What to do if you are constantly hungry? This is a real problem for many women and men. But few people know that it is the hormone ghrelin that plays an important role in controlling hunger. The more ghrelin in the human body, the stronger the appetite. It becomes difficult to resist the desire to eat, because people are still powerless against nature. But there are a few tricks that will help control the feeling of hunger by influencing the physiological processes of the body. By following a few simple rules, you can take control of your appetite.
Suppress hunger
Many people who have a problem of excess weight are interested in what is the hormone ghrelin? How to reduce and how? As it turned out, the use of certain foods and drinks can trigger an active process of the body's production of the hunger hormone. As a result, a person has a brutal appetite, which is simply unrealistic.ignore. Often people talk about being hungry despite a recent heavy snack. Thus, a person gets not only overweight, but also a constant heaviness in the stomach and even serious he alth problems.

Food to help you feel full quickly
To quickly get enough of a small portion of food, you need to know what foods to eat. Foods that are high in fiber will help stretch the walls of the stomach, resulting in lower levels of the hormone ghrelin. It is necessary to prepare dishes from fruits, vegetables, whole grains or seeds. Such products trigger a hormonal reaction, due to which a person is quickly saturated. It is necessary to avoid products such as pasta, cakes, cookies, and everything else that have white flour in their composition. Such foods will not help stretch the walls of the stomach and lower the level of the hunger hormone.
Omega-3 fatty acids
Consumption of omega-3 fatty acids plays an important role in improving the body's metabolic function. Tuna, trout, pine nuts, cabbage, and flax seeds have a high content of these acids. Eating these foods will help control the hormone ghrelin. In addition, they help strengthen the connection between brain cells and leptin (the satiety hormone).

Balanced digestion
It is important to remember that if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then first of allit is necessary to normalize the balance of bacteria. Eating foods containing probiotics will help restore the digestive tract. The best assistants in this difficult task are a variety of natural yoghurts, onions, bananas, garlic and pickled vegetables. They help the stomach digest food faster, and also control the peptide hormone of hunger, which is responsible for the metabolic and endocrine functions of the human body.
Drinking plenty of water and eliminating fats
To normalize the functioning of the stomach, it is extremely important to drink plenty of water. It not only removes harmful toxins from the body, but also helps to reduce the feeling of hunger. In addition to ordinary water, nutritionists advise drinking green tea. It contains an important antioxidant that can increase the level of cholecystokinin (a hormone that reduces appetite). In addition, fats should not be abused, as the hormone ghrelin “loves” them very much. If a person's diet is dominated by fat, then the result is an increased feeling of hunger and a decrease in the sensitivity of taste buds.

Long satiety foods
To be in good shape all the time, you need to know about such helpers as long-satiation foods. They stay in the stomach much longer than others. These products include meat, but they should not be abused, as it gives a rather strong load on the digestive system. There are many foods that stay in the stomach for a long time due to their special structure. They do not harm digestion in any way and controlpeptide hunger hormone. These dishes include mashed soups, as well as a variety of cocktails from vegetables and fruits. It is important to know that if you take the same products and cook them in two different ways, the result will be completely different. Meals prepared in the usual way will be digested by the body twice as fast as those that have been mashed. The best way is to blend soups and smoothies with a blender.

Restricted fructose
Fructose-rich foods interfere with the production of leptin, which promotes satiety. As a result of eating such food, a person develops a strong feeling of hunger, which is difficult for him to cope with. As a result, the body receives much more calories than required. But it is impossible to completely exclude fructose. You just need to keep track of its amount in consumed vegetables and fruits.
Quality sleep is an important part of a he althy diet
Studies have shown that the hormone ghrelin can increase as a result of sleep deprivation. A person should sleep at least seven hours a day, then the digestive processes will not fail, and the feeling of hunger will decrease significantly. Those people who constantly lack sleep often overeat and also feel heaviness in the stomach.

Sport is the key to he alth
The problem of excess weight, unfortunately, does not cease to be relevant. Many people either go on strict diets or deplete theirbody with intense physical activity. Whereas it is very important to maintain a balance in everything: both in nutrition and in sports. Regular exercise will help keep the hormone ghrelin under control. How to reduce and how to stop the increase in its level in the body? First of all, you need to exercise every day. Exercise should be given at least half an hour. A balanced diet and frequent exercise will help satisfy your appetite and reduce the size of your stomach, which will lead to weight loss without harm to your he alth.
Say no to stress
Scientists have proven that cortisol, which is a stress hormone, causes a person to crave foods rich in carbohydrates and fats. Often people try to relieve nervous tension by consuming a lot of sweet or starchy foods. But as a result, there is only one more problem associated with being overweight. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor not only the physical, but also the moral state. Hiking in nature, calm quiet music, meditation, relaxing massages will help relieve stress. You need to take care of yourself and not let stress take control of your mind.

Ghrelin friend or foe?
The appetite hormone ghrelin causes negative associations in many people. But he is an indispensable mentor in those things that relate to proper nutrition and a he althy lifestyle. You just need to listen to your body. Losing weight and staying in great shape is easy. No need to make exorbitant efforts and strictly limit the use of any products, as well asplay sports for wear. Such actions will not lead to good results, because everything in life should be harmonious. With a balanced diet, as well as regular and light physical activity, an excess of the hormone ghrelin does not threaten a person.