With ARVI, coughing with or without sputum is a fairly typical variant of the course of the disease. You are more likely to notice such symptoms during the cold season, when the activity of infections increases, while the ability of the body to resist them worsens. The colder it is outside, the less often a person walks, more often he is forced to stay at home, use public transport. Indoors, microscopic pathological organisms spread quickly in society.

General information
Cough with SARS in adults, children is observed if there has been an introduction of a pathological agent. Viruses are infected with sputum, saliva, sprayed into the air while speaking, coughing, sneezing. These particles settle on surfaces. Having penetrated into the nasopharynx, they are activated, which leads to the characteristic manifestations of the disease.
ARVI manifests itselfrunny nose and cough. These two main symptoms are familiar to any person. Usually appear on the first day of illness. Such a reaction indicates the activity of the organism in relation to the pathological agent that has penetrated the mucous membranes of the respiratory system. The virus enters the cells, where it begins to actively multiply, gradually moving towards the bronchi, trachea, where the receptors responsible for cough are located. If the infection constantly irritates these receptors, the person suffers from a severe cough.
What happens?
When SARS cough in children and adults is usually divided into wet, dry. The first is known to be productive. With it, sputum is released, the respiratory system removes pathological substances. In general, such a cough is considered a sign of recovery. Dry is more exhausting. An unpleasant symptom is noted both during wakefulness and at night. To speed up recovery, you need to take measures to transform the cough from dry to productive. This can be done by making the sputum a little thinner.
Sometimes a cough turns into a barking. Such a symptom is a reason to suspect something was wrong, since with a high degree of probability it indicates a complication. We can assume laryngitis, tracheitis. An exhausting unproductive cough in this case is observed against the background of a hoarse voice. This condition requires immediate medical attention. Self-medication is prohibited. Incorrect selection of a treatment course will cause the disease to become chronic.

Simple and affordable
If you ask the doctor howto treat a cough with ARVI, the doctor will probably first advise simple options for folk remedies - they are completely safe and accessible to everyone. If these do not give an effect or the condition becomes more severe, they switch to drug treatment. The method of treatment is chosen based on the symptom. In the case of a dry cough, it is necessary to soften the mucous membranes, dilute the secret produced in the respiratory system. High efficiency of simple natural milk is noted. A glass of drink is heated to a comfortable temperature, sweetened with a spoonful of honey. For greater effectiveness, you can add a small spoonful of soda used for cooking into the product. You can mix milk and freshly made carrot juice. The finished product is used three times daily.
Radish against diseases
Choosing how to treat a dry cough with SARS, you should take a closer look at the radish. The root vegetable is especially well combined with honey. Both products naturally have bactericidal qualities, stimulate the excretion of pathological sputum.
The process of making homemade medicine is very simple. First, the upper part is removed from the root crop, then a third of the pulp is removed, the resulting recess is filled with honey and the root crop is covered with a lid. It is necessary to insist the product for at least half a day - this time is usually enough for all the juice to stand out. Ready syrup is used inside. A single dose is a large spoon. Frequency - up to six times daily.

Safe and secure
To ease the cough with SARS, you should drink more water. HowAccording to the doctors, with enough rest, a person who drinks a lot of plain water will surely recover quickly. The sputum that accumulates in the bronchi becomes a little more liquid if the sick person drinks actively and drinks a lot. The liquid product secreted by the glandular respiratory system is easier to remove, the cough for the patient will not be so painful, it will pass earlier. The less a person drinks, the less fluid in the body, and this affects the performance of all internal systems and organs. Respiratory will not be an exception: sputum will thicken, and it is very difficult to remove such a substance.
With a lack of fluid in the body, the patient is worried about a painful cough. Sputum from the means of removing microbes and viruses turns into a nutrient substrate for their reproduction. The risk of complications becomes more significant. There will be more danger of bacterial infection.
Drink a lot?
To cope with a cough with SARS, it is usually enough to drink plenty of warm water. Only this measure is enough to exclude any complications. Cough suppressants are not required. No need to use expectorants or mucolytics. Even medicinal herbs are not needed. To understand what volumes are considered to be heavy drinking, you need to remember your norm of cups of water, tea and other drinks. During illness, you need to drink an average of four cups of liquid more per day. It is best to take this volume for tea sweetened with honey. For greater benefit of the drink, a few slices of lemon are introduced into it. True, you first need to make sure that there is no allergy.

Natural antibiotic
To cough with SARS faster, you need to help yourself with he althy products, and honey is considered the most effective. This is a natural antibiotic that does not harm the body (if there is no allergy), it is useful for any illness. Plus, honey is just delicious. One spoonful of the product is slowly absorbed shortly before bedtime. Such a tool has been tested for centuries. It has been proven that honey quickly and effectively soothes a cough, which means that the patient will be able to sleep normally. True, a very small child is not recommended to give such sweetness. For patients under one year of age, a natural antibiotic is prohibited.

Environment and breathing
No less benefit to the sufferer will be the observance of proper breathing. You need to control the quality of the atmosphere. It is important that the air is moist, warm, clean. If the environment is too dry, there is a lot of dust in the room, it is stuffy, it will only hurt the person. To improve air quality, you need to regularly do wet cleaning, wash floors, and avoid cluttering up open spaces. It is recommended to air the house three times daily. From the room in which the patient lives, you need to remove all sources of dust - carpets, toys. The patient should regularly take a warm shower (bath). Humid air, which a person breathes during the procedure, has a beneficial effect on the body. A humidifier will also help. This can be done with your own hands. The device allows you to maintain the level of humidity of the environment of about 40-60%, and this is the mostcomfortable and useful for a person.
Candy or medicine?
To quickly eliminate a cough with SARS, you should take a closer look at a variety of pharmacy sweets designed specifically to combat the cough reflex. However, simple store-bought candies are also useful, especially those containing mint, eucalyptus, and menthol. When coughing, the throat is irritated, which, in turn, provokes a new wave of coughing. More often it occurs dry, no sputum is excreted. If a person sucks on a candy, at the same time he swallows small amounts of saliva, moisturizing the mucous membranes. This relieves the cough and makes it less severe.
Rhinitis and cough: everything is interconnected
The mucus produced by a runny nose can irritate the throat, causing a cough. If the nose is stuffed up, it is impossible to breathe, it is impossible to blow your nose, you can try drops that narrow the blood vessels. These are made using xylo-, oxymetazolino, phenylephrine.
Sometimes s alted water is useful - saline. To prepare it, a small spoonful of s alt is diluted in a liter of clean warm water. The liquid is instilled into the nose. The medicine is considered the most affordable and simple. It allows you to quickly get rid of a runny nose, after which a cough usually disappears soon.
Medicines: what are they?
If the treatment of cough with SARS by simple methods does not work, you can try medicinal products. The responsible doctor should choose the appropriate course. If you do not contact a specialist in time, serious complications are possible.
Often, doctors prescribe Derinat. It's antivirala drug that effectively eliminates the pathogen, modulates immunity at the humoral level and in cells. The product has reparative qualities. Its reception allows you to normalize the condition of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. This reduces the risk of penetration of the infectious agent deeper, therefore, the risk of complications is reduced.
Treat or not?
If you ask a doctor how long a cough lasts with SARS, the doctor will say that on average - no more than three weeks. This duration is considered normal, reflecting the body's response to a viral invasion. Do not suppress the symptom with pills, because at first it can be harmful. As soon as the body copes with the introduced virus, the cough will pass by itself. However, sometimes it happens that the cold is almost completely gone, there is no fever or runny nose, and the cough is still bothering. If a cough does not go away for a long time after SARS, you need to see a doctor.

Doctor: what would he recommend?
The doctor at the appointment can prescribe ACC effervescent tablets. This remedy stimulates the activity of the respiratory system, due to which the secret moves more actively along the paths. In some cases, antitussive drugs are shown that depress the brain center responsible for the reflex. In the composition of medicines there are dextromethorphan, codeine, butamirate. Such pharmaceutical products are indicated for dry cough.
Mucolitics may be prescribed to loosen phlegm. The use of such products improves the process of excretion of the secretion of the glands of the respiratory system. As you can see in the instructions forthe use of Muk altin tablets, medicinal herbs that have become the basis of such a product have similar qualities. In addition to plant components, mucolytics are bromhexine, acetylcysteine. Sometimes it is considered most reasonable for a doctor to prescribe preparations containing ambroxol. Such medicines are indicated if the cough is wet, but it is not possible to cough up the sputum secreted inside.
More popular details: "Muk altin"
This remedy is made using marshmallow rhizomes. As you can learn from the instructions for the use of tablets "Muk altin", a medicine of plant origin. The rhizomes of the plant are enriched with special mucus - it accounts for about a third of the product. The preparation contains starch and pectins, betaine, asparagine. This multi-component product has emollient qualities, envelops the mucous membranes, stops the activity of inflammatory foci and stimulates expectoration. Plant mucus creates a thin surface layer on human tissues, remains here for a long time, protecting areas from irritation.
The use of the product allows you to reduce inflammation and make more active, easier tissue repair in a natural way. In addition, the agent affects the gastric mucosa, where the protective effect is observed for quite a long time. It is the greater, the more acidic it is. If you need a strong expectorant effect, it is recommended to combine "Muk altin" and sodium bicarbonate.

About popular in more detail: "ACC"
This tool belongs to the classmucolytics. Effervescent tablets "ACC" belong to the category of cysteine derivatives. Due to them, the volume of sputum becomes larger, a direct effect on the rheological qualities of the substance facilitates the excretion of secretions from the body. Sulhydryl groups of acetylcysteine break disulfide mucopolysaccharide bonds, due to which mucoproteins lose their polarization, the viscosity of the substance generated by the glands of the respiratory system becomes less. ACC tablets are effective even in case of purulent sputum.
Under the fading of the active ingredients of the drug, the generation of sialomucins becomes more pronounced. The processes take place in goblet cells. Bacterial adhesion on epithelial cells is weakened. The drug increases the activity of mucosal cells, the derivative of which lyses fibrin. A similar effect is observed with respect to the secret generated by cells in foci of inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. There is an antioxidant effect associated with the activity of sulfhydryl groups: these elements are able to react with radicals, thereby neutralizing them.
Should I treat myself?
Despite the popularity of a number of products and their reliability, you should not choose the right treatment for yourself on your own. Doctors note: many of our compatriots have an insufficiently serious attitude towards coughing. Some believe that when dry, you need to drink antitussive medicine, when wet, take a mucolytic and not think about anything else. In fact, as special studies have shown, high-quality air and abundantly consumed liquid are effective no less than drugs, butdo not pose a risk of overuse or side effects, so drugs should only be used when safer methods fail. Beforehand, be sure to consult a doctor.