Bioresonance diagnostics. Advantages

Bioresonance diagnostics. Advantages
Bioresonance diagnostics. Advantages

Bioresonance computer diagnostics is considered the safest and most convenient form of examination. This procedure is not accompanied by radiation, does not cause pain. Bioresonance diagnostics is successfully used for pregnant women, children and elderly patients. The formation of this complex was preceded by various studies. The aim of the work was to accurately identify the accumulation of subcortical structures that are responsible for the functioning of certain organs, to establish the relationship between the severity of the signal and the intensity of the pathological process.

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bioresonance diagnostics fraud

Procedure description

There is an opinion that bioresonance diagnostics is a hoax. Some believe that this type of study does not provide a complete and reliable picture. However, it is not. Bioresonance diagnostics includes 3 stages. At the first stage, primary information is collected. At the second stage, the information is analyzed, resulting in a diagnosis. Based on the information received, an individual selection of medicines is carried out, which is necessary to eliminate the focus of tension.

Bioresonance diagnostics. First stage

bioresonance computer diagnostics
bioresonance computer diagnostics

Evaluation of the state of an organ is carried out due to the resonant amplification of electromagnetic radiation. Fluctuations are displayed on the screen in the form of graphs. Each organ has its own radiation. Pathological processes also have their own specific fluctuations. After taking the frequency characteristics of the organs, the specialist makes a comparison with the reference indicators.

Removal of information about the state of organs is carried out from the cerebral subcortical structures. This area contains the most reliable information. The level of accuracy is determined by the fact that autonomic functions (digestive, reproductive, respiratory, motor) are controlled by subcortical structures. The scheme of analysis is relatively simple. Due to the fact that the electrical activity in the subcortical structures has an extremely weak character, the incoming signals are amplified by trigger sensors. In the process of research, a transformation into a digital code takes place, which is available for output to a computer. Information is laid out on the image of the organ in the form of dots of different colors. This reflects the functional state of one or another area under study.


bioresonance diagnostics
bioresonance diagnostics

At this stage, bioresonance diagnostics involves comparing a computer (virtual) model of various forms of pathology with real information obtained during the examination of a particular patient. Thanks to the features of the software, specialists have the opportunity to approachdefinition of pathology from different positions.

Selection of drugs

Various means are prescribed to reduce stress in the organs. The choice of homeopathic, parapharmaceutical, nutraceutical, allopathic medicines is also carried out by a computer method.
