How to cure cancer at home with folk remedies?

How to cure cancer at home with folk remedies?
How to cure cancer at home with folk remedies?

Let's talk about how to cure cancer in this article. Despite the fact that cancer is a fatal disease, it is curable. This is evidenced by several real examples, which we list below. It is only important to know that there are no incurable diseases, but only if a person believes, does not give up, looks for ways to solve the problem, sets himself good tasks.

Psychological characteristics of the patient

When a patient is told in a medical institution that he has oncology, N-stage cancer, metastases, malignant neoplasm and the like, then, as a rule, a person starts to panic. In the first minutes, he experiences shock, confusion. When he talks about the illness to his family and friends, the grief multiplies even more. Why?

Because everyone knows that oncology is very dangerous, and after much suffering, death occurs. After all, more than one million people die of cancer every year in the world. However, there are those who have recovered. Fluke? No. It's just that people learned how to cure cancer.

Is cancer curable?

Now let's talk about what the phenomenon of healing is, or at least how strong-willed people have achieved remission (the stage at whichcancer cells stop multiplying).

Firstly, it all depends on the character of a person, his lifestyle, actions. Oncology, in fact, is curable, but treatment requires a long time, willpower, and patience. Later we will see the answer why. But, as a rule, cancer patients are given a disability (most often a non-working group). But that's no reason to be upset. Imagine that you retire early. If you worked, then there was no time to take care of your he alth, your life.

how to cure cancer
how to cure cancer

Thanks to the availability of free time, you can start looking for the answer to the question of how to cure cancer at home. But be sure to consult with an oncologist, regularly do tests, X-rays, MRI and other studies in order to understand what is happening in the body.

Secondly, your task is to remain calm, not nervous. After all, any disease progresses when a person loses heart. Of course, you do not need to convince yourself that cancer is not fatal. Self-hypnosis is not a method of treatment, on the contrary. Therefore, we exclude this method immediately.

Does chemotherapy and radiation make sense?

As you know, in the field of oncology, patients are treated according to the same scheme:

  • chemotherapy;
  • surgery to remove the tumor;
  • irradiation.

New traditional medicine offers nothing. Someone believes that it is chemotherapy that will cure, for someone this procedure seems very harmful and useless, and someone else sees no other way out and obeys everyone.

For example,how to cure stomach cancer? Of course, doctors will suggest chemotherapy, removal of the part of the stomach where the tumor is growing. Ultimately, such manipulations will not lead to a cure. As practice shows, the tumor appears in a different place. This applies not only to the stomach, but also to other organs and parts of the body.

Chemotherapy and radiation kill not only cancer cells, but absolutely he althy ones. Why do people look really bad after these two procedures? Because not only side effects appear, but the process of destruction of important cells (immunity, beneficial microflora, blood) is also underway. The body is completely saturated with poison. Of course, he himself can not cope with malignant cells now.

how to cure stomach cancer
how to cure stomach cancer

Imagine a battlefield: on one front line - the immune cells of the body, on the other - malignant. The fight is on an equal footing. Suddenly an air and chemical alarm is announced: the battlefield is covered with a poisonous substance. At the same time, everyone perishes: their own and others. Naturally, without immunity, without useful microflora, the human body will not last long, so you need to start restoring useful substances immediately, from the first days of an unpleasant procedure. This is necessary, even if it is very bad, there is no appetite. Remember, food should be only natural, without nitrates and other poisons. It is advisable to have your own garden or buy food from the villagers.

If you start immediately to restore the "good" cells in your body, then we can say that chemotherapy has benefited. Otherwise, the poisoned organism willforced to give up, and the disease will progress without the possibility of restoring he alth.

Is it really possible to cure cancer without drugs?

In the previous section, we talked about how chemotherapy works on the body. Now consider an example of how to cure cancer without the help of pharmaceuticals. The fate of each patient is different. Most likely, there are few such people with oncology who refused treatment altogether or stopped visiting doctors after learning the diagnosis.

In no case should you delay going to the doctor if you have any he alth problems, when something has been bothering you for a long time. Indeed, in the early stages (1st and 2nd, without metastases), sometimes even chemotherapy or radiation is enough to get rid of the tumor. It is better to agree to traditional treatment, but at the same time it is desirable to start actively restoring immunity.

So is it possible not to use pharmacy drugs? You can, but be careful. And beware of various folk methods, for example, such as treatment with fly agaric poison or red pepper tincture. Remember that witchcraft methods can even kill. It is better to consult with a phytotherapeutist, whom you can trust. It is he who can prescribe the right herbs in appropriate doses, give a clear treatment regimen.

The magical properties of broccoli and Brussels sprouts

Have you heard about the he alth benefits of broccoli and Brussels sprouts? Unfortunately, many people are disgusted by them, but in vain. These two types contain vitamins that not only fight cancer, but are also suitable for prevention. By the way, thanks to broccoli, tumors in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract can be treated.

But there is a basic rule: you can cook Brussels sprouts and broccoli for only 5 minutes maximum. If you cook longer, then the beneficial substances will break down at the boiling point. Unfortunately, what is sold in stores in the fresh-frozen section is not a source of healing. Cabbage is pre-boiled before freezing. Therefore, it is best to grow broccoli and cauliflower on your own. If you don't have your own garden, no problem. Get a bright phytolamp, special pots (preferably for growing in hydroponics) and grow yourself. How to cure stage 4 cancer with metastases with broccoli? This, of course, is a very long process, which seems incredible to many, but miracles do happen.

how to cure lung cancer
how to cure lung cancer

You need to eat as many nutrients as possible, and not just the listed types of cabbage. Freshly squeezed juices, pure mineral water, but without gases, will help in the fight against the disease. It is important to know that various processed foods, chips, fast food and other unhe althy foods only develop the disease even more. Beware of any products containing E-modified substances that are classified as dangerous, for example: E-211 - E-219, E-131, E-142, E-153, E-230, E-240, E280 - E- 283, E-954. All additives present in the product are written on the packages.

Tulio Simoncini Method

In this short section, let's talk about how to cure cancer with baking soda. One Italian doctoran oncologist has found a way to save cancer patients from death and help them heal. But before revealing his secret and starting to treat it, this doctor did research. As it turned out, cancer cells are Candida fungi. And such mushrooms, as well as infection of any kind, cannot stand alkali.

The name of the Italian doctor to whom this section is dedicated is Tulio Simoncini. Thanks to his discoveries, the world learned that cancer is curable. Only public he alth around the world is against his methods.

So what can kill a cancer cell - Candida fungus? As we said above, the alkaline environment is not compatible with life for all sorts of harmful microorganisms, including Candida. Are you familiar with the term "sodium bicarbonate"? This is just ordinary baking soda, which we add to baked goods to loosen the dough.

how to cure cancer with baking soda
how to cure cancer with baking soda

Tulio Simoncini used a solution of baking soda in chemotherapy. Of course, the patients became ill: dizziness, nausea appeared. But soda, unlike traditional drugs, is not poisonous, of course, if the dosage and methods of dissolution are taken into account.

As practice has shown, even with the 4th stage, a person becomes absolutely he althy. But is it only possible to inject soda with droppers? Let's look at a real example of a Russian man being healed.

Former cancer patient from Barnaul

Vladimir Luzaev is a resident of Barnaul. He was once diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. When the disease reached the last stage, the man was sent home to die. But he did not lose heart, do not diebecame. I started looking for treatment on the Internet. As Jesus Christ says in the Gospel: "He who seeks, he will find", so Vladimir found a way to recover. He read an article about Tulio Simoncini "How to Cure Pancreatic Cancer and Beyond." The man decided to take a chance: he took a pack of soda, warmed the kettle and extinguished half a teaspoon of soda in a glass with boiling water.

You need to drink, as Vladimir says, first a small dose of soda - a third of a teaspoon per glass of water. The solution should cool slightly to drink it on a warm morning on an empty stomach half an hour before a meal, and then in the evening 2 hours after dinner.

A month or two later, the man went for an examination. It turned out that there was no trace of the tumor, even metastases disappeared, and stones dissolved in the kidneys and liver. Miracle? May be. An Italian doctor found a cure, and a Russian patient applied it and was successful. To this day, Vladimir Luzaev lives, returned to work, and the disease no longer worries.

It is worth noting that for women's diseases, such as thrush, it is recommended to douche with a solution of soda several times a day. What does this have to do with our topic? Women ask: how to cure uterine cancer? But cancer is also an infection with Candida fungi. Soda, as we already know, can effectively get rid of the problem.

Joanna Budwig's Diet

Who is Joanna Budwig? Not everyone knows about one woman who lived for 95 years - a biochemist. It was she who was engaged in research in the field of oncology and not in vain: thanks to her, there is another way to cure cancer - cottage cheese and linseed oil. So this method is called - "Diet according to Budwig". Remember, at the very beginning, we said that a cancer patient needs willpower to heal? It is worth recalling that the treatment with soda also requires such a trait.

how to cure pancreatic cancer
how to cure pancreatic cancer

Diet is a restriction in products, and, of course, in their quantity. In addition, Dr. Budwig offers the following treatment: cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 2% and linseed oil. You need to combine these two components together to make a natural medicine.

Unfortunately, in Russian stores they sell cottage cheese with a fat content of more than 2%, and if there is fat-free, there is no guarantee that harmful preservatives have not been added to it. It is better to buy natural cottage cheese from private farmers. Flaxseed oil is sold in pharmacies. Only open containers can be stored for no more than a month.

Holy water

Many are wondering how to cure cancer with metastases with folk remedies. It is worth mentioning right away that folk remedies can do harm. It is better to drink holy water as often as possible, but not just like that, but with prayer and faith that it will heal.

Saint Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) was a surgeon, a priest. He combined these two activities until the end of his life. He left behind a parting word: “Drink holy water more often - the best medicine. I tell you this both as a doctor and as a priest.”

But first of all, a cancer patient needs to clear his conscience, change for the better, get rid of aggression, anger, irritation, envy. Often, oncology appears due to such sins. No wonder they say that malice andhate is poison to the body.

Books heal mentally

Let's talk about how to cure cancer with books. The famous writer Daria Dontsova was ill with cancer of the last stage and defeated the disease. She was helped in this not only by relatives, but also by books. Moreover, she did not read them, but began to write herself.

how to cure cancer with baking soda
how to cure cancer with baking soda

Often any disease is cured by reading good books. The patient is distracted, forgets about his illness. It is advisable to read about it, but only such books, where they write about harmless and proven methods of treatment.

Laughter prolongs life

Do you often laugh at something harmless? Are you truly happy? Let's talk about how to cure lung cancer, for example. First, if you smoke, then immediately stop this business. Secondly, do breathing exercises. You can inhale with a solution of soda through an ultrasonic inhaler.

By the way, when we laugh, at that moment we actively breathe. The lungs are developed, saturated with oxygen, which improves their condition. Frequent laughter can even expel candida from the respiratory tract.

Your own garden is a treasure trove of natural products

Let's continue talking about how to cure lung cancer. If you have your own garden, and beets grow on the beds, then you need to squeeze the juice out of it. But drinking it freshly squeezed is dangerous. It can harm the gastrointestinal tract. It is better to let it stand for about a day, then you can drink it. But make sure you feel good.

And now let's talk about our own products. If you don’t have a dacha or a village, you can grow he althy food at home on windowsills. The main thing is to decide in advance what you will grow. Good if you choose to grow broccoli.

In the summer, try to relax in the forest, in the province. Of course, avoid the sun. Better in cloudy weather, go to the field for strawberries, pick raspberries, viburnum, hawthorn, blueberries. After all, a sick and weakened body needs natural food and vitamins.

Nuts and kernels from apricot kernels

No need to look for recipes on how to cure stage 4 cancer with folk remedies through healers and so on. These methods will only make things worse. But if you really want to use folk remedies, then you can recommend the following: the use of various types of edible nuts and apricot kernels. Only the maximum amount per day of such delicacies should not exceed one handful. It is advisable to eat every day, and not once a week or a month, then it will be useful.

Set a goal in life

How important it is to have a purpose in life. Often, recovery comes when a person gives all his time to his neighbor: nurses grandchildren, cares for the sick in a hospice, raises his or her adopted children, and works for others. Even show business stars talk about how to cure cancer with metastases. Some of them were cured because they believed that the disease was curable, they knew that others needed, so they won.

Faith in healing

Be sure to believe that you can be healed. By the way, cancer is treated even faster and easier than others.serious diseases, and completely incurable or treatable with great difficulty. For example, how to cure cancer with soda in a few months, how to restore coordination of movements in a year? Of course, cancer is easier to cure. Therefore, do not be discouraged, but begin to be treated. If your doctor is a kind and sympathetic person, then consult with him.

Don't go to psychics

Often people wonder how to cure cancer of the liver, stomach, uterus. Is it possible to go to grandmothers and psychics? Unfortunately, near cancer centers you can find ads and even representatives of dubious offices, where they allegedly heal with the power of thought, positive charges, conspiracies. Do not under any circumstances agree.

But time does not stand still. Charlatans understand that this method does not work. Over time, they put on white coats, buy some equipment, buy dubious pills and start working in a “medical institution” without a license and a diploma. Naturally, after such trips, patients feel even worse.

Parting words for relatives of the patient

This section is addressed only to relatives of cancer patients. In no case do not show your fear, grief, worry for a loved one. Your feelings won't help him. On the contrary, start looking for ways to cure cancer yourself. If you hear from someone about healing, be sure to share. Communicate with the sick as if the disease does not exist or is not fatal. Try to give gifts, cheer up, tell funny stories and funny cases.

How to avoid illness

We discussed earlier how to cure cancer with baking soda. By the way, as a preventive measure, it is also perfect. You can use the course, or you can drink constantly - 2 times a day. But in no case after a meal.

A state of mind will help to avoid illness: try not to be angry, not angry, not annoyed. All bad feelings are a sin, a spiritual disease that can develop into a physical one.

how to cure liver cancer
how to cure liver cancer

Do not eat modern factory products, as well as food industry products containing such E-modifications, which we talked about above. Let your diet include more broccoli, cauliflower, herbs, garlic, nuts, fruits, berries, vegetables.

What to do if diagnosed?

For example, a person is diagnosed with stomach cancer. The main thing to do is not to panic, not to sob for hours in the corridor of the clinic. It is better to immediately address the issue and find out how to cure stomach cancer. We have analyzed recommendations for this particular disease above.

It should be noted that everyone has different ways of solving such a problem. It also happens that none of the listed methods helps, but a miracle is performed by the faith of the sick person: either they suggest how to treat, or the patient becomes a Christian, changes his life completely, prays for healing. God works in mysterious ways. And it is possible to defeat the disease.

A few words in conclusion

Any disease is not accidental. Perhaps it is time for a person to stop, escape from the hustle and look at his life from a different angle.on the other hand, remember that it’s not the vanity that is more important, but something completely different.

For example, a family man is constantly at work, rarely at home. And when free time appears, he begins to solve problems: with banks, housing and communal services, neighbors. There is no time for family. But the disease comes, chains to the bed, and only then the person realizes that he lost time in vain. Native people are nearby, but everyone is grieving.

In this article, we discussed how to cure cancer with folk remedies and whether it is worth using this method, as well as considered examples of healing.
