Of course, things happen in life. Sometimes our he alth is in danger, so we are forced to take various medications. Some drugs can be stopped abruptly, as they are not addictive. With others, one must be very careful, and complete the treatment course gradually. Rebound syndrome is a very dangerous phenomenon that can lead to a large number of consequences. Therefore, when starting to take any pharmaceutical product, carefully read all the information about it.
What is rebound syndrome
This condition can be encountered by those patients who have been taking a certain drug for a long time, and then abruptly stopped using it.

Of course, if the dosage of the active substance is reduced gradually, then the risk of negative phenomena is minimized, but still, in anycase it will be present. Rebound syndrome is not inherent in all types of medicines. It can be caused by the use of hormonal drugs, as well as antidepressants and antihistamines.
What are the features of this syndrome
In fact, the opinion about such a condition as rebound syndrome appeared at the very beginning of the formation of medicine. Even then, scientists noticed the negative reactions of the human body associated with the abolition of the intake of any drug. At the same time, experts are still arguing about the possibility of such a phenomenon.
So, what is the rebound syndrome. When a person takes certain pharmaceuticals, the pathological processes in his body stop. However, as soon as the treatment is abruptly interrupted, they begin to worsen. But do not confuse two such phenomena as “drug withdrawal syndrome” and “rebound syndrome”. After all, the first concept characterizes a condition in which human organs are simply not able to function independently without the support of drug treatment. But the second concept suggests that after the cessation of drug therapy, pathological reactions in the body begin to worsen.
What drug treatment should be like
Do not forget that each case is individual, so the doctor cannot prescribe the same drugs and dosage for all patients. Of course, the choice of remedy depends on the disease, as well as on its severity. In any case, it is very important to choosethe right medication so that the patient's condition improves quickly, and its use does not lead to side effects. Properly selected medicines can activate important life processes, eliminate negative conditions in the body, and also significantly improve the patient's he alth.
Treatment algorithm
There is a certain algorithm, based on which the doctor will prescribe medicine to the patient. Consider its features:
- pharmaceutical group must be selected first;
- the drug itself is selected;

- if necessary, its analogues can be selected;
- well, and, of course, the specialist selects an individual dosage.
The treatment algorithm was formed under the influence of clinical and instrumental studies related to a particular disease. The specialist also takes into account aspects of the disease, based on information received directly from the patient himself. The doctor takes into account the emotional component of the patient's he alth, his gender, age and level of development. If any drug is intended for long-term use, then it is very important to take into account the financial capabilities of the patient. After all, some drugs are very expensive, so it is important to find equally effective substitutes. After all, if the patient buys an expensive drug, but uses it intermittently, this can lead to rebound syndrome in pharmacology.
Development Features
Of course, most often tothe development of such a syndrome leads to a sharp abolition of the use of certain groups of drugs. However, besides this, there are other factors in the development of such a condition.
Most often, rebound syndrome occurs against the background of the use of those pharmaceuticals that have a fairly fast elimination period from the body. Therefore, the degree of development of the syndrome will depend on how quickly the active substances leave the blood plasma.

In addition, such a syndrome can begin to develop even when the active ingredients of the drug do not have a negative effect on the human body. For example, if a person suffers from diseases of the cardiovascular system, and for a rather long period takes cardiac drugs that contain nitrates, then the abrupt cessation of such drugs will cause such a dangerous phenomenon.
Drug rebound syndrome very often occurs due to the fact that the patient uses illiterate treatment. For example, skipping pills or choosing the wrong dosage for himself.
Sometimes this syndrome occurs very quickly. All medicines must be taken at the same time. For example, if a patient usually takes a pill every five hours, but the next time he takes it after six hours, then in this case the probability of developing a withdrawal syndrome is quite high. This is especially true when drugs have a very strong effect on the human body.influence.
In some cases, rebound syndrome may occur even after a single use of the drug. After all, its concentration in the blood will rise sharply, after which it will drop sharply.

Features of the development of rebound syndrome also depend on the method of drug administration. If the agent is introduced into the body by intravenous injection, then the risk of developing such a condition increases, since the agent is very quickly concentrated in the blood plasma, and is very quickly excreted from the body. When administered orally, the concentration of active substances in the body decreases more smoothly.
Etymology of the phenomenon
Syndrome of withdrawal of certain drugs is very difficult, because during its occurrence the human body does not have time to rebuild, and can not do without drugs. Quite often, the components of drugs that cause the occurrence of such a syndrome are called psychoactive, as they affect the behavior of the patient and quite often lead to nervous and emotional disorders. Rebound withdrawal syndrome is very often caused by very strong antidepressants. After their use, the patient may fall into a depressive state, and it will not be so easy to get out of it.
Sudden withdrawal of hormone-based drugs also causes disturbances in the body. The hormonal system fails, and the metabolism is disturbed.

Very often this syndrome develops whenincorrect dosage of the active substance, as well as if the patient has psycho-emotional diseases. Also, this phenomenon can occur in those patients who already suffer from other types of addiction. For example, alcohol or toxic. Withdrawal syndrome occurs very often in patients for whom drugs perform a substitution function.
Signs of the syndrome
In fact, it is not difficult to recognize such a phenomenon. With the abolition of drugs, the pathological conditions that tormented patients begin to worsen significantly. In addition, the patient experiences depressive and apathetic conditions, weakness throughout the body and fatigue, increased sweating, as well as a decrease in the efficiency of one organ or organ system as a whole.
Is it possible to avoid its occurrence
If you follow all the prescriptions of your doctor, then most likely you will not have a question about how to avoid rebound syndrome when you cancel Lasix or any other serious medications. Before starting treatment with absolutely any medication, it is very important to familiarize yourself with all the features of its use, because many drugs can have a serious effect on the body. With such means it is necessary to play a special game. The dosage should be selected individually, and it should be increased gradually. In the same way, it should gradually decrease until the patient completely stops taking the medicine.
Just think what would happen to your body if you took certainpharmaceutical agent for several years, and at one fine moment they decided to abandon it. Of course, your body is already accustomed to supportive therapy, so it is not able to cope with the disease on its own. That is why you need to stop taking the medicine very carefully, gradually lowering the dosage. For example, it is very difficult to refuse epilepsy drugs such as Finlepsin and Carbamazepine. Even a small dose reduction can lead to seizures. Therefore, the dosage should decrease very slowly over several years.

It is also very important to take your medicines on time. Create a schedule for yourself and mark every pill or injection you take. You can also set an alarm in order to protect yourself as much as possible.
Rebound syndrome in status asthmaticus is a very common phenomenon resulting from the selection of the wrong dosage of the drug, as well as the abrupt cancellation of this remedy. This phenomenon can be fatal, so in no case do not self-medicate.
Hormone withdrawal
After prolonged use of hormonal agents in the body, a large number of changes will be observed, which are very often irreparable. An abrupt stop in the use of hormonal drugs can lead to rebound syndrome. This phenomenon can be avoided only if you undergo a course of treatment with special regimens, and very gradually reduce the dosage.medicines.
Withdrawal of antidepressants and antipsychotics
Many people wonder how long the rebound syndrome lasts when antipsychotics are cancelled. There is no single answer to this question, because each patient has individual characteristics of the body. In some cases, this phenomenon can be observed for about a week. In others, a few months. It all depends on how long the medicine was taken, and how smoothly the person stops drinking it. Since antipsychotic drugs affect the nervous system directly, their sudden abandonment can lead to depressive states and insomnia, as well as to heart palpitations and convulsions.
Treatment methods
In fact, there is no exact method for treating rebound syndrome. Of course, the first thing that is required of every patient is not to rush to get rid of drugs, but to lower the dosage gradually. But even in this case, the syndrome can occur. Despite the poor he alth of the patient, as well as his sharp decline in strength, this condition must be waited out. If you decide to stop the medicine, if your mood worsens, do not increase the dosage. Of course, this will make you feel much better, but it will make the whole situation worse in the future.

In some cases, doctors recommend taking additional drugs that tone the body and help cope with this symptom.
Never self-medicate. rebound syndromecan be avoided by strictly following the doctor's recommendations. Take care of your he alth today, do not put off anything for tomorrow, and then the body will be your faithful ally in any life situation.