Wen, in the scientific community known as a lipoma, is a benign neoplasm. It can be localized on various parts of the body. A special nuisance is caused by a wen behind the ear, on the earlobe or directly in the ear itself. In most cases, it does not cause pain and is not life-threatening. The presence of a lipoma usually causes aesthetic problems.

What is a lipoma and can it disappear?
When a wen is found in the ear area, you should immediately take into account that this tumor will not go away on its own, but, on the contrary, will continue to grow slowly.
Lipoma is a mobile subcutaneous tumor resulting from the pathological division of fat cells. Consists of fat and enclosed in a fibrous capsule. This benign formation is devoid of ducts, therefore it does not pour out. Most often it appears in places with a minimum content of subcutaneous fat.
Zhenovik forear: reasons
Modern medicine is not able to say unequivocally why lipomas appear. The predisposing factors for the development of the neoplasms under consideration are:
• genetic predisposition;
• hormonal and endocrine disorders;
• bad environment;
• bad habits (alcohol and smoking);
• sedentary lifestyle;
• malnutrition;
• slagging of the body;
• violation of metabolic processes;
• poor personal hygiene.
Wen on the earlobe can be formed as a result of an incorrect puncture in a beauty salon. Therefore, when performing the procedure, it is important to ensure that the specialist uses a sterile instrument.

How dangerous is this?
Wen behind the ear (treatment of the neoplasm will be discussed later) may not change its size for a long time. If it grows, then, as a rule, very slowly. When the size of the lipoma does not exceed a few millimeters, this does not cause inconvenience. However, over time, having reached a significant size, the tumor can begin to compress neighboring tissues and nerve endings, causing pain. Lipoma, formed in the auditory opening, impairs sound perception, and its inflammation provokes otitis media. In this case, a benign formation is subject to mandatory removal.
Do not try to pierce or squeeze out a wen behind the ear yourself, because as a result of such manipulations you can bringinfection. Do not forget that the ear is very close to the brain. When a lipoma becomes infected, suppuration occurs, which can be fraught with serious consequences.
Although the wen is a benign formation, doctors warn: despite the general belief that a lipoma is not life-threatening, in some cases it can still turn into oncology (liposarcoma). The prerequisites for malignant transformation are traumatization, infection, rapid growth and large size of the formation.

How to identify a lipoma
The wen behind the ear, just like in other places, has signs characteristic of a tumor of this type.
First of all, it is soft to the touch and agile.
Secondly, it has an oval or round shape, clear boundaries and develops under the skin.
Thirdly, when pressing on the wen, there should be no pain. The exception is infected lipomas, accompanied by suppuration, redness and swelling. In such cases, urgent medical attention is needed.
What to do if a neoplasm is detected?
First of all, don't panic by assuming the worst and giving yourself fatal diagnoses. Also, do not try to get rid of the tumor yourself, especially if it is inflamed. You can make sure that this is actually a lipoma at an appointment with a surgeon who examines the tumor, correctly diagnoses it and helps determine further tactics.
What if thisreally fat? With a scanty and constant size of the neoplasm, there is no danger. And if the doctor does not insist on removal, you can leave everything as it is, in the future, watching the growth of a benign tumor. With rapid growth (about 1 cm in six months), pressure on nearby tissues, soreness and burning, the neoplasm should be disposed of. Also, the reason for removal is the open site of localization of the lipoma. Since the swelling in the ear area is noticeable, it affects not only the appearance, but also self-esteem. In addition, a wen in such a place is often traumatized when combing hair, wearing hats, causing redness and inflammation.

It will not be difficult for an experienced doctor to make a correct diagnosis. As a rule, it is enough to conduct a visual examination with palpation. However, in some cases, further testing may be needed to clarify the diagnosis. Typically this is:
• detailed blood test, where an increased content of lymphocytes may indicate a malignant nature of the tumor;
• puncture of the contents of the wen with subsequent histological examination for oncopathology;
• Ultrasound, x-ray, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging (performed to better understand the lipoma growing in the depth of the ear canal).

Wen behind the ear: how to get rid of it?
Unfortunately, today there are no drugs that can eliminateor at least reduce the neoplasm. Even a strong weight loss, in which all adipose tissue decreases, does not affect the size of the lipoma. Many patients live with wen in the ear for years and are in no hurry to get rid of them. First of all, this applies to those who are not very worried about such a cosmetic defect. Of course, if the aesthetic side is not important, with a small size of a benign tumor, the operation can be delayed. But with a significant growth of lipoma, it is better to get rid of it. Wen in the ears (how to remove a qualified specialist will tell you) are eliminated only by radical methods, namely with the help of surgical intervention.

Surgical removal of a lipoma
Modern medicine offers to get rid of a lipoma behind the ear in several ways.
1. standard surgery. It consists in peeling the wen along with the capsule with a scalpel, which eliminates the likelihood of relapse. The disadvantage of this method is the presence of a postoperative scar and the duration of its healing.
2. Electrocoagulation. It is a surgical technique associated with exposure to high-frequency electric current on the lipoma. Such an operation is not entirely easy to perform, and therefore requires certain professional skills.
3. Laser removal is one of the most modern techniques that allows you to remove the wen along with the capsule quickly and safely. It is performed using a carbon dioxide laser. The advantage of laser tumor removalis the absence of bleeding, rapid healing without swelling and inflammation. In addition, this technique leaves no traces, which is very pleasing in the case when manipulations are carried out on an area of the body that is noticeable to others.
4. Radio wave therapy. Another bloodless and low-traumatic hardware technique that allows you to get rid of a wen. It is carried out using a radio wave knife. Laser and radio wave removal of lipomas in paid clinics costs about the same price.
The last 3 doses are used if the tumor is small. Large wen are removed surgically. This operation lasts about 20 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia. After removal of the tumor, cosmetic sutures are applied, which are removed after a week. All of the above methods do not affect further work capacity, therefore, immediately after removal, the patient can return to normal life. In any case, one thing is invariable - if a wen appears on the earlobe, how to get rid of it, the doctor should decide.

Do alternative medicine help?
Lipoma in the ear can be formed in both adults and children. And since few of us like to visit doctors, the first thing that always comes to mind is to solve the problem on our own. For this purpose, traditional medicine recipes are often resorted to. In most cases, ointments and all kinds of warming compresses are powerless in the fight against wen. Moreover, self- "pulling" of their contents can bedangerous, as softening the lipoma can lead to infection and inflammation.
Despite the fact that some folk remedies have a resolving effect, this treatment is very long. And delaying the problem, especially without prior diagnosis, can be dangerous. Therefore, so that a small wen behind the ear does not turn into a serious he alth threat, it is better to consult a doctor and remove it with radical methods in just a few minutes.