Use of knotweed: only verified facts

Use of knotweed: only verified facts
Use of knotweed: only verified facts

Bird mountaineer, popularly known as knotweed, is one of the most familiar plants for humans. Many people who met him in their gardens consider this herb a typical weed, but the use of knotweed in medicine is a very common occurrence.

knotweed application
knotweed application

It is used both in traditional medicine and in folk medicine. Knotweed flowers are white, sometimes with a pinkish tint. The appearance of the mountaineer depends on the habitat. If the knotweed is very strongly trampled, then it begins to grow with creeping shoots. The leaves of such a plant reach only half a centimeter in length. In places where nothing prevents knotweed from growing, it can reach a height of up to fifty centimeters, forming lush bushes. The leaves of such a highlander are three or even four times larger. Knotweed is an annual plant. Shoots appear at the end of June, however, starting from July, it blooms until deep frosts, for which it was called knotweed. Most often, the plant can be found along roads, pastures, and even in areas near houses. However, it is not recommended to collect it in cattle pastures.

Knotweed application

knotweed for conception
knotweed for conception

First of allthe plant is used as a blood purifier, as it has a pronounced antitoxic effect, while improving liver function. Knotweed is also used for some gynecological problems, having a beneficial effect on the ovaries and uterus, increasing the likelihood of successful conception. As a rule, knotweed should be brewed at four dessert spoons per cup of boiling water. Then boil for about fifteen minutes. A glass should be drunk a day in two or three doses (half an hour before meals). Knotweed for conception can be used as a tea if brewed with a teaspoon of dried flowers per liter of water.

You can also brew a more concentrated infusion, that is, pour one dessert spoon of herbs into two cups of boiling water, the medicinal properties of the infusion will not change. This infusion should be taken four times a day for half a glass.

medicinal herbs
medicinal herbs

The use of knotweed in traditional medicine

All the beneficial properties of grass are due to its chemical composition. The plant contains such well-known substances as carotene and ascorbic acid. Avicularin is widely used in medicine - an extract that is produced in powder and tablets and is a hemostatic agent in the postpartum period. In addition, avicularin has a diuretic effect, which allows it to be used in kidney disease and in the presence of kidney stones.

Highlander herb is also part of Zdrenko's medicine used for gastritis and some diseases of the bladder.


Knotweed isone of the most valuable medicinal and food plants. It contains vitamins A, C, K. The use of knotweed may be due to the need to normalize the metabolism in the body. Highlander is also prescribed after kidney surgery, as it protects the kidneys from the formation of stones. In addition, knotweed disinfects the intestines, reduces possible irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and strengthens blood vessels.
