An allergist is a rather narrow specialist. He deals with the problem of sensitization of the body to certain substances, as well as the treatment of pathological reactions that occur in response to human contact with allergens.

What is an allergist for?
This specialist can be truly indispensable. We are talking about those cases when a person constantly develops allergic reactions. This doctor, using special methods, is able to establish not only the very fact of the presence of an allergy, but also to establish the substance to which a person has developed sensitization.
Such a doctor becomes indispensable in those situations when the patient develops such a serious condition as Quincke's edema. It requires urgent qualified assistance. If it is not provided, the patient will face the most sad consequences.

Where can I find a specialist?
The allergist is a rather rare profession. This is largely due to the too narrow area of activity of such a specialist. medical centersthere is very little purely allergic profile. Usually such a doctor is available in large clinics or hospitals. At the same time, allergological departments are being opened on the basis of significant hospitals, where patients are able to receive high-quality care.
Major diseases
A lot of people need to see an allergist. The main disease that requires the consultation of this specialist is the so-called hay fever. This pathology is a sensitization to a particular substance, called an allergen. This disease is most often accompanied by lacrimation, runny nose and sneezing. At the same time, these symptoms often reach significant severity and require serious drug therapy.

Another fairly common and at the same time serious disease that requires at least an allergist's consultation is bronchial asthma. In the same case, if we are talking about its allergic form, then it is this doctor who will prescribe the treatment.
The most dangerous condition of the allergic profile is Quincke's edema. Any doctor can provide emergency care for this pathology, but it is preferable to treat it in a specialized hospital under the supervision of an experienced allergist.
Urticaria also often requires inpatient treatment. Little patients require special attention here. A pediatric allergist is always ready to provide them with all the necessary assistance. Urticaria under the influencethe drugs prescribed by them will quickly recede. At the same time, after treating a child, a pediatric allergist always gives parents recommendations on how to prevent the recurrence of this pathological phenomenon in the future.
About childhood allergies
Currently there is a doctor who specializes in the treatment of allergic reactions specifically in children. The need for such a specialist lies in the fact that the body of a child differs in many ways from an adult. Therefore, allergic reactions will proceed differently. There are certain differences in the selection of treatment regimens for pediatric patients.

It should be noted that usually in a child, allergic reactions are somewhat more violent than in adults. As a result, they are more likely to need emergency care from medical personnel. In addition, it is in childhood that a person has the greatest number of allergic manifestations. The fact is that during this period of its life, the body meets with substances and compounds that are new to itself much more often than in the future. Naturally, he develops a response to contact with many of them.
When should I apply?
An allergist is not always needed when a person has a sensitization to a particular substance. It is worth contacting first of all when a person has serious manifestations of an allergic process. In addition, it will not hurt to consult an allergist even if a runny nose, sneezing and lacrimation inthe response to contact with one or another allergen is disturbed quite often.

Also, do not self-medicate in the case of children. Of course, many useful tips for young parents today are given by television, as well as the same Komarovsky. Allergies in children, if not limited to a small number of rashes, require observation by an experienced allergist. The fact is that parents are not always able to correctly assess the condition of the child. As a result, information obtained even from very reliable sources will not be able to help them get rid of the problem that has arisen by 100%. So, despite the advice that various doctors give in their TV shows, including Komarovsky, allergies in children, especially frequent or severe ones, should be treated by a specialist.
About samples
Currently, it is possible to determine to which substance a person has pathological sensitization. At the same time, allergy tests are being carried out for children and adults. The direction on their carrying out is given by the allergist. This specialist doctor always notes that before an allergy test, children and adults should be carried out only when a person has not taken any special drugs for about 1-1.5 months. The fact is that antiallergic drugs will distort the results of the tests.
Allergological tests are carried out by applying small incisions to the skin of the forearm. Their number is equal to the number of different substances, for the presence of sensitization towhich the research is being carried out. In the future, a specific connection is applied to each of these notches. Today, this method can determine the presence of sensitization, for example, to house dust, the hair of various animals, as well as the pollen of many plants.

About cold allergy
In addition to various substances, some physical factors can also cause allergic reactions. One of them is the so-called cold allergy. This pathology is quite severe. A person with this disease is not able to be in conditions of significantly reduced air temperature. A test for this form of allergy is carried out using a piece of ice. It is placed on the wrist and waited for several minutes. In the future, the allergist evaluates the results of the study. If any allergic reaction occurs in the place where the piece of ice was placed, then an appropriate diagnosis is made.
About heat allergy
In this case, we are talking mainly about sensitization to direct sunlight. Such people have even more problems than those who suffer from cold allergies. Under the influence of open sunlight, a response occurs in a person, which can manifest itself as the usual redness of the skin, and the development of swelling in the place where the light hit.
What can you do yourself?
Not everyone knows where the allergist takes. An ambulance may also not arrive immediately. As a result, certain skills in dealing with allergies should not onlyhe althcare workers, but also every person.
As a first aid, limit the access of the suspected allergen to the person. For example, if an allergy occurs when an animal or a new carpet appears in the house, it is very desirable to move them to another place as soon as possible. In the future, it is highly desirable for the affected person to take drugs that suppress the effects of allergic reactions. We are talking about a group of so-called antihistamine drugs. They are very widely used in the process of dealing with allergies. One of the most well-known drugs from this group is the drug "Loratadin". Already after the first doses, it will significantly reduce the severity of manifestations of allergic reactions.

What can a doctor do?
Urgent consultation with an allergist is necessary, first of all, if a person has developed Quincke's edema. In this case, he will make injections of highly effective drugs that will quickly reduce the severity of the allergic reaction. Most often, the drugs "Clemastin" and "Prednisolone" act as such drugs. In addition, the protocols for the treatment of Quincke's edema include the drug "Adrenaline". As a result of the introduction of these three drugs, the patient's condition improves in a matter of minutes.
As for less serious situations, here the doctor may limit himself to tablet preparations. In most cases, a doctor's prescription will only contain antihistamines. ATin situations where they alone are not enough, the doctor may prescribe additional drugs, for example, hormonal ones. Naturally, after the allergy problem is resolved, the doctor will provide recommendations that will help to avoid the occurrence of pathological sensitizations in the future.
How to reduce the chances of allergies?
Allergist in Moscow today is not uncommon. It's not that hard to get an appointment with him. At the same time, even a paid allergist will not make a person spend too much. However, of course, it is much better to prevent a problem from occurring than to solve it later.
In order to reduce the likelihood of allergies, you should try to limit the child from serious irritants (for example, car exhaust). A person should not eat those products that are made from raw materials not obtained in his native climatic zone. The fact is that for those plants and animals that inhabit the native region for a person, his body is accustomed initially. In many ways, this is facilitated by those substances that enter the child with mother's milk. All kinds of avocados, limes and even ordinary oranges should not be eaten by a baby.
Sensitization to the same substance is often found in relatives. As a result, using the example of parents, one can roughly predict what kind of allergy the child will have, and, accordingly, limit his contact with allergens.
Prospects for development
The 21st century is considered a period of sensitization. As a result, almost everyone at leastonce in a lifetime you need an allergist. Reviews about the work of such a doctor from allergy sufferers are the most positive. Every year there are more and more such specialists. Currently, a paid allergist is available in almost every fairly large medical center. As a result, almost anyone is able to consult such a specialist.
Now allergists around the world face the problem of increasing the frequency of sensitization. This is largely due to an increase in the number of people in contact with allergens. One of the problems that allergists will have to solve in the near future is bronchial asthma. Naturally, we are talking about its allergic form. This disease, due to the increase in the aggressiveness of the air environment of large cities, is becoming more and more common every year.
Improving infrastructure helps people to access products from all over the world. Many of them can cause allergic reactions. As a result, allergists will definitely not be left without work in the near future.
Pharmacists are very helpful in their work. They are constantly developing more and more new antihistamines, thereby facilitating the work of allergists. With each new generation of these drugs, their effectiveness increases.
Another promising area in allergology is the development of new skin tests. Every year the number of their varieties increases significantly.
About allergists-immunologists
Immunology and allergology areclosely related sciences. It is for this reason that an experienced doctor can combine these speci alties and deal with both of them. Today, you can contact an allergist-immunologist for a consultation in any relatively large city in Russia. Naturally, it is easiest to meet such a specialist in the capital. Currently, allergist-immunologists in Moscow work in both public and private medical centers. You can get advice from a highly qualified specialist of this profile, for example, in the network of polyclinics "Family Doctor" or "MedCenterService".