The area of the face that we want to tell you about is quite interesting to get acquainted with. Many touching legends are associated with labial grooves. Physiognomy refers to them character traits, there are "golden" standards for their length in the world, and beauties dream of changing their shapes in order to achieve ideal facial proportions. Let's look at the groove from all these sides.
What is this?
Nasal, labial grooves - vertical depressions on the skin between the nasal septum and the upper half of the lip. Philtrum (Latin name) is found not only in us, but also in many mammals.
As for humans and most primates (except wet-nosed ones), the philtrums here will be rudiments - residual organs that no longer play an important role in life, but were of great importance in previous development.

The role of the philtrum in humans and mammals
Why is it important? In a person at 2-3 months of fetal development, it is in the zone of the philtrum that the parts of the face converge.
For strep-nosed mammals, its value is preserved even whenlife. This groove in them acts as a filtrum - a narrow gap through which moisture from the mouth enters the surface of the nose due to capillarity. A moist nasal surface is very important for an animal - it helps to better determine the nature of odors, the location of their source.

Associated pathologies
As we noted, in a human being in the embryonic stage of development in the womb, Philtrum is the focus of the formation of facial features.
Are there people without a philtrum? Yes, these are children born with the so-called "cleft lip". The syndrome is a consequence of the fact that in the mother's womb, parts of the face of the embryo connected incorrectly, abnormally.
A flattened (or flattened) philtrum is a sign of two congenital developmental pathologies:
- Prader-Willi Syndrome. An inherited disorder caused by the absence of a copy of one of the paternal chromosomes. The child has short stature, strabismus, a tendency to obesity, small feet and hands, scoliosis, fatigue, low bone density, etc.
- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Deviations in the mental and physical development of the child associated with the use of alcohol by the mother during pregnancy.
Why do we have a philtrum under our nose?
We know the anatomical rationale. But the legend gives a rather touching interpretation.
Before the baby's soul travels to our world to appear as a human, an angel puts a finger to the baby's lips. And he immediately forgets whohe. Therefore, we do not remember where we came into this world from. And between the nose and lip we have a hollow from the touch of an angel.

If modern anatomy and medicine do not particularly emphasize the importance of Philtrum, then the attention of Chinese physiognomists to him, on the contrary, is great. They believe that it contains valuable information about the owner's he alth, life expectancy, family problems and joys, and social status. In the analysis of the philtrum, great attention is paid to its length, symmetry, borders and depth.
Let's get acquainted with some interesting information:
- A long and deep groove, also covered with hairy vegetation - the most favorable symbol for a man. This means that its owner is smart, has excellent he alth, and quickly moves up the career ladder. He is waiting for a successful marriage, a large and friendly family. It is believed that the groove protects from misfortune, makes life easier and calmer.
- A long and deep Philtrum with a mustache in women, on the contrary, is a bad symbol. It is considered a sign of failure in life. Chinese physiognomists, in principle, consider the vegetation above the upper lip of a woman to be a negative factor.
- A flat short philtrum without a mustache in a man, according to this discipline, is an indicator that a person is not very smart, career advancement is difficult for him. It is believed that he will have an unsuccessful or childless marriage. In addition, in physiognomy, this is an indicator of poor he alth.
- Great attention to skin toneat the bottom of the groove. If it is dark, then the person is not insured by an accident, a sudden serious illness.
- The borders of the groove parallel to each other are a sign of organizational talent. It is believed that the owner quickly reaches serious posts, promotions.
- If the groove is wide at the top, but narrow at the bottom (inverted triangle), then the structure speaks of a sparkling, successful start to life, but a lonely and sad old age.
- Philtrum resembles a triangle - narrow at the top and widening at the bottom. It indicates that the owner will gradually accumulate knowledge and skills all his life. His old age is calm and secure.
- But the beveled edges of the groove indicate that the owner unwittingly becomes the cause of problems and misfortunes of their loved ones.

Perfect proportions
Cosmetologists today revealed the ideal proportions of Philtrum:
- Length for women: 20 +/- 2mm.
- Men's length: 22 +/- 2mm.
- A groove over 25mm is already considered long, disproportionate.
- "Golden" angle between the groove and the nose for women: 95-100 degrees.
- "Golden" angle between the groove and the nose for men: 90-95 degrees.

Why do the groove surgery?
Of course, in the case of a cleft lip, correction of the zone is vital for the child. But most adults go for philtrumplasty morefor aesthetic purposes. It is believed that exceeding the standards of Philtrum makes the whole face long, elongated, gives it a dull expression. And this effect can persist even if a person has an average nose, forehead, general proportions.
Another advantage of the philtrum reduction surgery is that it allows you to change the shape and size of the facial features around it:
- Correction of the so-called nasolabial angle. In other words, the operation allows you to lift the tip of the nose.
- Correction of the shape of the upper lip. This feature attracts girls and women who dream of plump lips. What does the operation give? If a person has a thin and flat upper lip, then such plastic surgery, due to the rise of the groove, gives it the desired additional volume.
- Narrowing of the nasal wings. Another effect that correction helps to achieve. Because of the hidden incisions of the sinuses, it is possible to narrow the wings of the nose, to make the shape of the lower part of the olfactory organ more beautiful.
Today, this correction is quite simple - it is performed in modern clinics in an hour, does not require hospitalization. Anesthesia - local and general. Care after the operation on the philtrum is not long and not difficult. The patient fully recovered on the 7th day. Then the stitches are removed.

The philtrum is essentially a useless vestige for humans. But legends are connected with it, a large section of physiognomy. Many people go for its correction in order to achieve ideal, symmetrical facial features. Feature of the operation - it allows, together with the length of the grooveadjust the width of the nose, the volume of the upper lip.