Warts under the armpits are an unpleasant pathology. Growths not only spoil the appearance, but also increase the chances of injury to delicate skin. You definitely need to get rid of them. There are several methods by which it will be possible to get rid of such neoplasms forever.
What are warts?
The pathological process develops due to the growth of the papillary layer of the skin. Warts under the armpits or in other areas appear due to the ingestion of the human papillomavirus. In fact, this is a good quality education. However, it cannot be ignored. Frequent injury to growths can lead to the development of a malignant tumor.
Various underarm warts can be diagnosed. The child often reveals small formations of the correct form. Such papules in diameter do not exceed a few millimeters. These warts can go away on their own without special treatment.

Genital warts (warts) are considered more dangerous. Such formations can grow rapidly. As a result, the delicate skin of the armpits is injured, increasing the risk of infection.
Why do armpit warts appear?
The causes of the pathological process are associated with the human papillomavirus. However, statistics indicate that such an infection is present in the blood of almost every adult inhabitant of the planet. At the same time, not everyone has warts. Of great importance is the immunity of a particular patient. Many people notice that papillomas and warts under the armpits begin to appear after suffering stress or a serious infectious disease. The following factors will also contribute to the appearance of unattractive growths: lack of sleep, bad habits, refusal of proper nutrition.

Warts are a disease that is considered contagious. Papillomavirus infection is easily transmitted through unprotected sexual contact. Therefore, if one of the spouses has warts, sooner or later one appears in the other. The appearance of growths under the armpits will contribute to the sharing of personal hygiene products (soaps, towels).
Warts under the armpits often appear on the background of wearing tight clothes or traumatizing delicate skin during the depilation process.
Using Liquid Nitrogen
If there are warts under the arms, how to remove? A dermatologist will help get rid of pathological growths. If a benign tumor does not exceed 5 mm in diameter, many experts recommend cryodestruction. This procedure involves the destruction of pathological growthspapillary dermis using liquid nitrogen. Pathological tissues are deeply frozen, as a result of which they die. During the procedure, the wart turns pale, the place of freezing swells. Within a few days after removal, a slight swelling may be present at the site of the wart. Additionally, a doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory ointments.

Nitrogen will help you quickly get rid of ugly warts under your arms. However, this procedure is not suitable for everyone. In rare cases, individual sensitivity to the freezing drug may develop. It will be necessary to temporarily refuse removal if there is a rash or irritation in the wart area. Such procedures are not performed during pregnancy or lactation.
Laser removal of growths
How to get rid of armpit warts? Many qualified dermatologists as well as cosmetologists recommend using a laser. This is one of the most effective methods for removing benign skin growths. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis. A huge plus is a short recovery period. In this case, the localization of warts does not matter. With the use of a laser, growths under the armpits may well be removed.
The peculiarity of the procedure is that during the manipulations there is no contact of the surgical instrument with the skin. This means that the likelihood of infection in the wound is minimized. In addition, it becomes impossible to transmit such dangerous diseases as HIV,hepatitis C and more.
The laser wart removal procedure takes no more than 30 minutes. Initially, the affected area is treated with a laser. Next, the specialist turns on the laser and acts on the wart pointwise, without affecting he althy skin. During the procedure, bacteria and viruses die under the laser. As a result, the sterility of the wound is created. After the operation, a small wound remains at the site of exposure, which heals within a few days.
This method of removing papillomas, warts and nevi has been used in dermatology for several decades. The destruction of benign formations is carried out using current. In this regard, the procedure has some contraindications. It is impossible to carry out such manipulations to people with a pacemaker. The procedure can be dangerous for patients with bleeding disorders. In rare cases, patients develop intolerance to the electric current.

The procedure itself is not dangerous and can be performed on the day of visiting a doctor, provided there are no contraindications. If warts appear under the armpits, you should not postpone a visit to a dermatologist. Several formations of medium size can be removed at once. Before removal, the skin in the affected area is treated with an anesthetic. Then the working tool heats up to 80 degrees. This temperature is enough to permanently get rid of pathological growths.
The drug is widely used to removepathological formations on the skin. The medicine is produced in the form of a clear solution containing concentrated acids. The product is intended exclusively for external use. Acetic and nitric acids are used as active ingredients. Additionally, the composition of the product includes substances such as lactic acid, copper nitrate, distilled water.
The product has a necrotic effect. With daily use, pathological tissues gradually mummify (dry up), then fall off. There is no trace left at the impact site. However, it is necessary to use such a medicine strictly according to the doctor's prescription. When exposed to malignant tumors, Solcoderm can provoke the appearance of metastases.
Super Cleaner
The drug for removing papillomas and warts is produced by several companies at once. The name was coined in honor of the famous herb, although it is not in the composition of the medicine. The drug does not contain hazardous components, therefore it is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription. Although it should not be used without the recommendation of a dermatologist.

Super Cleaner is ideal for removing small underarm warts. The composition of the drug includes bicarbonate and sodium hydroxide. These acids can affect not only pathological growths, but also a he althy area. Therefore, it is necessary to act with extreme caution. The main active ingredients create a chemical burn, thanks to which it is possible to get rid of pathological growths.
Beforeapplying funds to the affected areas must be carefully prepared. To protect a he althy epidermis, a thick cream should be applied around the wart. You can cut out a patch with a hole for the wart and stick it on the affected area. Apply one drop of the product to the affected area once a day. As a rule, after 5-7 days the wart disappears.
If warts appear under the armpits, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. Specialists widely use the tool "Verrukacid". This solution contains acids that allow you to get rid of pathological growths on any part of the body in a matter of days. The drug has a similar composition with Solcoderm.

The medicine has a cauterizing effect. Apply it externally directly to the affected area. He althy skin around the wart is recommended to be protected with a plaster or greasy cream, as is the case with the Super Cleaner preparation. Soft warts under the armpits are treated for 7-10 days. If necessary, a month later, the course of treatment can be repeated.
The drug is a mixture of propane and dimethyl ether. As a result, a temperature is created in the affected area, reaching minus 57 degrees. In fact, pathological formations are simply frozen. The volume of the balloon is designed for 10-12 procedures. The balloon has convenient disposable applicators for applying medication directly to the affected area.
Means "Cryopharma" has a number of contraindications. This includeschildren under 6 years of age, pregnancy and lactation, pigmented skin around warts. With caution, such treatment should be carried out in patients with diabetes mellitus. After freezing the warts in the affected area, suppuration of he althy tissues may appear.
Folk remedies for warts
The most popular home remedy for pathological growths is a simple celandine that grows in almost every yard. All you need to do is to lubricate the affected area with the fresh juice of the plant twice a day. Reviews show that after 7-10 days the wart disappears.

Fresh garlic shows good results. The vegetable must be grated on a fine grater. The resulting slurry is applied to the wart for 30 minutes. The procedure can be carried out twice a day. Garlic contributes to the drying of the pathological formation.
An interesting apple method was used in ancient times. The fruit was cut in half with a dense thread. Then the halves of the apple were rubbed on areas with warts. The apple was connected again, wrapped with thread and buried. As soon as the fetus rotted, the warts completely disappeared.