The arteries and veins of the legs promote blood circulation. With damage to the arteries, a person begins to limp, pain in the calves is felt, since a large supply of blood is needed. With pathological narrowing of the arteries, the blood flow becomes weak. The patient is constantly looking for opportunities to sit down to rest.
Causes of pulsation in the legs
There are many reasons. The most common vascular pathology is pulsation in the legs, which may not immediately manifest itself, but after a long time. When the disease is advanced, a person begins to feel pain. The cause of the pain is a violation of the movement of blood through the veins. As a result, the pressure in the vessels increases. With stagnation of blood, pain appears, as there is pressure on the nerve endings. Often, these are "dull" pains, later turning into throbbing. These signs are characteristic of thrombophlebitis. This is a disease in which an inflammatory process of the venous walls occurs, and then blood clots form. Thrombophlebitis affects the subcutaneous and deep veins. The disease is dangerous because a blood clot can break off and move to other organs with the blood stream.
Ripple in the legs also often causes subcutaneous burning. Legs hurt constantly, mainly in the calf muscles.

How to treat leg pain?
First of all, it is necessary to be examined, pass the necessary tests and follow the prescribed treatment. Usually treatment takes place on an outpatient basis. In the hospital, surgeons treat patients with severe inflammation of the deep veins and in the presence of blood clots.
Treatment objectives
The most important thing is to eliminate the inflammatory process and prevent the formation of new blood clots. Medications used:
- non-steroidal;
- enzymes;
- disaggregants, etc.
Requires diagnostics, ultrasound, CT, MRI. Do not delay visiting a doctor, as this threatens with serious complications:
- limping;
- muscle atrophy;
- pain when walking.
Burning, tingling, throbbing in legs
When you feel tingling, burning, throbbing, venous or arterial circulation disorders are possible. When the walls change and the elasticity of the vessels is lost, blood flow is disturbed. Diabetes mellitus disrupts the structure of peripheral nerves.

What causes pulsation in the legs? The causes of pain are discussed below.
There are a number of factors:
- venous insufficiency;
- thrombophlebitis;
- varicose veins;
- polyneropathy;
- lower limb injuries;
- overweight; atobese legs experience a lot of stress;
- sciatica - with a load on the roots of the spinal cord, pain radiates to the legs;
- atherosclerosis - circulatory disorders, pain in the legs.
Arterial insufficiency
Arteries and veins promote blood circulation. Pulsating arteries in the legs are a sign of venous disease. Thrombosis and embolism are diseases of acute arterial insufficiency.
When the arteries are affected, a person begins to limp, pain in the calves is felt, since a large supply of blood is needed. With pathological narrowing of the arteries, the blood flow becomes weak. The patient is constantly looking for an opportunity to sit down to rest. If you have symptoms of arterial disease, you need to be examined.
When there is a pulsation in the soles of the feet, a person begins to limp, pain in the calves is felt, since a large supply of blood is needed. With pathological narrowing of the arteries, the blood flow becomes weak.

Swelling in diseases of the veins
Causes of edema:
- Injuries such as sprains or broken bones.
- Overweight.
- Aging.
- Pregnancy.
- Eating a lot of s alt.
- Drinking alcohol.
- Menstruation and/or PMS.
- Sit or stand in one position for a long period of time.

Pregnant women experience rapid weight gain. As a result, pressure is exerted on the legs and ankles, swelling occurs. Swollen feet can also be a sign of an underlyinga condition such as heart, kidney or liver failure. These conditions signal excess fluid in the body. Other causes of puffiness may include:
- Clot formation.
- Arthritis.
- Thyroid disease.
- Infection.
- Venous insufficiency.
- Varicose veins.
- Insect bite.
- Malnutrition.
- Burns, including sunburn.
- Allergic reaction.
- Sodium retention.
- Lymphatic obstruction.
Treatment and prevention of leg edema
Treatment of swollen legs depends on the reasons that provoked this condition. Ways you can use at home to help reduce swelling in your feet include:
- Anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Medicines like aspirin and ibuprofen.
- Correct shoes.
- Socks, such as elastic stockings, to support the legs.
- Drinking water.
- Limit your s alt intake to 2 grams a day.
- Avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time.
- Losing excess weight.
- Walk as often as possible to improve muscle strength and blood circulation.
- Do not abuse laxatives.
- Diuretics (may not be effective for certain conditions).
- Protein replacement.
Most of the treatment options listed above can be used as preventative steps. It is very important that you payattention to your feet. The legs do not swell on their own.
Simple changes to your lifestyle and diet can improve your overall he alth and prevent other foot problems.
Prevention of vein diseases

When you feel a pulsation in the legs, which is accompanied by numbness, you need to get rid of bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol). To prevent vein pain, you need to lead a he althy lifestyle and review your diet.
Impaired circulation of the veins is a threat not only to he alth, but also to life. When a blood clot forms, cardiac arrest can occur. Timely diagnosis and treatment is the fastest way to recovery.
Prevention measures for throbbing in the legs:
1. Proper nutrition and weight control. Take food rich in fiber. Increase your intake of vitamin C to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
2. Alternation of rest and loads.
3. More physical activity.
4. Avoid wearing tight clothing.
5. Don't wear high heels. The sole should be comfortable and comfortable.
He alth of the feet is very important, because if the disease is advanced, complications and even death are possible.