity;
  • bad environment;
  • worm infestations.

Among the pathological causes of changes in stool in the form of sheep feces are important:

  • gastric ulcer;
  • meningitis;
  • diabetes diabetes;
  • hypothyroidism.

Parents' actions

Such changes in fecal masses are usually preceded by problems with defecation. Observant parents will pay attention to the fact that the baby does not poop for several days.

signs of constipation in a child
signs of constipation in a child

At the same time, children can sit down on the potty to no avail. The defecation itself is painful, the child pushes, blushes and sometimes cries. After some time, hard, pea-like stools appear. In addition, mucus may be present, and in more severe cases, droplets of blood may be present.

Parents often wonder if a child has sheep feces, what to do.

Before going to the pediatrician, parents should:

  • revise the baby's diet, enriching it with fresh vegetables / fruits and dairy products, in addition, it is necessary to exclude dry snacks;
  • if you have a problembaby - keep breastfeeding longer, introduce complementary foods on time, and if the child is "artificial" - feed exclusively with adapted mixtures;
  • optimize drinking regimen. As a rule, the problem is easily solved by a glass of plain water 30 minutes before a meal;
  • to engage the child in active games and maintain sufficient physical activity;
  • create the most comfortable psychological atmosphere.

If, as a result of the measures taken, the stool has not returned to normal for several days, then the visit to the pediatrician cannot be postponed. Most likely, the doctor, after listening to the complaints of the patient or his parents, will prescribe additional diagnostic methods. Only a specialist is able to correctly determine the cause of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.


Before prescribing a suitable treatment, the doctor, as a rule, directs the patient to undergo additional studies of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as according to indications: KLA, blood biochemistry, and so on.

The easiest way to diagnose is to study for dysbacteriosis and coprogram, including the study of the physical properties of feces and microscopy.

ultrasound diagnostics
ultrasound diagnostics

Ultrasound diagnostics, no less informative and painless research method, is carried out to study the state of internal organs.

Perhaps the most unpleasant FEGDS procedure for a baby. Before undergoing this study, the child must be mentally prepared for how this examination will be conducted.

Treatment of sheep feces in a child

Therapy for stool disorders is selected in accordance with the causes that caused them, as well as data from additional studies.

So, if sheep feces are caused by errors in the diet, the doctor strongly recommends normalizing the baby's nutrition. Babies under one year old should continue breastfeeding, introduce complementary foods correctly, and so on.

stool correction
stool correction

Older children - exclude muffins, rice, chocolate, dumplings, semolina, pasta and other "strengthening" foods. Preference should be given to products that restore the microflora and have a laxative effect: plums, oatmeal, buckwheat, apricots, pearl barley, kiwi, fermented milk products, pumpkin, etc. In addition, the patient is recommended to normalize the drinking regimen.

Great helps a light massage of the abdomen. With gentle movements with light pressure, massage the tummy clockwise.

If sheep feces are a consequence of stress, you will need to consult a psychologist and create a favorable atmosphere at home.

Medicated treatment

Among the medications, the most effective are drugs based on lactulose, for example, "Lactusan", "Normaze", which have a laxative effect and the ability to restore intestinal biocenosis, stimulate perist altic movements and the activity of digestive enzymes, due to which the shape and consistency of stool returns to normal.

the use of drugs to normalize the stool
the use of drugs to normalize the stool

Also, the doctor mayprescribe antispasmodics "Mebeverin" or "Duspatalin". These drugs have a laxative effect, they relax the smooth muscles of the intestinal wall.

Such drugs as "Bifiform" or "Linex" eliminate dysbacteriosis, populate the intestines with "good" flora and heal it.

If sheep feces appear as a result of serious pathologies, self-medication is not acceptable. For example, gastric ulcers are treated by a gastroenterologist, meningitis is treated in neurological hospitals, and diabetes is treated by an endocrinologist.

Folk recipes

You can treat sheep feces in a child using folk methods, the use of which should still be discussed with the doctor in advance.

The most effective of traditional medicine are:

  • Decoction of gooseberries. To do this, the fruits are boiled for 10 minutes, then cooled. This decoction is given to the child to drink a quarter cup a day.
  • Rowan berries (alcohol tincture with added sugar). You need to take the remedy for tsp. previously diluted with water, a course of up to 10 days.
  • Cowberry berries. They have laxative properties and stimulate intestinal peristalsis.
  • Sunflower or olive oil, taken on an empty stomach in the morning in the amount of 1 tsp. - wonderful prevention of hard stools and stool retention.
folk methods of treatment
folk methods of treatment

Possible consequences

Sheep feces are a sign of constipation. This state of affairs should never be ignored, asthe consequences of the disease can be very sad. The chair should be regular. Otherwise, the feces stagnate in the intestines, becoming a source of toxins. Toxins enter the bloodstream, causing general intoxication. At the same time, the child suffers from headaches, becomes whiny and irritable, against this background, anal fissures, prolapse of the rectum, and hemorrhoids may occur. Such children often lag behind in development. Ignoring this condition significantly increases the risk of developing intestinal tumors.
