"Lazolvan" - a solution for inhalation and oral use, which refers to mucolytic drugs with a pronounced expectorant effect.
In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, long-term treatment with Lazolvan solution leads to a strong decrease in the frequency of relapses of the disease. With this drug, patients were able to reduce the duration of therapy and the dosage of antibiotics and antibacterial agents.
Annotation to "Lazolvan" for inhalation with a nebulizer describes in detail its pharmacological properties. The positive effect of the application is felt already thirty minutes after the procedure, and lasts from ten to twelve hours.
"Lazolvan" (solution for oral use and inhalation) is available in pharmacies without a special prescription. You can heal yourself. But in the absence of positive dynamics for five or more days, you need to contact the doctor to get a new prescription.

Inhalation solution
The preparation for the procedure contains one active ingredient - Ambroxol. This active ingredient has the following pharmacological effects:
- The active substance increases the intensity of the production of bronchial glands, and the pathological secret is also liquefied.
- Leads to increased synthesis of pulmonary surfactant. This component covers the inner lining of the lung alveoli.
- Improves ciliary activity. Under the influence of ambroxol, the cilia that line the epithelium begin to move faster. This helps eliminate mucus.
Thus, the use of "Lazolvan" for inhalation in a nebulizer accelerates the excretion of rhinobronchial secretions.
According to the annotation, the drug is recommended for diseases of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by the release of a viscous pathological secret.

Instructions for using "Lazolvan" for a nebulizer
For inhalation, special medicines, aromatic oils are used. The procedure is a special treatment based on the inhalation of pharmacological substances.
The most famous drugs are always "Lazolvan". Inhalations with this drug are carried out according to the instructions in combination with sodium chloride in a nebulizer. For a speedy recovery, certain recommendations must be followed.
Adult Dosing
Forto obtain a stable pharmacological effect, it is necessary to conduct a course of procedures. The manufacturer recommends the following proportions for adult patients for inhalation with "Lazolvan" and saline:
- optimally - three to four milliliters;
- you need to do from two to four procedures per day;
- to obtain a positive pharmacological effect, it should be combined with sodium chloride (0.9% concentration) in equal proportions.

Medicine proportions for little patients
According to the instructions "Lazolvan" for a nebulizer for children, it is used with sodium chloride at a concentration of 0.9 percent.

From the age of twelve, the dosage for children is increased to the concentration required for an adult patient. This requires certain proportions for children for inhalation with sodium chloride:
- Daily amount of medication is 2 milliliters or less.
- Assigned in equal proportions.
For inhalations in a nebulizer for small patients, the annotation recommends limiting the procedure to seven minutes.
How to dilute the drug
According to the instructions for "Lazolvan" for inhalation with a nebulizer, all substances are mixed in equal proportions, but may vary in agreement with a medical specialist. In addition, you need:
- Inhalations with "Lazolvan" for young patients andadult people is carried out with a warm liquid. According to the annotation, the solution should be at a temperature of twenty to thirty degrees. Microwave heating is not recommended. Optimal - water bath.
- It is contraindicated to combine with antitussive treatment. Inhalations with "Lazolvan" in this situation can provoke bronchospasm.
- If the kidney function is impaired, the amount of medication should be reduced. How to breed "Lazolvan" in this situation, you should check with the doctor. For some patients, this treatment should be avoided entirely.
How to do the procedure
According to the annotation for the application, it is known that there are certain nuances that must be followed:
- Use an inhaler (nebulizer).
- Inhalation should not be carried out at elevated temperatures.
- Inhale and exhale freely and also calmly. Nothing should restrict breathing.
- Before the procedure, the person needs to wash their hands.
- For one hour after the procedure, do not eat, drink or smoke.
- After each procedure, the nebulizer must be sterilized.
- Treatment should be done every 3-6 hours, no more.
How to carry out the procedure with "Lazolvan" for a nebulizer for adults depends on the type of inhaler. Before therapy, you must read the instructions for use. For inhalations to adult patients in a nebulizer, the duration of the procedure varies from 7 to 15 minutes. Asthmatics need to take a bronchodilator beforehandmedicine.

Can I do the procedure with a dry cough
This type of cough is not accompanied by the release of a pathological secret and has a paroxysmal character. Inhalations with "Lazolvan" in this case alleviate the symptom and help faster sputum discharge. The cough becomes wetter, and together with the pathological secretion, the body gets rid of pathogens.
Pregnancy and inhalation

Before therapy, you should always read the annotations in order to know how to use the drug, and also to understand what contraindications "Lazolvan" has. An interesting position and breastfeeding are considered reasons for caution. Namely:
- For inhalation during pregnancy in the first three months it is forbidden to use the medication because of the possible negative consequences for the growth and development of the unborn baby.
- Inhalations with "Lazolvan" during pregnancy are further carried out with extreme caution. There is no information that confirms the safety for the fetus.
According to the instructions for use, it is known that the dosage of "Lazolvan" for inhalation for women during breastfeeding can be changed by a medical specialist. With the development of individual intolerance in a child or mother, therapy must be discontinued.

Amongthe most popular analogues of "Lazolvan" - drugs such as:
- "Acetylcysteine".
- "Ambrobene".
- "Mucolic".
- "AmbroHexal".
- "Flavamed".
Some of the remedies have not only a similar effect, but also an identical composition.
Inexpensive analogues
Almost all generics have the most attractive price. Especially differ in cost:
- "Ambroxol".
- "Neo-Broncho".
- "Bronchorus".
- "Halixol".
You can replace "Lazolvan" for inhalation after consulting a doctor.
Which is better - "Lazolvan" or its analogues?
The pharmaceutical market presents a huge number of substitutes for "Lazolvan". For the right selection, you need to have an understanding of their pros and cons.
"Ambrobene" - a drug for oral use and use in a nebulizer, which is produced by a German company. At its core, the medicine is a generic "Lazolvana" for inhalation. Both have the same properties:
- Active substance. Both drugs are based on Ambroxol.
- Dosing. The amount of the active ingredient is the same for both medications.
- Features of application. "Ambrobene" must be diluted in the same way as "Lazolvan", with saline. Preheat the liquid.
But there are many differences, in particular:
- Additional components are different, but it does not play a significant role for the patient.
- They have different age restrictions ("Ambrobene" - from 12 years old, and "Lazolvan" - from 6).
- "Ambrobene" causes a reflex cough, has the least mild effect.
- The drug may be a factor that provokes the appearance of bronchospasm.
- The taste of "Ambrobene" is the most unpleasant, it needs to be used half as much, but the drug has many side effects.
For inhalation, "Lazolvan" is most suitable. But the doctor determines the therapy based on the parameters of the person.
Often, doctors recommend Lazolvan and Berodual for inhalation. The second medicine is produced in Germany. "Berodual" is completely different in composition and action. The drug is recommended in the following cases:
- Prevent disease and alleviate the symptoms of asthma (chronic inflammation of the respiratory system).
- Treatment of obstructive pulmonary disease (an independent disease characterized by irreversible restriction of air in the respiratory tract, and also, as a rule, steadily progressive and caused by an inflammatory response of lung tissue to irritation by various pathogens and gases).
- Therapy of bronchitis (an inflammatory disease of the respiratory system, characterized by a predominant lesion of the bronchi).
"Berodual" neutralizes bronchospasm, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the lungs,relaxes their muscles. What is better for inhalation - "Berodual" or "Lazolvan", it is wrong to say. These are complementary, but not substitute medicines.
With a complex, paroxysmal cough, inhalations are made with "Lazolvan" with "Berodual". The advantages of this combination include:
- These drugs together have a double effect. "Berodual" expands the bronchi.
- To facilitate the mucolytic process, "Lazolvan" and "Berodual" for inhalation can be prescribed.
"Berodual" is a powerful treatment for respiratory diseases. Inhalation using a nebulizer "Lazolvan" simultaneously with "Berodual" has a good pharmacological effect even in severe cases.
There are many reviews about "Lazolvan" on the Web. Among them there are also positive ones. Patients report positive things like:
- The medicine effectively liquefies and removes the pathological secretion.
- Relief occurs within 1-3 days after the start of therapy.
- You can buy medicine at any pharmacy.
- For inhalations for children, the annotation "Lazolvan" recommends from the age of six.
- "Lazolvan" for oral use and inhalation has a sweet taste.
"Lazolvan" for inhalation, reviews of which contain negative information, has the following disadvantages:
- With prolonged use, the effect of the drugweakening.
- Some patients report a complete lack of pharmacological action.
- The average price of a drug is several times higher than that of substitutes.
- Inconvenient measuring cup. This is true for moms and dads who find it difficult to give the baby a drug from a small container without spilling.
Other dosage forms
Based on the characteristics and preferences, you can buy different forms of the drug.
The syrup is available for purchase in a dose of 30 milligrams in 5 milliliters. The composition includes the same active ingredient as in the solution. Among the auxiliary ingredients there is benzoic acid, glycerin, and sorbitol.
The medicine has a pronounced raspberry flavor. It is released without a prescription from a medical specialist. Not prescribed for children under six years of age.
According to the instructions for use, it is clear that children's syrup does not differ in anything other than dosing from the previous dosage form. The amount of the active ingredient is half as much - 15 milligrams per 5 milliliters of the drug. It has a pleasant aroma, does not provoke rejection in the baby. Prescribed from an early age, indications for prescribing are similar.
Each tablet contains 30 mg of ambroxol. They are made using stearic acid, as well as colloidal silicon oxide. Not for use with lactose intolerance.
"Lazolvan" approved its effectiveness in the treatment of most diseases. It is recommended to take it orally or in nebulizers.
Drughelps to facilitate the process of expectoration, removal of pathological secretions and a speedy recovery of the patient.
Information on how to use the medicine correctly and in what proportions, how to dilute for inhalation for a child or an adult patient, what limitations the medication has, were described in this article.