In today's world, a person's eyes are constantly strained. People spend a huge amount of their time behind the screens of computers, phones and other gadgets. Poor ecology also negatively affects eye he alth. Due to the combination of these factors, the body loses the ability to secrete a sufficient amount of tear fluid. This leads to the fact that the eyes receive insufficient moisture, dryness, itching and burning appear. These symptoms should not be ignored. We will tell in this article about the causes of this disease, its symptoms and methods of treating dry eye.
Reasons for appearance
As a rule, dry eye syndrome occurs when a person constantly spends time at a computer or smartphone. Especially often it is diagnosed in office workers who spend 7-8 hours a day behind monitor screens. Why do computers negatively affect eye he alth? When working with them, a person is so carried away by the text that he begins to blink more slowly. This creates an additionaleye strain. They stop getting enough moisture, get tired faster. If this is repeated every day, then with a high probability the person will soon be diagnosed with an eye disease.

Dry eye syndrome can be caused by other reasons. Doctors believe that the lack of moisture appears due to poor ecology. Dry air adversely affects the eyes. As a rule, the risk zone includes people who spend a lot of time near heaters or air conditioners, as well as residents of industrial areas.
Syndrome may appear if you constantly wear contact lenses. Many of them are not able to pass air, so they dry out the cornea. Lenses can also negatively affect the quality of the tear fluid, which will also lead to the development of the syndrome.
There are a few more less common causes of the disease:
- hormonal disorders;
- laser vision correction;
- continuous use of certain medications such as antidepressants or oral contraceptives for women;
- diabetes mellitus;
- certain eye conditions, including conjunctivitis and blepharitis.
Main symptoms
He althy eyes are constantly covered with a protective film of tear fluid. It also moisturizes them in a timely manner and removes small debris from the surface. If, due to the reasons described above, the film becomes thinner or disappears, the person begins to feel discomfort. As a rule, the symptoms of dry eye are blurred, so the patient does notrush to see a doctor. But in vain, because the lack of treatment can lead to a deterioration in well-being.

In the early stages of the syndrome, the patient may complain that his eyes are constantly dry. He will feel intense tension. Often people note that they have some kind of foreign object in one of their eyes. There is profuse lachrymation, especially on contact with wind or bright light. If treatment is not started on time, the symptoms of dry eye will increase. The person will feel a burning sensation, itching. He has photophobia. People with advanced syndrome become irritable and aggressive. In the morning, their eyes stick together, and by the evening they become red and start to hurt. As a rule, discomfort increases when a person spends time at a computer or TV. Often there is a slight blurring or blurred vision that disappears after a few blinks.
How to diagnose a disease?
Many people are in no hurry to seek medical help when the first symptoms appear. But in order to recover faster, it is important to recognize this eye disease in time. Dry eye syndrome can only be diagnosed by a qualified doctor. The ophthalmologist first interviews the patient, clarifies whether he has symptoms and examines the cornea. In some cases, this is enough to make a diagnosis and start treatment.
In order not to confuse dry eye syndrome with other diseases that have similar symptoms, additional diagnostics are carried out. Ophthalmologistconducts targeted biomicroscopy, where he carefully examines the cornea and the anterior segment of the eyeball. He also pays attention to tear production. In some cases, it and other allocations have to be taken for additional research. When the disease is advanced, the doctor must determine whether any complications have appeared and select drugs for their treatment.
How to be treated?
As a rule, dry eye syndrome, with timely diagnosis, can be quickly cured with moisturizing drops. They restore the normal amount and concentration of tear fluid, which quickly alleviates the patient's condition. Symptoms quickly pass after a few instillations, but the course of treatment must be completed. Depending on the severity of the disease, different types of drops are prescribed. They differ in their viscosity. Some medications come in gel form, which turns liquid after a few blinks.
Therapy is almost always done on an outpatient basis. Hospitalization is only necessary in severe cases where the patient needs urgent surgery.
Your doctor may prescribe other medications along with moisturizing drops. As a rule, therapy in this case will depend on the cause that caused the syndrome. If it was diabetes mellitus or hormonal disorders, then you will have to drink medications for them at the same time. The doctor may also advise you to buy a humidifier at home or special glasses for working at the computer. Proper nutrition and gymnastics help to heal.
Traditional medicine can also help cure dryeyes. What to do to eliminate the syndrome? Do not rush to start treatment without consulting your doctor. Yes, there are many traditional medicines that help with dry eyes. But they should be taken only with the approval of an ophthalmologist as an additional therapy. Otherwise, you can only aggravate your situation.
Moisturizing eye drops for dry eyes
The most effective treatment for the syndrome is the use of special medications. They quickly relieve dryness and irritation, eliminate itching and redness. In their composition, they replace the lacrimal fluid, which is insufficiently secreted during the syndrome. To completely recover from the disease, you need to not only use drops, but also change your lifestyle. For example, cutting down on computer time, eating right, or spending more time outdoors.

There are 3 types of eye drops: low, medium and high viscosity. As a rule, the first type is used for a mild course of the syndrome. They are also used with constant wear of contact lenses, as they greatly dry the eyes. Medium and high viscosity is suitable for people with advanced syndrome. The latter type is usually available in the form of gels. It is applied to the eyes, and then after a few blinks it turns into a light and enveloping liquid. Their advantage is a long-term therapeutic effect. If drops of low viscosity need to be dripped into the eyes almost every hour, then the gel can be applied 1-2 times a day.
Don't delay treatment thinking that you will have to spend a lot of money on it. In pharmaciesoften inexpensive drops for dry eyes are sold. Their cost can vary from 100 to 400 rubles. As a rule, gels are significantly more expensive than low viscosity preparations.
Let's talk more about the most effective and popular moisturizers for the treatment of the syndrome.
Artificial tear
This is one of the most affordable and effective remedies to help eliminate dryness, irritation and itching of the eyes. The main active ingredient of the drops is hypromellose. It protects the cornea of the eye from external influences, softens and moisturizes it. Instruction drops "Artificial tear" indicates that they have a high viscosity, so they need to be instilled only 1-2 times a day. The drug has no pronounced odor and does not irritate the cornea. It is completely colorless. In the reviews, patients indicate that drops quickly help get rid of unpleasant symptoms. However, they do not have contraindications and do not cause side effects. They can also be used by pregnant women. The only negative is blurred vision in the first 15 minutes after use. At this time, it is not recommended to drive a car. Attracts patients and the cost of drops. They can be purchased at a pharmacy for 100-150 rubles.
When the syndrome is advanced, it is recommended to use high viscosity gels. Their main advantage is the duration of action. Doctors and patients call Korneregel an effective drug. It is a colorless eye gel that does not have a pronounced odor. It is recommended to use it not only for the syndrome, butand in trauma and infectious lesions of the cornea. The active substance of the drug is dexpanthenol. The gel is placed under the lower eyelid, and then blinked frequently several times so that it completely covers the cornea. With prolonged use, patients report the appearance of side effects. The eye may itch or turn red. In rare cases, edema and profuse tearing are diagnosed. The only contraindication is the presence of individual intolerance to dexpanthenol.

Reviews about "Korneregel" with dry eye syndrome are most often positive. The drug is praised by both ophthalmologists and patients. They like that after the first application it is able to alleviate the patient's condition. The eyes become moisturized, itching and burning quickly disappear. But patients are repelled by the high cost of the drug. In pharmacies, you can buy it for 350-450 rubles.
Another effective remedy for dry eyes. Its active ingredient is taurine. Instructions for use of eye drops "Taufon" indicates that the drug is a colorless transparent liquid, odorless. It must be instilled at least 2-4 times a day. Drops are usually used for a month or until a lasting positive effect is achieved. The exact date must be determined by the attending physician. The instructions for use of eye drops "Taufon" indicate that the drug has no contraindications. Only in the presence of individual intolerance to taurine, the patient may experience an allergic reaction in the form of itching,burning or swelling. Patients like the low cost of the drug. You can buy it for 130-160 rubles.

Hilo chest of drawers
These drops are considered extremely effective, but expensive medicine for dry eye. Their cost varies from 400 to 750 rubles per bottle. These are completely sterile drops, consisting of a solution of sodium hyaluronate. They form a tear film on the surface of the eye, which lasts for several hours. It does not wash off when blinking, which provides long-lasting hydration. Patients in the reviews indicate that the drops quickly relieve discomfort and burning sensation. Some clinicians recommend the use of Hilo-dresser for long-term wear of hard contact lenses. Does not contain preservatives. You need to bury them 3 times a day. At the same time, they can be used for a long time, which is positively evaluated by people with contact lenses. The drug has no side effects and contraindications.
Systane Ultra
If you are looking for extremely effective drops for dry eyes, then pay attention to the drug "Systane Ultra". This is one of the most powerful remedies that save from burning and inflammation. After instillation, the drops moisturize the cornea for several hours. It does not cause blurred vision. The drug can be applied over contact lenses. The instruction indicates that drops should be applied as needed when the first signs of discomfort appear. Be sure to shake the bottle before instillation. The cost of drops starts from300 rubles. At the same time, the package after opening can be used within six months. Contraindication to use is only individual intolerance to the components that make up the drops.
Treatment with folk remedies
With the help of traditional medicine, you can ease your well-being. But all your actions must be agreed with your doctor. The rash use of prescriptions can only aggravate the course of the disease.
It is safest to use lotions made from a decoction of useful plants for treatment. To prepare it, you need to take chamomile, dry eyebright and marshmallow root in equal proportions. They must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mixture is formed. To prepare a decoction, you need 4 tablespoons. All this is poured with boiling water (about 500 ml). Then the broth should be allowed to cool. After that, cotton pads are dipped into it and applied to the inflamed organs of vision.

Compresses are also used in the treatment of dry eye. They help not only relieve inflammation, but also speed up blood circulation and normalize the release of tear fluid. For example, you can make a compress of horseradish and onions. They must be thoroughly crushed and mixed, and then put in gauze or any fabric. The compress is applied to the eyelids for only 2 minutes.
Healing oils help relieve inflammation, dryness and itching. Before use, it is recommended to warm them up a little so as not to feel discomfort. The following oils are used for dry eye syndrome:
- sea buckthorn;
- mustard;
- camphor.
Also, doctors recommend drinking 1-2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil daily to prevent the syndrome.
Homemade drops
Treatment of dry eye syndrome at home is effective with natural drops. Like other traditional medicine, they should be used only after consulting an ophthalmologist. You can cook them yourself at home. To do this, you will need some honey and boiling water. To enhance the effect of the drops, you can add aloe juice to them. For cooking, you need about 10 ml of honey. It must be melted in 25 ml of boiling water. Then they are thoroughly mixed and left to cool. Drops apply warm. They need to be instilled in both eyes once a day. They will help reduce inflammation and normalize hydration. Drops have practically no contraindications. It is not recommended to use them only for those people who suffer from hypersensitivity to honey.
Also, eyes can be instilled with glycerin. It needs to be slightly warmed up before use. To achieve a positive effect, glycerin is instilled into the eyes every day for two weeks.
Gymnastics with syndrome
For effective treatment of dry eye, the use of drops can be combined with gymnastics. It improves blood circulation and normalizes the production of tear fluid, which helps speed up healing. It is recommended for patients who spend a lot of time at the computer. Every 2 hours you need to get up from behind the monitor and do some exercises.

Close your eyes and in this position move them clockwise and against it. Then turn your pupils up and down, and then look to the right and left. Without opening your eyes, press your fingers or palms against them to warm them and increase blood circulation. Without pressing on the eyelids, gently massage them. After that, you should go to the window and look at the object furthest from you, and then quickly look at your own finger. Repeat this exercise several times. It helps not only with dry eye syndrome, but also with myopia.
If you feel tired eyes while working at the computer, try blinking frequently for 30 seconds. This will help relieve tension.
Consequences of wrong therapy
It has already been stated above that the treatment of dry eyes should be carried out under the supervision of an ophthalmologist. Otherwise, you can aggravate the course of the disease, which will lead to the appearance of complications. In the absence of therapy or improper treatment, dry eye syndrome can develop into more severe pathologies, including blepharitis, conjunctivitis and keratitis, including ulcers. All of them impair vision and require more complex treatment.
Prevention of the development of the syndrome
If you are at risk and are afraid that the syndrome may appear in you, then you can do dry eye prevention. To prevent the syndrome with constant wearing of contact lenses, you can use moisturizing drops of low viscosity. If you constantly work at a computer, then purchase special glasses, and also performgymnastics. Remember to blink frequently to avoid eye strain. People suffering from dry air can be advised to buy a humidifier. In summer and spring, when the weather is sunny, goggles should be worn. They are also recommended to be worn during strong winds. If you often go to the pool, then you will need to buy swimming goggles. They will protect your eyes from harmful chemicals, bacteria and germs.