Broken Ear: Action Tactics

Broken Ear: Action Tactics
Broken Ear: Action Tactics

Video: Broken Ear: Action Tactics

Video: Broken Ear: Action Tactics
Video: Middle Ear Infection (Acute Otitis Media) | Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment 2024, July

As a result of trauma to the outer ear, its congenital shape may change. If you feel severe pain as a result of a blow or bruise, you have bleeding and painful sensations in your head, it is quite possible that you now know what a broken ear is. Professional wrestlers often face this type of injury, some manage to break their ears even in the first months of playing this sport.

broken ear
broken ear

So, as a result of a blow in the outer ear, cartilage can break, and the bone wall of the ear canal can be damaged. In both cases, there will be a deformation of the shell, and you will need the help of a doctor. In addition, such a fracture may be accompanied by a hematoma of the middle ear, as a result of which its outer part will acquire a purple tint. Often these are the injuries observed in wrestlers.

First of all, a broken ear is the cause of acute pain. If, as a result of an injury, the bone part of the ear canal was damaged, then the patient's hearing acuity may decrease. But this can happen if the patient did not go to the hospital after the injury. When the bone is damaged, the passage often narrows, and if the surgeondoes not expand it in a timely manner, this may cause partial hearing loss.

broken ear photo
broken ear photo

In many cases, a broken ear does not pose any danger, but it is better to contact an otolaryngologist or traumatologist so as not to miss more serious problems and get advice from a specialist who will tell you what treatment and procedures are indicated for you. For example, various ear injuries can lead to the development of inflammatory processes in the perichondrium.

Broken ear what to do
Broken ear what to do

Given that athletes, most often wrestlers, are most at risk, they all need to know how to act if someone from the team breaks his ear. What should be done in this case? So, the first aid will be the imposition of a cold compress: an ice container, frozen foods will do. But in the future, warming lotions will be required. If a patient has not only a broken ear from injuries, but also the integrity of the skin is damaged, then these places are treated with iodine.

If all this is accompanied by bleeding in the victim, first of all it is necessary to stop it, apply a sterile bandage and inject anti-tetanus serum. If there are no relevant specialists among the environment, then you should not look for what a broken ear looks like by looking at photos on the World Wide Web, you should immediately call an ambulance.

In addition, such fractures can only occur as a result of sufficiently serious injuries. Therefore, the possibility of a concomitant concussion or even a fracture of the base of the skull cannot be ruled out. Violation of the integrity of the bones of the ear canal often occurs when falling forward, on the chin. In this case, the lower jaw presses so hard on the anterior wall of the ear canal that it can break. If the patient fell slightly on his side, then the ear injury may be one-sided, and if the blow fell on the middle of the chin, then both sides must be checked. After providing first aid, such people should be sent for inpatient treatment at a hospital.
