The problem of treating dry rhinitis is quite relevant for modern medicine. The term refers to a chronic disease in which tissues in the nasal cavity are subject to atrophy. The patient feels the integument is dryish. If you do not start therapy on time, the course will become more difficult, transformation into an acute form is possible. The disease is especially aggressive in childhood, before the age of two, when breathing skills are not yet sufficiently stable.
Where does the treatment begin?
Having figured out what dry rhinitis is, it is necessary to choose the appropriate course of elimination. Completely exclude being in a gassed room. Polluted air is one of the main enemies of man. In rooms, living and working premises, it is necessary to constantly organize wet cleaning and ventilate. If the cause of rhinitis is the harmful gaseous substances that a person encounters due to the nature of the work process, they constantly use a respirator at work.
Treatment is symptomatic. Since the mucous membranes dry up during illness,it is necessary to moisturize the covers. To do this, rinse the nasal cavity with s alt water. Suitable sea s alt. An even more reliable option is special pharmacy products for washing the nose. If the temperature rises, fever-reducing drugs are prescribed. Additionally, means for local vasoconstriction are shown. A typical representative of the pharmacy products of this group is presented on the shelves under the name "Naphthyzin". The doctor will select the dose, program, duration of the course.

Simple and affordable
All healers' recipes help only with prolonged and frequent use. It is possible to treat dry rhinitis with folk remedies. Make soda baths. This tool is a good additional element of complex treatment. Bathtubs - foot. For their preparation, in addition to soda, you can use mustard powder. Baths are recommended if there is no fever.
You can try using Kalanchoe juice. This tool is rightfully considered one of the most effective. No more than three drops of fresh juice drip into each nostril. The procedure is repeated up to four times daily.
Options for everyone
The washing procedure will be more effective if the saline solution is diluted with calendula decoction. To prepare it, boil water, combine a couple of large spoons of dry vegetable raw materials and a couple of glasses of water, insist for several hours in a thermos or boil for a couple of minutes. As soon as they are ready, they wait until the product has cooled down, and mix it with s alted water, wash the nasal mucosa. Before the beginningsuch treatment will not be superfluous to consult a doctor. This is especially important if the doctor has already prescribed drugs for topical use. The doctor will explain how you can combine them with healers so as not to harm yourself and not reduce the effectiveness of the main course.

About adult drugs
Treatment of dry rhinitis in adults usually involves taking antibacterial drugs. Most often, cephalosporins belonging to the third or fourth generation are used. You can use aminoglycoside drugs, fluoroquinolone formulations. Carbapenems recommended.
Dry rhinitis is one of the indications for use indicated in the instructions for use of "Ciprofloxacin". The price of 500 mg tablets (this is the dosage of the active ingredient in one capsule) is approximately 40 rubles per pack with a dozen copies, so this treatment will not become a serious burden on the family budget. Not less often appoint "Amikacin", "Rifampicin". It is noted that the use of "Chloramphenicol" gives a good effect.
This remedy belongs to the class of mucolytic, quite often prescribed for dry rhinitis. Produced in the form of powders, tablets. Many patients taking the drug note that the most convenient form for them was effervescent tablets, each containing 200 mg of the active ingredient. The color of the tablets is white or close to that. There is a peculiar faint smell. The price of "Acetylcysteine" starts from 125 rubles per pack,containing ten pieces.
The drug is produced by chemical transformation of cysteine. The mucolytic increases the amount of sputum, simplifies the excretion of the secret, affecting its rheological properties. The sulfhydryl groups of the active ingredient disrupt the disulfide molecular mucopolysaccharide bonds found in sputum. Mucoproteins lose their polarization, so the viscosity becomes less. The substance is active even in the case of purulent secretion in the sputum.

Efficiency features
Acetylcysteine presented on the pharmacy shelves (the price of the drug is from 125 rubles per pack with a dozen tablets) activates the generation of relatively low-viscosity sialomucins, reduces epithelial adhesion of bacteria, and stimulates bronchial mucosal cells that generate a substance that lyses fibrin. The active ingredient has antioxidant qualities due to the reactivity of the sulfhydryl groups that come into contact with the radicals. This leads to the neutralization of the latter.
The product is intended for children and adults. Persons older than six years of age are prescribed up to three times a day for 0.2 g, for children of the age group of 2-6 years, twice 0.2 g per day or three times half the dose is indicated. Children under two years of age should take 0.1 g of the drug twice a day.
Local and not only
When drawing up a program for the treatment of dry rhinitis, adults are recommended drugs that make breathing easier. These are drugs with a local effect, narrowing the vessels of the nasal cavity. Canuse drops "Tizin", "Nafthyzin". You can use combined formulations in which oil is present. This makes the crusts covering the mucous membranes softer. The most suitable remedy will be chosen by the attending physician. He will determine the appropriate dosage.
The patient will benefit from ultraviolet irradiation. The nasal mucosa is regularly treated with iodine solutions mixed with glycerin. You can use mint, chamomile, sage tinctures - they are sold in pharmacies. Sometimes electrophoresis is recommended. For the procedure, nicotinic acid is used. After electrophoresis, inhalations are prescribed.

Healing advice
If you ask a traditional medicine specialist what ointments can be used for dry rhinitis, he will probably advise you to prepare a remedy with petroleum jelly. For this, the substance is combined with fish oil. This ointment is applied to the nasal mucosa several times a day. It is believed that this simple measure effectively eliminates the problem of drying integuments.
You can use a remedy with eucalyptus essential oil to wash the nasal passages. First, prepare ordinary s alted water (9 g of s alt per 100 ml of water), using sea s alt if possible. Then a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil are introduced into the liquid. The washing procedure is repeated several times a day.
You can use calendula juice. It is believed that the product has the qualities of a disinfectant. A few drops are enough to treat the nose. The agent is injected into the nasal cavity three times daily.
Folk remedies: what to try?
If necessary, pick up drops for dry rhinitis in children, you can look at St. John's wort tincture. This is sold in many pharmacies. You can prepare the remedy yourself. It is instilled with three drops in each nasal passage. The procedure is repeated three times daily. You can treat not only children, but also adults. The tool is considered additional to the main drug course.
Menthol oil is useful for treating sinuses. For greater effectiveness of the treatment, foot baths are regularly made by adding mustard powder to the water. To eliminate local discomfort, the nose is treated with sea buckthorn oil. It is used as drops. For one procedure, five drops are enough for one stroke. It is necessary to repeat the introduction three times daily.

Available to all
Choosing how to practice the treatment of dry rhinitis, you should pay attention to the variety of mineral water in the store. The liquid is used to wash the sinuses. It is necessary to take non-carbonated varieties. Honey inhalations are no less useful. They are resorted to if the bee product does not provoke allergies. You can wash the nasal cavity with iodine solution. Five drops of the medicinal product are added to half a glass of pure water, mixed until a uniform shade is achieved and used for washing.
Sick people benefit from warming their nose with an egg. To do this, boil the product, wrap it with a scarf and put it on the sinuses. Another simple product that helps intreatment - garlic. It is carefully crushed, placed in a container, poured with boiling water, allowed to brew for a couple of hours under the lid. The treatment involves inhaling the vapors coming from the liquid.
Treatment of children: nuances
If it is necessary to treat dry rhinitis in children, you need to remember the characteristics of the child's body. The main idea of the program is high-quality hydration of the mucous membranes. It is recommended to put a humidifier in the room where the baby lives. If it is not possible to buy one, moistened towels are hung on heating devices, basins of water are placed so that the liquid evaporates and humidifies the atmosphere.

Often, children cannot blow their own discharge, so you need to help a sick child. You can use filters designed specifically for such cases. The filter not only simplifies the cleaning of mucous membranes, but also moisturizes the internal nasal integuments. In children, dry rhinitis is often explained by allergies. In this case, antihistamines are indicated. The best option will be chosen by the doctor, starting from the cause and type of allergy, the characteristics of the patient's body.
Treating children: what to try?
Traditionally, it is in the event that minors are sick that they use traditional medicine. It seems to many parents that treating dry rhinitis with medications will only harm the child, so they resort to drugs as a last resort when all homemade medicines have not helped. At the beginning of the course, many prefer to use the ointment that they makethemselves from menthol and vaseline. This product moisturizes and disinfects mucous membranes.

You can treat a child using Kalanchoe. A couple of drops of fresh juice are dripped into each nostril. It is believed that this eliminates swelling and improves breathing. It is recommended to regularly rinse the nose with s alted water with eucalyptus or calendula decoction.