Currently, one of the most common diseases can be considered the manifestation of an allergic reaction. All over the world, this disease brings significant discomfort to many people, regardless of age. Asthma, seasonal rhinitis, skin rashes - all these symptoms are familiar to every second inhabitant of our monastery under the name Earth. You can get rid of this disease not only by traditional methods of treatment, homeopathy for allergies also shows high efficiency. At the same time, the principle of its operation is fundamentally different. What is she?
Allergy is not a disease
Many people believe that allergy in itself is already a diagnosis or even a sentence, but in reality it should not be considered an independent disease. According to experts, the term "allergy" should be understood as a tendency to the occurrence in the human body of thoseor other reactions from the immune system. In other words, the appearance of an allergic cough, runny nose, rash should be considered as an immune response to external stimuli - allergens.

At present, thanks to the development of pharmaceuticals, there is a whole variety of tablets, drops, sprays and ointments to get rid of an allergic disease. However, given the true nature of allergies, it becomes clear that, unlike traditional homeopathic medicines, allergy remedies only mask the symptoms of the disease.
Ointments based on hormonal elements only contribute to a temporary improvement in the condition of the skin. Preparations in the form of tablets are designed to suppress the body's reaction to the allergen from the inside and at the same time eliminate the root cause, which is a feature of the immune system. It will not be possible to achieve this by such methods.
What then is the medicine to use to cure a boring allergy? And it is precisely to eliminate the disease, and not to mask its characteristic signs. Here we come to the analysis of the main question - what is homeopathy. Meanwhile, this is a real opportunity to get rid of allergies forever!
What is homeopathy?
What is homeopathy for allergies in children and adults? Such a special system of treatment was created by the German physician Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann at the end of the 18th century. He also formulated the principles of homeopathy, which have survived to our time. The whole point of this technique is thattreated like this. In other words, the substance that contributed to the appearance of allergy symptoms, in a small dose, should eliminate them.

At the same time, the theoretical justification of the homeopathic method of healing does not correspond to the ideas of science about how a he althy and diseased organism functions. And the conducted clinical trials did not reveal a significant difference between homeopathic remedies and the placebo effect (in short, faith healing). Yet many homeopaths continue to believe.
Benefits of homeopathy
There are certain benefits to getting rid of allergies by taking homeopathic remedies:
- Such drugs are completely harmless and safe.
- The treatment course is prescribed strictly on an individual basis.
- There is no addiction to these remedies.
- There is no need to increase the dosage of medications.
- You can take homeopathic medicines for both pregnant women and children, even the smallest.
- Complications, if they occur, are short-term and do not require the intervention of medical specialists.
But the most valuable thing is that the medicine not only eliminates the symptoms of an allergic manifestation. It also causes the human immune system to produce specific antigens to allergens. As a result, the disease goes away and does not return for a long period of time.
In the case of a severe form of hay fever, traditional medicine will no longer be able tohelp, while treating allergies with homeopathy is more effective. And even for elderly patients. The same drugs can have a positive effect in other pathologies (ARVI).
The drugs used do not tend to accumulate in the body and thus exacerbate the allergic reaction. This is mainly due to the low dosage of the drug. For acute allergy symptoms, improvement may occur 20 minutes after taking the drug.

Homeopathic remedies can be used in combination with conventional medicine. They are sold in many pharmacies and are inexpensive. But, despite the obvious benefits, before using this or that drug, you should consult a doctor.
Flaws are also present
Homeopathy for allergies has several downsides that anyone concerned about this ailment should be aware of:
- Side effects may occur, including increased allergic reactions.
- The result can be seen only after a long period of therapy.
- The technique is not effective in the case of an acute form of allergy that puts the patient's life at risk.
- Due to the misuse of homeopathic remedies, the disease passes into a chronic stage, as a result of which precious time is lost, which could be used to combat the sensitization of the body.
- Difficult to find a qualified specialist - often the reception is conducted by "professionals",who lack medical education.
As you can see, homeopathy against allergic manifestations has not only invaluable advantages, but also some disadvantages. This should not be forgotten before starting a course of alternative medicine.
A number of contraindications
As with any other medicine, homeopathy for allergies to flowering (or any other irritant) also has some contraindications:
- Presence of malignant neoplasms.
- Tuberculosis pathology.
- The presence of any disease that requires surgery.
- Acute infectious diseases can aggravate the situation.
- Do not take homeopathic medicines during emergency treatment either.
Most people are of the opinion that homeopathic remedies have no contraindications or side effects. Of course, there are fewer of them than traditional medicines, but each of us has an organism in its own way.

The uncontrolled manifestation of the patient's initiative in the absence of the approval of a specialist leads to serious he alth problems. Only an allergist will be able to determine the existing restrictions regarding the use of dragees, capsules or tablets.
Features of homeopathic treatment of allergies
Each person has a common ailment manifested in its own way due to the individual characteristics of the body. For this reason, homeopathy for allergiesfor each patient is carried out accordingly. At the same time, the principles of treatment are based on three main factors:
- Like cures like.
- Minimum dose of medicine used. An irritant in a very small amount, instead of harm, as before, now performs a useful function. That is, a poison that has been diluted several dozen times can be considered a medicine.
- Treatment is strictly individual. As it is now known, each of us has a purely individual body, and in order for the treatment to give the desired result, it is necessary to study them.
The treatment of allergies by homeopathy is a kind of breakthrough in the field of modern medicine. The preparations used contain only natural ingredients, therefore, they are not able to have a negative effect on the body, as is the case with chemistry. For the same reason, homeopathy for allergies is indicated for all patients, regardless of age.
Homeopathic remedy group
All homeopathic-type allergy medications can be conditionally divided into several groups:
- 1 group - these drugs can stop skin manifestations like neurodermatitis, urticaria, eczema.
- 2 group - these remedies are indicated to eliminate the characteristic signs of allergies, such as sneezing, runny nose, coughing, lacrimation, conjunctivitis.
- 3 group - these medicines successfully fight ENT diseases that are provoked by an allergic reaction (for example, allergicrhinitis).
Already after the first intake of these drugs, the symptoms of acute allergies disappear, and the patient's condition improves. But full recovery takes a certain amount of time. It usually takes at least 6 months on average.
Homeopathy treatment of allergies in children
In most cases in children, an allergic reaction manifests itself in the form of eczema and atopic dermatitis. In this case, a rash, blisters, itching appears on the skin. At the same time, the child remains in an irritated and nervous state for quite a long time. Treatment should not be delayed!

The choice of one or another type of medicine depends on the manifestation of an allergic reaction in a small patient. In the presence of small blisters on the baby's skin, remedies such as Dulcamara or Staphysagria will help.
But before prescribing any drug, the doctor carefully examines the child's condition, collecting all the necessary information for anamnesis. After that, the following remedies can be prescribed:
- "Belladonna";
- "Sulfur";
- "Rus";
- "Borax";
- "Antimonium krudum".
During the course of homeopathy for allergies in children, drugs can be mixed with each other, which will create a special healing ointment that can save the child from skin manifestations. After 48 hours, unwanted symptoms disappear.
Treatment of allergies in children and adults with homeopathyis an effective and efficient method for getting rid of an annoying disease. Moreover, the drugs used not only eliminate the cause of the allergic manifestation, but also lead to positive changes in the body of patients.
List of effective drugs
Among all homeopathic medicines, there are those that are highly effective in combating allergies. They can be "assigned" to yourself on your own, but only after receiving advice from an allergist or immunologist.

The brightest representatives of homeopathy for allergies to flowering in children and adults should include the following drugs:
- Allium CEPA - the preparation contains red onion and very successfully fights against spring allergies. It can be used for sneezing, burning nose, conjunctivitis, hoarseness and tickling in the throat that turns into a cough.
- Euphrasia - effective against hay fever that affects the eyes and causes tears, burning.
- Sabadilla is also indicated for hay fever associated with allergic rhinitis, itching, sneezing and tingling in the nose. In addition, it is also prescribed for those patients who are tormented by a severe headache with cold sweat on the forehead, redness, burning and pain in the eyes.
- Wyethia - this remedy is useful in cases where the soft palate in the mouth begins to itch a lot and it becomes necessary to cough. Wyethia is highly effective as a seasonal allergy prevention.
- Nux vomica – as confirmedmany reviews about homeopathy for allergies, the drug is designed to eliminate many unpleasant manifestations such as coughing, severe headache, nasal discharge (including nasal congestion), irritability, sneezing.
- Pulsatilla - helps to get rid of one-sided or occipital head pain, nasal discharge (including congestion), shortness of breath.
- Antimonium tart - highly effective for shortness of breath, chest cough.
- Belladonna - usually homeopaths prescribe such a remedy if the patient has conjunctivitis, reddening of the epidermis, nodules and tubercles on the surface of the body, eczema, pronounced hyperemia. In a certain dosage, belladonna extract helps to reduce lacrimation, and also reduces the redness of the eyelids and conjunctiva. Most patients who have cured allergies with homeopathy praise this remedy.
- "Sulfur C6" - the basis of the product contains sulfur, which helps to cleanse the body and enhance the production of antibodies used to combat various allergenic pathogens. The drug is indicated for any skin manifestation.
- Iris versicolor - prescribed for eczema, which is caused by improper functioning of the digestive tract. Can be taken in courses when the allergy is in the chronic stage.
It should be borne in mind that each of the drugs has certain and purely individual indications for use. It is highly not recommended to independently replace one remedy with another of the same group. This is the responsibility of an experienced homeopath only and no one else!
What do wereviews say
There are very few negative reviews regarding treatment using homeopathic remedies. Of course, there are also cases when the therapy did not bring the expected result, but at the same time there was no harm. And those patients who have been properly selected course of treatment, speak of such drugs mostly positively. In addition, the preparations are pleasant in taste, which will impress any child.

According to numerous reviews, the treatment of allergies with homeopathy really benefits. Most of the parents who have tried almost all the means in the fight against allergies in children and were satisfied with the results of the effects of homeopathic preparations have managed to personally verify this.
As for the disadvantages of this method of curing allergies, many agree that it is extremely difficult to find a professional specialist. Various medical forums can help in this matter, including sites where people sort out problems with the manifestation of an allergic reaction. They share the results of treatment with each other and can advise in finding a good homeopath.