Today, parasitic diseases are becoming more and more common. Often a person is diagnosed with pubic pediculosis, which is a parasitic skin disease provoked by one of the types of lice. These insects infect the genitals, pubic hair and in the anus. In some cases, they extend to the abdomen, chest, or armpits.
Infection occurs during sexual contact, as well as contact-household through bed linen, visits to saunas, baths and pools. Pubic lice infect only humans. No such parasites have been found in animals. They are up to one and a half millimeters in size, feed on human blood. A fifth of the population of disadvantaged epidemiological regions suffers from a similar disease.
Problem description
Pubic pediculosis (phthyriasis) is one of the STDs, which is provoked by parasitism on the human body of a certain type of lice. They live on those parts of the body that are covered with hair: pubis, scrotum, perineum, anus, armpits.
These parasites do not live on the scalp. This is due to the fact that in their areaslocalization there is a large number of apocrine glands that secrete a secret that attracts parasites. Most often, such an ailment is accompanied by other sexually transmitted diseases, so doctors conduct diagnostics to determine them.
Pubic lice reach sizes up to one and a half millimeters. At the same time, in one month, the female can lay up to ten larvae, which are attached to the base of the hair. Outside the human body, the parasite dies within one day, and the larvae after seven days.
Lice can cause purulent skin disease, inflammation of the lymph nodes and sepsis. This is due to the fact that the parasite, biting the skin, causes itching. When combing, purulent inflammations appear, which provoke the development of serious complications. Parasites die under the influence of high temperature.
Often a person does not even know that he has a disease, since lice move very little, they practically grow into the skin.
Causes of disease development
As you know, lice provoke pubic lice. Infection occurs through sexual contact or household contact. Often, infection occurs in crowded places.
When the parasite gets on the skin, it does not immediately begin to act. The first signs of the disease appear within a month from the moment of infection. First, lice are fixed on the hair, then penetrate the skin. They bite through it, injecting special enzymes that prevent blood from clotting.
The most common cause of the development of the disease is sexual intercourse with an infected partner. In 30% of casespathology is accompanied by diseases such as mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea and chlamydia.

Risk group
The risk group includes people:
- travelers;
- refugees and displaced persons;
- living in ecologically unfavorable regions and zones of armed conflicts;
- employees of some institutions: kindergartens, baths, hairdressers, laundries;
- prisoners and prison staff;
- servicemen.
Symptoms of the disease
Symptoms of pubic lice begin to appear a month after infection. In this case, a person feels itching of the skin in the affected areas. Usually this is the pubic area. The intensity of itching can be different, in some cases a person does not even notice it. Very often, people begin to comb itchy areas of the skin, provoking the development of inflammation. The skin turns red, eczema appears on it, through which secondary infections enter the body.
Also, dark spots can form on the skin due to small hemorrhages at the sites of lice bites. Such spots are up to 15 millimeters in size and resemble signs of syphilis or typhoid roseola. Pubic pediculosis in men and women can manifest itself in the form of allergic reactions.
With a highly developed hairline, lice can be found all over the body. Also, papules and vesicles, pustules can form on the skin, peeling, the formation of hemorrhagic crusts and even the development of pyoderma can be observed. chiefa sign of the disease is the detection of the lice themselves or their larvae. They are most often seen when they drink blood. In this case, the lice turn orange.

Complications and consequences
The main complication of phthiriasis is the entry into the body of a secondary infection when combing the affected areas of the skin. Most often, a person develops pyoderma, but sometimes the infection spreads to the lymph nodes, provoking the development of lymphadenitis, to fatty tissue, contributing to the formation of boils, carbuncles or abscesses.
When an infection enters the blood, it can become infected. Often, STDs act as secondary infections: gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis and others.
When eyelashes and eyebrows are affected in children, chronic blepharitis often develops. Therefore, at the first manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to immediately visit a doctor.
Survey methods
Diagnosing pubic pediculosis in women and men is easy. Complaints of patients allow to make a primary diagnosis. The doctor examines the surface of the skin, which is affected by parasites. In this case, lice are almost always found. Therefore, examination is the main diagnostic method for such a disease.
Usually, when examining a doctor uses a magnifying glass. Sometimes orange particles are found on the skin, which are the excrement of parasites. The doctor also directs the patient to diagnose latent infections. For this, they often usemethods like PCR and ELISA.

Modern techniques
Today in medicine there are more accurate and convenient diagnostic methods. Often, a Wood's lamp is used for research. When viewed under the light of a lamp, the larvae of the parasites begin to glow with a bright white light, which resembles pearls.
Often, videodermatoscopy is used as a diagnostic method. In this case, the doctor uses a video camera that has the function of light polarization. It is connected to a PC. This camera takes pictures of the affected areas, and then examine them under high magnification. This makes it possible to identify adult parasites and their larvae.
Also, a similar technique is used in the treatment of pathology to control its effectiveness. It allows you to distinguish living individuals from the dead. If only dead parasites are found, treatment is stopped, even if the symptoms of the disease have not disappeared.

Therapy Methods
Treatment of pubic pediculosis is most often carried out using aerosols that contain pyrethrin. This substance is neurotoxic to parasites. A similar drug is sprayed over the affected skin, and after one hour the areas are washed under running water and soap.
Ointments and creams against parasites are also often used. Before applying such products, the hair in the affected areas must be shaved off. Often, pubic pediculosis is treated with ointments such as Permethrin, Lindane. These funds are applied to the affected areasfor ten minutes and then wash off.

Therapy with the above medicines is not used in the area of the organs of vision. With the defeat of the eyelashes, such a remedy for pubic pediculosis as an eye occlusive ointment is prescribed. It is applied to the eyelids twice a day for ten days.
Bedding and underwear should be washed at a high temperature, machine washing is well suited for this. Then it needs to be dried and ironed, put in a bag and set aside for three days.
Additional recommendations
Treatment of the disease should be carried out jointly with sexual partners in order to avoid the secondary development of the disease, as well as its spread. If symptoms persist after treatment, the patient should be re-examined. If lice or their larvae are found, the doctor will prescribe a second treatment using other medications. In pregnant women, pubic lice is treated with Permethrin.
The most effective and inexpensive method of treatment is the complete shaving of the hairline. This method has no side effects and contraindications. To achieve a positive lasting result, it is recommended to shave your hair for two months. To enhance the effect, you can use special creams or ointments together.
Chemical method of therapy
Insecticides are often used in medicine to treat such a disease. They are quite simple and quickly act on parasites. If you follow all the recommendations of the doctor, get rid of licepossible after two procedures. The substance that is part of the drug has a paralytic effect on the parasite. The second procedure is necessary to consolidate the result.
Today there are a large number of different insecticides, they can have different shapes, so each person can choose the right option for themselves. Also, such funds differ in the principle of influence on parasites:
- Nerve action. The agent penetrates the body of lice and affects their nervous system, causing the development of paralysis and rapid death.
- Suffocating action. Such products, which include a special silicone, contribute to the clogging of the respiratory tract of parasites, which provokes the onset of suffocation and death. Some drugs create an airtight film on the skin that blocks the supply of oxygen to parasites, provoking their death as a result of suffocation.
Doctors consider Dimethicone to be the safest drug. Before using this method of therapy, doctors recommend washing the affected areas with vinegar and water.

Unconventional Therapy
Non-traditional treatment of pubic pediculosis is also allowed. Folk remedies in this case give a positive effect. It is recommended to wash the affected areas for several days with tar soap. A solution of water and vinegar is also often used, they are taken in equal parts and the skin is treated. After 20 minutes, the treated areas shouldRinse. The procedure is repeated for two weeks.
Hellebore water helps with pubic lice. It is used to treat hair and skin, and after twenty minutes it is washed off with water. Tansy flowers help in the fight against parasites. They must be poured (1 tbsp.) With boiling water (1 cup) and leave for about thirty minutes. Then the infusion is cooled and applied to the skin. This procedure is repeated for about three days.
Doctors recommend studying possible side effects before using traditional medicine. For example, vinegar in some people can cause irritation and burns on the skin. Soap can dry out the skin. Before using any means, you should consult a doctor.

Prognosis of pathology is favorable. Today in the pharmacy there is a large assortment of drugs that can cope with such a disease. But a doctor must prescribe a suitable remedy. In addition, pediculosis is often accompanied by other sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, it is important to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis for a complete recovery after appropriate therapy. If untreated, the disease will progress for many years, contributing to the development of complications and negative consequences.
Prevention of pathology should be aimed at observing the rules of hygiene. A person should wash the body daily, periodically wash clothes. Such activities will not allow lice to take root on the body. Ironing clothes and things contributes to the death of parasites. Doctors recommenddo not use other people's hygiene products and things.
It is very important to carefully approach the choice of a sexual partner. It is not recommended to enter into intimacy with an unfamiliar person. Also, everyone should periodically inspect the intimate area of the body.
Pubic pediculosis is not uncommon today. Such a disease is referred to as parasitic. In medicine, a sufficient number of methods for treating the disease have been developed. Therefore, you can get rid of parasites in a short period of time. The main thing in this case is to diagnose the disease in a timely manner, as well as to determine the presence of concomitant pathologies.