Allergy is an unpleasant disease that is accompanied by various symptoms. Some of them appear infrequently, which is why this condition is confused with other diseases. Therefore, it is important to know all the signs. Can an allergy give a temperature? The answer to this question is presented in the article.
About allergies
Allergy is an excessive reaction of the body to any component. Symptoms of the disease appear from biochemical reactions that occur due to the action of the allergen.

There are several phases of this state:
- Immune. The allergen acts on the body for the first time. Sensitization occurs - the immune system "remembers" the component, responding to its effects with the formation of antibodies - lgE.
- Patochemical. It is observed when the allergen enters the body again. There are many antibodies, they surround mast cells, which burst, and inflammation occurs. The main one is histamine.
- Pathophysiological. This phase comes from histamine. This substance expands peripheral and narrows large vessels, increases the permeability of the vascular wall. Histamine also reduces smooth muscles, increases the secretion of mucus in the bronchi, in the nose.
The reaction is due to the action of the component on the receptors that are present in different organs. At this point, the first property is important. There are several temperature regulation mechanisms in the body. One of them is the "mobility" of the vessels. If they expand well, then more heat is given off.
Can an allergy give a fever? Histamine can dilate blood vessels. Because of this, the temperature rises with allergies. But it is important to consider that the “systemic” temperature in adults does not normally increase. There is no release of such a quantity of mediator that it acts so strongly. Temperature with allergies in children and adults is manifested by the same symptoms.
All of the above are valid under normal conditions. But why does the temperature rise with allergies? When the reaction grows, it becomes systemic. The body loses control over the situation, a global process develops.
There are other situations that cause a non-standard course of the disease. This applies to:
- drug allergy;
- insect sting allergies;
- photodermatosis;
- serum disease;
- food allergies.
Can an allergy give a fever? It turns out that this phenomenon is allowed. This symptom may beallergic ailments, which are described below.
Allergic rhinitis
For the nasal mucosa, histamine is the enemy. It leads to swelling, local redness, the formation of sparse mucous secretions, itching. But with allergic rhinitis, hyperthermia does not appear. Even if the temperature is 37 degrees, you should check if the diagnosis is correct.
Can an allergy of this kind give a temperature? Sometimes with a runny nose there is watery eyes, a feeling of sand in the eyes and other symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis. In this case, an increase in temperature will be likely.

Usually, rhinitis appears with seasonal exacerbations, for example, hay fever - allergies to pollen. But you should not associate the type or time of allergen activity with the risk of an increase in temperature, they are not interconnected. Therefore, it does not matter in what season the allergy appeared - in spring when plants bloom, in autumn when dust mites and molds appear, or in winter when cold allergies occur.
Allergic cough and bronchitis
It is important to differentiate these terms. Allergic cough is called reflex attempts to clear the larynx with perspiration, hoarseness. And bronchitis is considered a deep process that occurs in the bronchi themselves.
In the first situation, allergies rarely appear, there are literally a few of these cases. Itching and coughing are similar to allergic rhinitis and appear due to mucosal edema.
Can there be a high temperature with allergies associated with allergic bronchitis? This phenomenon is widespread. Although hyperthermia, in which a dry cough appears, is considered a symptom of a bacterial or viral process, there are exceptions.
In allergic bronchitis with hyperthermia, difficult breathing and a productive cough appear. These signs appear from the 1st day of the disease. It should be borne in mind that such a mediator dilates the vessels of the lungs, increases their throughput function, which causes severe swelling and narrowing of the bronchi.
This disease is accompanied by subfebrile temperature. Usually a mark of 38 degrees is the limit. This is a differential symptom: with bacterial or viral bronchitis, the thermometer can show 39.5 degrees.
Food allergy
Can there be a high temperature with this type of allergy? Food allergens are considered low-aggressive. Therefore, temperature changes are rare, but still possible. Hyperthermia appears when there is a strong reaction with:
- constant repeated vomiting;
- profuse diarrhea;
- intense abdominal pain;
- headache;
- dizzy.

Usually, the mercury column does not reach elevated figures. The maximum is 37.5 degrees.
Allergic dermatitis
Can an allergy give a temperature of 39 degrees? With allergic dermatitis, this happens in rare cases. The symptom appears only with a large surface of the lesion. Usually this consequence occurs with a "cosmetic" allergy, especially if it has not beena test has been carried out. The risk is especially high when sunburn is combined with an allergy to sunscreen or emollient.
Often the thermometer reaches 37-38 degrees, when there are other manifestations of allergies - respiratory, ophthalmological. The temperature increased to extreme values is rarely observed. If this symptom appears during dermatitis, then you need to urgently call a doctor, since a severe generalized reaction is likely.
Sun allergy is hard to distinguish from sunburn. And if these ailments are combined, then the symptoms become severe. Both ailments have unpleasant symptoms, and when they are combined, the condition improves markedly.
When sunstroke:
- temperature rising;
- gets dizzy;
- nausea, vomiting develops;
- weakness, loss of consciousness, disorientation.
And when allergic to the sun is observed:
- red blistering rash;
- itching, peeling;
- redness.
Allergy to insect bites
In this case, can an allergy give a temperature in a child or an adult? Bites and stings often lead to this symptom. But it should be borne in mind that, as in the previous case, at a temperature, not so much immune processes appear as their combination with the main factor.
Toxic components that enter the bloodstream can in themselves lead to hyperthermia. Especially with the bites of a wasp, bee, hornet, gadfly. And with allergies, vascular permeability is higher,so suction is better.

The temperature in this situation can rise to 38 degrees. There is a deterioration in well-being, weakness, headache. This is accompanied by local symptoms:
- hyperemia (redness) of the injection site;
- severe itching;
- rash around the bite;
- appearance of signs of allergy from other organs and systems.
The temperature for allergies in children and adults is similar. Usually people also experience severe psychological discomfort from these symptoms.
Drug allergy
Fever from drug allergies is common. It can reach 38-39 degrees. A drug allergy is a dangerous condition. Funds are administered in sufficiently large doses.
But why don't GI allergies cause severe symptoms? Since not all components are completely absorbed in the intestines, they are partially removed. In addition, the allergen needs to overcome many barriers in order to penetrate the bloodstream.
And the drug, especially administered parenterally, enters the bloodstream faster. Life-threatening is anaphylactic shock. Therefore, an increase in temperature is considered even a positive sign. More likely to appear:
- itching, rashes;
- weakness, dizziness;
- sneezing, watery eyes;
- soft tissue edema.
Serum sickness
With this pathology, the temperature can also rise. Allergy has 4 types. First 3are immediate, and the latter is delayed. Serum sickness is an immunocomplex hypersensitivity reaction type 3. It appears on vaccines, serums, blood components. And the antigens that have penetrated into the blood are formed in large quantities by antibodies, creating “antigen-antibody” immune complexes. These formations accumulate in the walls of blood vessels and lead to their inflammation.
Symptoms for these reactions are the same: after 1-1, 5 weeks there is a sharp hypothermia, and then hyperthermia. A temperature of 40 degrees is common for this pathology. Other symptoms include the appearance of:
- pain, swelling, redness in the injection area;
- increase and soreness of the lymph nodes;
- rash on the body;
- pain, swelling of the joints;
- laryngeal edema;
- heart muscle lesions;
- disorders of the nervous system.
Usually these symptoms go away on their own after a few days. Allergies can manifest slightly differently depending on different groups of people.
In the elderly
In this case, the allergy has less intense symptoms. To confirm this statement, it is worth giving an example that people 65-70 years old do not experience severe pain even with appendicitis.
Since the symptoms are smoothed even with allergies, the diagnosis becomes more complicated, subjective sensations are almost absent. The temperature can rise only with a strong reaction, which is expressed intensely. A problem develops with the administration of the drug and with serum sickness. The temperature rises to 37-38degrees.
Pregnant women
When pregnant women have a fever, see a doctor. At the same time, you should not independently find out why this reaction appeared.

But it should be borne in mind that hyperthermia occurs in pregnant women much less frequently than in ordinary women. The reason is that immunity during childbearing weakens, allergies are frequent, but usually minor. The most common is allergic rhinitis. Ailments do not tend to generalize the process.
In children
The child's body is most sensitive to stimuli. Therefore, allergies are often accompanied by fever. According to Dr. Komarovsky, it is important to determine whether it is really an allergic reaction. For example, when determining whether an allergic or infectious cough has appeared, one must take into account the fact that there are no temperature reactions with hypersensitivity.
And when the temperature reaches 38 degrees for no particular reason, it's probably an allergy. But with it, after 2-3 days, other manifestations appear: allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, skin signs. Children usually have a strong immune response to vaccinations and medications.
Another option is the occurrence of only a temperature as the main sign of an allergic reaction. This option should only be considered in children. This is a sign of low immune activity and severe allergies.
To determine that the case concerns an allergy symptom, it will turn out according to the information from the anamnesis. It is established whether there was contact with the allergen, or the child was in the prodromal period of an infectious disease. But it is still necessary to focus on the fact that with allergies, the temperature should be absent. It is advisable to visit a pediatrician.
How long the temperature lasts for allergies depends on the individual characteristics of the person. It also affects what means are used to lower this indicator.
This is a necessary event. Temperature, even a small one, is considered a dangerous symptom. If it remains for no apparent reason, then this may be a sign of serious, dangerous ailments. But the temperature with allergies is a non-standard phenomenon. Therefore, you should check that hyperthermia really arose from an allergic reaction.
It is important to consider the symptoms. If there is a runny nose, cough, sore throat, lacrimation, it is necessary to distinguish an allergy from a respiratory illness. It is important to consider the following information:
- With acute respiratory infections there is a runny nose with viscous, greenish discharge. There may also be a tendency to nasal congestion without rhinorrhea. With allergies, the mucus will be liquid, transparent.
- When acute respiratory infections occur headaches, heaviness in the head, weakness, itching.
In the presence of gastrointestinal symptoms, allergy must be distinguished from poisoning or intestinal infection. During the infectious process, the temperature rises more than 39 degrees. This is usually manifested by blanching of the skin, weakness, dizziness. In severe cases, loss of consciousness is likely.
There may still be vomiting, nausea, there is a risk of dehydration. Atallergy condition is better, the symptoms are milder. The temperature does not rise more than 37.5 degrees. Photodermatosis should be distinguished from heat stroke.
If there is a temperature with allergies, what should I do? If it does not rise more than 38 degrees and does not cause much concern, then it should not be brought down. She passes on her own.
Usually, doctors recommend drinking plenty of water. For this, water, tea, herbal decoctions, rosehip broth, fruit drink, compote are suitable. Lemon, mint are added to drinks. Do not take fruit juices (if there is a food allergy), sweet soda.
How to bring down the temperature with allergies? If it does not decrease, then use:
- antipyretic drugs - "Paracetamol", and for children - "Nurofen";
- antihistamines - Claritin, Zyrtec, Suprastin;
- enterosorbents for food allergies - Smecta, Polysorb.
As indicated in the instructions for use, Suprastin tablets for adults are effective for allergies to drugs and insect bites. After taking the drug is rapidly absorbed, reaching a maximum concentration in the body after 2 hours. Symptoms disappear after 20 minutes. As indicated in the instructions for use, Suprastin tablets for adults last about 7 hours. You need to take 1 tablet 1-4 times a day. The daily dosage of Suprastin for allergies should not exceed 100 mg or 4 tablets.
There are other drugs. Helps with allergies gel "Fenistil". The product eliminates allergic rhinitis, allergies from insect bites,food and drug allergies. The gel is applied in a thin layer to the painful area of the skin.

Do not use hormonal drugs, even with local allergies. There is a risk of error in the diagnosis, and then when using glucocorticoids, the likelihood of spreading the infection increases several times.
It is advisable not to engage in self-treatment at all. If within a few hours, with good drinking and taking 1 dose of Nurofen and an antihistamine, the temperature does not decrease, you should consult a doctor.
It is important to prevent allergies and their exacerbation. Prevent temperature rise with:
- stopping an allergy attack;
- exclusion of uncontrolled use of antihistamines;
- timely visit to the doctor.
Lower temperature
Can the temperature be lowered? This is allowed. Anaphylactic shock is considered a dangerous phenomenon. A person develops pallor, cold sweat, pressure and temperature decrease. Need urgent medical attention. The person is given an antihistamine before the ambulance arrives.
There are still reasons for the drop in temperature:
- 1st stage of serum sickness. This applies to the vascular reaction that appears from the deposition on the walls of arterioles, venules, capillaries of immune complexes.
- "Small" signs of a food reaction in infants. This applies to rashes, itching, peeling, redness, diaper rash, ulcers, lowering the temperature.
Allergy, not temperature, is what needs therapy. It is necessary to identify the allergen and try to avoid any contact with it.
For food allergies in infants, enterosorbents, rectal suppositories or syrup with antihistamine components are used.

And serum sickness can be prevented. According to Dr. Komarosky, 2-3 days before the vaccination, the child is given a dose of an antihistamine. But first you need a consultation with a specialist.
Thus, a change in temperature with allergies is considered an uncharacteristic symptom, but it still occurs sometimes. It is important not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor. The sooner the cause of this symptom is identified, the easier it will be to eliminate it.