Abundant periods after "Duphaston": what to do?

Abundant periods after "Duphaston": what to do?
Abundant periods after "Duphaston": what to do?

Often in medical practice, in the treatment of women's diseases that are caused by a violation of the cycle, hormonal drugs are used. These include Duphaston. As a rule, during its administration, there are no unpleasant symptoms of side effects, unlike its counterparts. However, many are worried about the nature of menstrual flow, in particular, they become more abundant.

The menstrual cycle on Dufaston

duphaston and menstruation
duphaston and menstruation

Taking this hormonal drug allows you to normalize the level of the hormone progesterone in the blood. It affects not only the possibility of the onset and maintenance of pregnancy, but also the maintenance of the female reproductive system. If a woman has a lack of progesterone, which affects the nature of menstruation, the possibility of natural conception, then this drug is able to restore the lost balance.

The onset of a new menstrual cycle, according to the experience of many women, does not always occur according to the scheme indicated in the instructions. On average after 2-7days after the end of the last pill, menstruation should come. Their character can tell you about the state of the endometrium. If a woman observes heavy periods after Duphaston, then this indicates a large amount of mucous secreted by the uterus.

Reason for change in allocations

heavy periods
heavy periods

If the discharge is not disturbing and the amount is close to normal, then there is no reason to panic. Moreover, the duration and nature of the course of the menstrual cycle should not undergo strong changes. However, there are a number of physiological abnormalities that cause heavy periods after Duphaston:

  • Fibroids, polyps in the uterus.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Spontaneous abortion.
  • Hormonal failure.

In the event that the drug was prescribed to normalize the cycle, but it did not have the desired effect, it is recommended to consult a doctor about the need to replace it.

What should alert

pain and menses
pain and menses

Deviation from the norm in the presence of heavy periods after Duphaston is considered if the cycle has a duration of less than 21 days or more than 35 days. Also should alert:

  • Breakthrough spotting, smearing, possibly brownish in color.
  • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen, accompanied by spasms.
  • Deviation from the usual duration of discharge, for example, instead of 3 days - they last a week or more.
  • A pungent odor from the genital tract duringthe time of menstruation, there may be a greenish mucous discharge.
  • The volume of blood excreted is more than 150 ml.

To establish the exact cause of such deviations atypical for a normal cycle, it is necessary to consult a doctor. You may need to adjust the drug regimen or cancel it.

When periods are too heavy

heavy periods
heavy periods

If a woman observes that after "Duphaston" menstruation is profuse, with clots, then it is worth eliminating the risk of bleeding. It is also accompanied by a deterioration in general well-being, possibly headaches and cramps in the lower abdomen. It is not recommended to take any measures on your own without consulting a doctor. It is better to call an ambulance doctor at home or contact a specialist in a medical institution, since it is impossible to independently establish the cause of heavy periods after Duphaston, all the more so to choose the appropriate drug.

As a rule, intravenous injections of hemostatic drugs or their own in the form of tablets are prescribed within the walls of the hospital. As a complex therapy, it is recommended to include in the diet preparations containing vitamins such as A, C, E, B, iron, folic acid. If you try to prescribe hemostatic drugs yourself, you can provoke the formation of blood clots.

Norm or deviation?

duration and cycle and discharge
duration and cycle and discharge

In the case when after "Duphaston" very heavy periods, which for a woman is notcharacteristic, then this is a deviation. The rest is considered normal, that is, when the menstrual cycle does not differ from the previous ones in which this drug was not used. It is worth noting that not only the quantity, but also the color of the discharge can change. Many note that the secreted blood becomes a bright red color. You should not be afraid of this and take any special measures too.

Since very often there are reviews about the nature of the discharge after discontinuation of the drug, which become more abundant, it can be assumed that this phenomenon is not atypical. Therefore, it is worth paying attention only to those cases when, for example, for several days in a row they continue to be plentiful and hygiene items do not take 3-4 pieces a day, but 1.5-2 times more. This also serves as a reason to contact a specialist immediately.

Should something be done?

Many are concerned about the question, is it worth doing something with heavy periods after the cancellation of Duphaston? Here it is necessary to understand what the female body secretes during menstruation. The discharge that a woman observes is the inner mucous layer of the uterus, the endometrium. When pregnancy does not occur, the uterus rejects it, and it gradually exits through the vagina along with the blood. If the mucous layer is thin, then the discharge will be insignificant.

If a pain symptom occurs, it is recommended to take an anesthetic such as No-shpy, Nimesil, Papaverine. They can help quickly relieve muscle spasm and relieve pain. It also helps to apply a warm heating pad on the stomach, taking warmshower (during which jets of water are directed to the back area). Feelings that do not stop as a result of taking these drugs should alert. In this case, you should consult a doctor.

Does the duration of taking the drug affect the amount of discharge?

heavy periods
heavy periods

Any atypical reaction of the body to taking medications should alert a woman. This also applies to too heavy periods after Duphaston. Reviews about taking this drug are very diverse, up to the opposite. When the menstrual cycle has a different duration, it can be difficult to immediately understand that there is a deviation. In general, with long breaks, Duphaston is taken to shorten this time period in order to equalize it to the usual 28 days.

As for the effect of the duration or duration of taking the remedy on the amount of discharge, it is worth noting its positive effect. If earlier menstruation was meager, then with the use of this drug, on the contrary, they can become more abundant. Progesterone, which stimulates the formation of a he althy layer of the endometrium and is to blame.

Therefore, many are afraid of heavy periods after "Duphaston". What to do in this case? Monitor your well-being, if no other symptoms are disturbing, then you should not take additional measures on your own.
