Smoking Coding: Methods, Reviews, Prices

Smoking Coding: Methods, Reviews, Prices
Smoking Coding: Methods, Reviews, Prices

Smoking is one of the many bad habits, but the most popular. It is unlikely that you will be able to find a person who has never tried a cigarette in his life. Daily problems and difficulties force us to look for our methods of relaxation and partial escape from reality. Many people find what they want in cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc. People believe that smoking is not something blatantly bad, because some smokers live a long life. This is more of a coincidence than a pattern. If a person takes up a cigarette every day, there is a danger of becoming an uncontrollable habit, then it is worth thinking about ways to help get rid of it. Smoking coding completely eliminates the patient's desire to take a cigarette. There are a huge number of techniques, the main of which we will consider in our material.

Coding Methods

First, let's define the concept of coding. It is a specific effect on the human body, resulting in a persistent aversion to the stimulant. If we talk about cigarettes, then in this case, nicotine is a psychostimulant.

cigarette in hand
cigarette in hand

It is worth noting that before proceeding with the action, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis. You should also organize measures to neutralize toxic substances in the body. Before the procedures, you can not smoke for twelve hours. To date, there are many methods, but we will highlight the most effective:

  1. Drug coding for smoking cessation. It works as follows: a person takes drugs that cause him discomfort when taking a cigarette. In addition, general well-being worsens.
  2. Suggestive ways. In a different way - a suggestion technique, the patient is instilled with the idea that smoking leads to serious illness and death.
  3. Hypnosis. This is done by a competent specialist, he introduces a person into a state between sleep and wakefulness, and at this time inspires disgust from cigarettes.

Everyone can quit smoking on their own

This statement is true. However, before scolding a person who cannot get rid of addiction on their own, it is necessary to have information about this process. In fact, this is not as easy to do as it seems. As a result of prolonged smoking, great harm is done to a person that can cause respiratory diseases, and not only. After some time, the body gets used to the effects of toxins and rebuilds systems according to new parameters.

It turns out that smoking cessation is perceived as a threat to he alth, an imbalance of all organs is formed. A person does not feel well, it only becomes easier for himafter taking a cigarette. Addiction is not easy to eliminate, you need to be a truly strong person. Most need qualified help from professionals working in smoking coding clinics.

Acupuncture: an effective way?

Despite the fact that among the methods we did not indicate acupuncture, we cannot ignore it. Moreover, this method is considered the most common. It is difficult to say whether acupuncture is a code for smoking, because there is no direct effect on the psyche, but no one has canceled the placebo effect.

acupuncture as a way of coding from smoking
acupuncture as a way of coding from smoking

The essence of the technique is the penetration of thin needles under the skin in certain places. The points are not chosen randomly, as well as the insertion depth and exposure time. This is done by specialists who claim the following:

  • acupuncture reduces cigarette cravings;
  • stabilizes the central nervous system;
  • improves the functioning of the respiratory organs.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Each method has its pros and cons, acupuncture is no exception. The pros and cons are based on reviews of smoking coding by real people who have used the method on themselves.

Among the benefits are:

  • lack of direct influence on the psyche of the individual;
  • this is not quackery, acupuncture is officially recognized in our country, so the specialists are qualified;
  • the technique does not causephysical pain, easily tolerated by people;
  • the efficiency of the method is quite high;
  • the price of the method is quite affordable (on average 3-4 thousand rubles).

As for the shortcomings, the following should be noted:

  • risk of infection, as the technique involves little damage to the skin;
  • duration of the course, because for the desired effect, you should visit a specialist at least twenty times.

Contraindications for acupuncture

Among all smoking cessation coding methods, acupuncture has the largest list of limitations and contraindications. They can be divided into two groups: absolute (completely prohibiting) and relative (the decision remains with the attending physician).

smoking cessation coding
smoking cessation coding

The first category includes:

  1. Oncological diseases. Therapy involves increased blood circulation, and a rush of blood can provoke the formation of metastases.
  2. Blood diseases. A similar situation, the general condition of a person is deteriorating significantly.
  3. Illnesses related to psychiatry. The introduction of needles into the body can cause an inadequate reaction in such people.
  4. Serious infections like tuberculosis and AIDS. Acupuncture in such a situation can provoke additional diseases.
  5. Pregnancy. Premature labor is possible, as uterine contractions occur more often and intensely.
  6. Fevers. Problems with the central nervous system and increased body temperature reduce the effectiveness of the method.

Relative contraindications include diseases such as varicose veins, sclerosis, stroke, general wasting, muscular dystrophy, etc.


Everyone knows this word. A professional brings a person into a state between sleep and wakefulness, and then the suggestion session begins. You should not believe someone who talks about the high effectiveness of the method, because hypnosis really helps in fifty percent of cases. Some people are difficult to trance, but they are a minority.

It cannot be argued that smoking hypnosis does not help. The impact on the psyche can be different. The mildest degree is considered to be a mild suggestion of aversion to smoking. The strongest coding is based on methods of shocking influence. A person is instilled with something like a “pain cigarette”, but such methods are prohibited in many countries. In order for a hypnotic session to be successful, you must be physically and mentally prepared for it. A person must be confident in their desire to quit smoking, and should not be skeptical about the method.

After the session

Hypnosis from smoking, if everything went well, has a positive effect on the body. A person feels, first of all, lightness. The desire to take a cigarette disappears completely. If the hypnosis has been deep, the thought of smoking can cause the person to experience physical pain and nausea. However, not everything is so smooth. When using the method, side effects sometimes pop up.

hypnosis for smoking
hypnosis for smoking

The patient feels the following symptoms:

  • headaches, insomnia, sleepiness during the day;
  • weakness,loss of strength, decrease in energy;
  • pressure instability, mental disorders, panic attacks, lethargy, mood swings.

It is worth noting that smoking cessation after the session should be final, as the effectiveness of the session is temporary. You need to take all the will into a fist and deal with addiction once and for all.

Laser encoding

It can be said that in essence this method is similar to acupuncture. The procedure is carried out using the impact of a certain wave on special points of a person. The location of specific places are selected on the basis of ancient Chinese teachings. According to experts, these points can activate a patient's aversion to cigarettes and help get rid of a bad habit.

laser therapy
laser therapy

As for the effectiveness of the described method, it is difficult to say something unambiguous. Patients claim that the technique does not help immediately after the session, but after some time. The price of coding from smoking with a laser is rather big. In total, such procedures will cost a person approximately 25-30 thousand rubles. This is not the final cost, depending on the clinic, it may increase or decrease.

Pros and cons

Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of laser coding for smoking cessation. In their reviews, people highlight the following advantages:

  • painless compared to conventional acupuncture;
  • the laser does not touch or damage the skin, so there is no riskinfection;
  • sometimes the result is shown after a single session.

It is worth noting that there are a few more disadvantages:

  • untested method in terms of results, you never know if the laser will help this time;
  • there is no risk of infection in the body, but an epidermal burn of the skin is possible;
  • enough contraindications;
  • high cost, sometimes unjustified;
  • it is difficult to find a highly qualified person in this matter, as there are very few true professionals in this field.

Prohibitions and restrictions

Of course, when compared with contraindications to acupuncture, the laser method has much less restrictions. However, you should not discount them, be sure to diagnose before therapy to identify them. Even if the smoking coding procedure is carried out by a highly qualified specialist, the patient is not always allowed to be under the laser.

This method has a number of contraindications:

  • oncological diseases;
  • infections in the body;
  • psychological problems;
  • diabetes mellitus of any kind.

The above are the main restrictions. Bypassing the prohibitions and being exposed to the laser can only exacerbate an already difficult situation. You should be careful about your he alth, avoid complications and follow the advice of doctors.

Dovzhenko coding for smoking cessation

In our country, this method is quite popular. MyselfDovzhenko calls his technique "stress-emotional coding". This term fully reveals the meaning of therapy. It consists of two sessions.

quit smoking cigarettes
quit smoking cigarettes

At the first stage, a qualified specialist conducts an interview with the patient. A professional pursues the goal of provoking the right attitude in a person. Doctors use psychological methods to get results.

At the second stage, coding from smoking takes place directly. This is achieved with the help of psychoprogramming. The patient is given the idea that as soon as he lights a cigarette, he will feel very bad. The time interval of the method is different, depending on the choice of the patient. It must be said that the technique is not very popular abroad due to the lack of necessary research.

In Russia, you can try out this method of coding from smoking in St. Petersburg. A lot of positive feedback about the Bekhterev Medical Center. The clinic consists of highly qualified specialists who can help you get rid of your addiction.

Pros and cons

Unfortunately, this encoding method also has more disadvantages than advantages, but first things first. Benefits include:

  • the patient is absolutely not tense during the entire session;
  • a person can't get physically hurt, it's safe;
  • quite a quick action, you can visit a specialist just once, after a couple of sessions.

Now for the downsides:

  • Smoking coding is performed if the patient did not take a cigaretteduring the day;
  • possibly adverse effects on the human psyche;
  • the reaction of the body is impossible to predict;
  • this technique is a paradise for charlatans, you should be very careful in this sense, there are few real professionals;
  • high price (in the center of Bekhterev - from 4,200 to 7,500 rubles), and unjustified.

In closing

Coding is usually used when all other methods fail. There are quite a few other methods, they are all worth trying before acting radically. For example, quit smoking in one day or do it gradually, start a new life where there is no place for cigarettes.

getting rid of a bad habit
getting rid of a bad habit

In any case, you can give up a bad habit only with the help of your own willpower, determination, determination, as well as the support of close friends and relatives.
