What is encopresis in a child?

What is encopresis in a child?
What is encopresis in a child?

At the moment, such a disease as encopresis in a child is relatively rare, only a few parents have had a chance to face it. In medicine, encopresis refers to the inability of a child to control the process of bowel movement. In a word, this is the most common fecal incontinence. How to cure encopresis? Why does it arise? This is what we will talk about in this article.

General information

encopresis in a child
encopresis in a child

Encopresis in a child is manifested in the fact that the baby poops in the wrong place and at the wrong time. The thing is that bowel movements can occur during a walk, as a result - a strong unpleasant odor and soiled clothes. According to experts, it is possible to deal with this problem only if the parents wish. Encopresis in a child is most often observed in dysfunctional families, where parents simply do not devote enough time to raising the baby. It often happens that the child gets used to the smell of feces and considers it normal, does not respond to the next emptying.

Main reasons

Most often, encopresis in a child occurs due to prolonged constipation. In 85% of cases, constantly crowded intestines are to blame. The whole point is thatstagnant feces in a crowded intestine begin to gradually stretch its walls. As a result of this process, the baby constantly wants to go to the toilet, but, on the other hand, the nerve endings of this area have almost lost their sensitivity. So after the treatment of chronic constipation, it is possible to quickly cope with encopresis.

encopresis in children treatment
encopresis in children treatment

On the other hand, fecal incontinence in crumbs very often occurs as a result of stress or any other psychological reasons. Fear, prolonged separation from parents, moving to a new city - these are the most common factors that provoke the development of the problem. In addition, the parents themselves are also to blame. So some accustom the child to the potty too early, forcing him to endure. Others, on the contrary, scold for wrongdoing. Very rarely, fecal incontinence occurs due to intestinal diseases of a different nature.

Encopresis in children. Treatment

In the presence of such an unpleasant problem, in any case, a preliminary consultation with a specialist is required. He must without fail identify the true cause of the problem and only after that go directly to the therapy itself. Treatment primarily implies the creation of the most favorable home atmosphere. This means that parents should not scold their child for incontinence.

how to cure encopresis
how to cure encopresis

On the other hand, if the cause is constipation, medications are prescribed to combat it. Unfortunately, it is not possible exactlysay how long the treatment will last. It all depends on the underlying causes. For example, if they are psychological in nature, you will most likely need additional help from a qualified psychologist. As a rule, in six months it is possible to completely cope with this problem.
