Hearing problems can appear unexpectedly and become either temporary or permanent. Hearing medicine "Acoustic" is called to eliminate such ailments. It is efficient and safe. For many people, it helps to eliminate tinnitus, deafness, hearing loss and other diseases of otorhinolaryngology.
Composition of the drug
Multi-component composition of the drug is designed specifically to solve problems associated with hearing loss. Hearing medicine "Acoustic" contains ingredients such as betaine, vitamin E, resveratrol, quercetin, coenzyme Q10, ginkgo biloba extract, manganese gluconate, vitamins B6, B1, B9 (folic acid), B12. It also contains selenium and vitamin H. Magnesium oxide was used as additional components.
"Acoustic" is available in the form of capsules. The blue package contains a blister of 24 or 30 capsules. Instructions for use are attached. The drug is a dietary supplement.
Properties of the drug to improve hearing
Hearing medicine "Acoustic" effectively affectson the human hearing aid. This result gives a well-balanced composition of the drug, which:
- stimulates blood circulation;
- activates metabolic processes in the brain and in the auricle;
- replenishes deficiency of vitamins, micro- and macronutrients vital for preventing hearing loss;
- prevents the appearance and development of infectious diseases inside the auricle;
- increases the elasticity of the skin;
- strengthens blood vessels.
Thanks to these qualities, the dietary supplement helps to improve the quality of the hearing aid. Relieves many hearing problems.
Pharmacological effects on the body of components

Hearing medicine "Acoustic" gives a good effect in the fight against hearing loss. This disease is caused by a number of reasons:
- past and untreated infectious diseases;
- ototoxic antibiotics;
- cardiovascular disease;
- lack of oxygen supply;
- strong noise (music, production, construction, etc.);
- old age.
If there is a hearing loss or any other hearing problems, then it is necessary to respond quickly, since the ear, throat, nose are closely related, and one disease can provoke a number of diseases in other organs.
The natural substances that make up the preparation have the best effect on the auditory system. They provide the necessary nutrition, vitamins and trace elements for the hearing aid. They have a positive effect on cerebral circulation. Characterized by the following properties:
- Resveratrol. It is the strongest antioxidant with a pronounced polyvalent effect on the body. Effective for headaches, dizziness, tinnitus and hearing loss.
- Ginkgo biloba and quercetin. Activate the work of the capillary circulatory system. Stimulate metabolic processes occurring in the brain and hearing aid. The action of these components reduces the permeability and fragility of capillaries. Restores hearing aid function.
- Coenzyme Q10. It has a positive effect on the body's immune system. Saturates the cells with oxygen. Improves energy metabolism in tissues. Protects against the negative impact of external factors.
- Betaine. Suppresses the toxicity of homocysteine, which destroys blood vessels. With age, the content of this amino acid in the body increases, which provokes the emergence and development of diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, and sensorineural hearing loss.
- Manganese and selenium. They prevent functional failures in the operation of the auditory analyzer, since the lack of these elements entails significant hearing loss.
- B vitamins, these are B1, B6 and B12, as well as vitamin H. Help to improve the functioning of the hearing aid. Prevent hearing loss. Contribute to the conduction of an impulse along the neuro-auditory fibers. They have a restorative effect, stimulate blood circulation in organs and tissues. Enhance cell immunity.
All these quality characteristics improve the functioning of the auricle and contribute to its stable operation. Eliminate existing problems. Prevent future occurrences.
Indications for the use of dietary supplements
Diseases of the hearing aid affect three organs at once: ear, throat, nose. So that the disease does not acquire such a large scale, the Acoustic drug is prescribed. It normalizes and restores the functioning of the hearing organs. Reduces the likelihood of hearing loss. It is an excellent prophylactic against deafness. Removes hearing loss, noise in the ears and head. Treatment of hearing with "Acoustic" should be discontinued if there is an individual intolerance, or if there is a particular sensitivity to one of the ingredients of the drug. Its use during pregnancy and lactation is prohibited. In these cases, you should consult your doctor. Dietary supplements are recommended for adults and children of the age group from fourteen years old, one capsule once a day. The medicine is taken with food, drinking plenty of water. Hearing correction occurs throughout the course, which lasts 1-1.5 months. A hearing test should be performed before using the drug, which will allow an accurate diagnosis. The main symptomatology of ear diseases is manifested in hearing loss, its acuity. There is noise in the auricles, dizziness, local pain, otorrhea. A hearing test in this case implies a detailed history associated with an examination of not only the ears, but also the nose, pharynx, salivary gland, articulation of the temporomandibular region. It has been proven that pain from these areas is transmitted to the auricles. In case of traumatic ear injury, suspected skull fracture, tympanic membrane curvature, decreased hearing, dizziness, an x-ray or computed tomography of the temporal region should be performed. The same examination should be carried out by persons with facial paralysis and with pain in the ears, that is, with otalgia. The appointment of a diagnostic examination depends on the symptoms of the manifestation of the disease that occurs in the auricle or in the area close to it. In this case, the ENT doctor conducts a qualitative and quantitative assessment of auditory and vestibular activity. Appropriate treatment is then prescribed. To date, no absolute analogues of Acoustic have been identified. Despite this, some drugs to improve hearing work in a similar way - they restore the functioning of the hearing aid, stimulate microcirculation in the bloodvessels and increase the metabolism of the inner ear. These drugs include: Caventon, Trental, Piracesin, Vasonite, Nilogrin, Phezam. Doctors remind that any therapy should be complex, otorhinolaryngological is no exception. In order for the hearing aid to work perfectly, it is necessary not only to take the medicine, but also to do special exercises, resort to herbal medicine and physiotherapy. Acoustic should be stored in a cool, dry place. The product must be protected from direct sunlight and kept out of the reach of children. The optimum storage temperature is not higher than +25 °С. The dietary supplement has a two-year shelf life from the date of manufacture on the package. Before using the drug, you should consult a specialist. The drug is completely natural. Produces the Russian company LLC "Vis" means for restoring hearing "Acoustic". The price of dietary supplements varies depending on the pharmacy chain from 400 to 550 rubles. Also, the medicine is sold in many online pharmacies. Answers to all questions about this tool can be obtained on the official website of the manufacturer or by calling the round-the-clock multi-channel phone: 8 (800) 333-10-33. The customer support service works daily, from Monday to Friday, from 8.00 to 19.00 Moscow time. Days off: Saturday and Sunday. The drug "Acoustic" has proven itself only on the positive side. People note an improvement in auditory susceptibility, the decrease of which was caused by a number of reasons. First of all, these are strong noises and past illnesses. For example, angina. In addition, the drug coped well with noise in the ears and head. Such discomfort disappeared almost immediately after the first application. In some individuals, water got into the ear, and after that hearing deteriorated, but here the supplement helped. Restored hearing, improved its sharpness. People aged noted that after taking "Acoustic" hearing susceptibility ceased to decline, but on the contrary, hearing began to gradually recover. Many opponents are going to take a few more courses to improve and consolidate the result, but only after a short break. Unfortunately, this drug does not relieve diseases of high severity, that is, where serious specialist intervention is needed and antibiotics cannot be dispensed with, it will not help. At the initial stage of the disease, the medicine is able to defeat all ailments associated with hearing. The positive aspects of patients include the price, a large package, which is enough for the entire course of admission. Some do not like that the drug must be taken for a long time and regularly in order for the effect to come. A certain part noted the positive effect of the drug already in the first week of use. Negatively minded opponents do not understand how dietary supplements can be used during an illness, because this category of drugs does not pass proper medical control. But there are few people likeas a rule, if the drug helps and is prescribed by a doctor, the person does not think about whether it is a dietary supplement or a medical drug. Experts advise adherence to proper nutrition during treatment. Eat less s alty and sweet. And completely eliminate the use of alcoholic products. "Acoustic" is a reliable tool for improving hearing. To treat such problems, it should be used, as it is natural, safe and effective. Can completely transform the life of a deaf person.
Contraindications to the use of the drug
Method of application and recommended doses of Acoustic (tablets)
Special instructions for the use of the medicine
Analogues of the drug "Acoustic"
Storage conditions
Acoustic: price
Patient testimonials