Neutrophilic leukocytes: causes of appearance in a smear, norm, possible diseases, treatment options

Neutrophilic leukocytes: causes of appearance in a smear, norm, possible diseases, treatment options
Neutrophilic leukocytes: causes of appearance in a smear, norm, possible diseases, treatment options

Today, in order to identify whether there is an inflammatory process or a blood disease in the body, you just need to do a cytological smear or a blood test. Neutrophilic leukocytes and their number in the results of the analysis can indicate some changes in the body. In order to understand this topic in more detail, this article was created.

neutrophilic leukocytes
neutrophilic leukocytes

Neutrophils. What is this?

Neutrophil leukocytes, or as they are also called neutrophil granulocytes, are a type of leukocyte. They look like white blood cells, their important function is to protect the body from the effects of bacterial infections, as well as support the human immunity itself.

The place of maturation of neutrophils is the bone marrow, then they “migrate” into the blood, and their speed is 7 million per minute. The circulation of neutrophils in the blood lasts from 8 hours to 2 days, after which they move to the tissues, whereand their main function is to protect the body. In the same tissues, neutrophils die.

Neutrophils are the most significant and quite numerous of all subtypes of leukocytes in the blood, and their percentage is 45-70% of leukocytes, which are 12-15 microns in diameter.

Neutrophilic leukocytes perform the function of "ambulance". They pick up the "signals of inflammation" and immediately move to the site of the lesion. Inflammatory reactions can occur as a result of burns, wounds, ulcers, injuries, etc. A decrease in the level of neutrophils occurs as a result of the presence of a virus in the body, parasitic invasions.

neutrophilic leukocytes in cytology
neutrophilic leukocytes in cytology


Neutrophil granulocytes in the blood are divided into two types according to the shape of the nucleus:

  1. Stab neutrophilic leukocytes - have the shape of a horseshoe-shaped nucleus, are considered immature or juvenile neutrophils.
  2. Segmented neutrophilic granulocytes are the mature form of the neutrophil with a segmented nucleus. They are also called "heroic", because when they encounter microbes, they absorb them and die.

In order to determine the state of the human body, experts compare the percentage of mature and young neutrophils. It is known that in newborns there is an increased number of stab neutrophils, but later such cells change into segmented representatives. And after three weeks of a child's life, the balance between mature and young cells is leveled.


Norm of neutrophilsleukocytes in the blood differs by age criteria, but there are no differences by gender.

The rate table is shown below.

Age Average rate
Stab neutrophils Segmented neutrophils
Newborns/Infants 1 to 5% 27 to 55%.
Children under 5 1 to 5% 20 to 55%
Children under 15 1 to 4% 40 to 60%
Adults Total from 45 to 70%

In order to determine the amount of neutrophils in the blood, doctors prescribe a detailed blood test.

accumulation of neutrophilic leukocytes
accumulation of neutrophilic leukocytes


Rhinocytogram is a study that is carried out using a smear from the nasal cavity to clarify inflammation of the nose or other diseases. This diagnosis is especially important for preventing the progression of allergic rhinitis.

So, what will this study reveal:

  • allergic cause of inflammation of the nose;
  • diagnose to screen out other causes of rhinitis;
  • prevent the progression of allergic reactions;
  • to choose the right treatment in time;
  • prevent complications.

Before carrying out such a diagnosis, you should not wash your nose or use other means for it.

According to the resultsstudies of the ratio of eosinophils and neutrophilic leukocytes in a nasal swab can determine the intensity of the manifestation of an allergy or infection:

  • If there are more neutrophils in the microflora, then there are bacterial infections in the nasal cavity and in the whole body. Elevated neutrophil levels are especially common during acute illness.
  • If there are more eosinophils (more than 10%), then the person has exacerbated allergic reactions.
  • Excessive number of neutrophils and eosinophils indicates allergic rhinitis, which was complicated by secondary infections.
  • Low or no neutrophils and eosinophils would indicate the presence of vasomotor rhinitis.
neutrophilic leukocytes in the nose
neutrophilic leukocytes in the nose

Pathological causes of low neutrophils

Decreased neutrophilic leukocytes in a smear may be due to:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • various viral diseases;
  • bacterial infections;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • anemia;
  • protozoal infections;
  • agranulocytosis;
  • typhus and others

Not only diseases can lead to a decrease in neutrophils in the blood, but also the state of the person himself:

  • after the introduction of the vaccine;
  • due to chemotherapy;
  • as a result of a severe illness;
  • with drug therapy;
  • due to anaphylactic shock;
  • after radiotherapy;
  • due to living in a bad environmentalarea.

In addition to this, there are a number of other factors that can affect the level of neutrophilic leukocytes: excessive exercise or a congenital trait (neutrophil levels from birth are below normal).

neutrophilic leukocytes in a smear for cytology
neutrophilic leukocytes in a smear for cytology

Pathological causes of elevated neutrophils

Elevated neutrophilic leukocytes in cytology may mean that there is an inflammatory process in the body. The latter in appearance are generalized and localized. Generalized - this is the defeat of the whole organism with such severe infections as, for example, cholera and sepsis. Localized inflammations are inflammations that are concentrated in one place or area of the human body, for example: tonsillitis, purulent wounds, pyelonephritis, pneumonia, etc. An increased level of neutrophils is observed as a result of such pathologies:

  • diabetes;
  • burns;
  • cancerous growths;
  • dermatitis and other skin diseases;
  • genitourinary disorders;
  • gangrene;
  • exposure to and damage by toxic substances of the body.

Exceeding the norm in terms of neutrophils in the blood may be a temporary manifestation that was caused by external factors. These include psycho-emotional stress, stress, excessive physical activity, the introduction of a vaccine or other medications. In order for the test results to be as reliable as possible, you need to get rid of all these factors before laboratory diagnostics.

Due to various diseases and viruses, the chemical elements in the blood change, which allows doctors to determine the exact disease with the help of tests. Neutrophilic granulocytes can be elevated due to a variety of reasons, but the fact that there is a deviation from the norm forces a person to undergo a complete examination of the human body. Such a diagnosis is carried out taking into account all possible factors that negatively affect the body.

neutrophilic leukocytes in a nasal swab
neutrophilic leukocytes in a nasal swab

Features of the process of neutropenia

Neutropenia is a condition where neutrophilic leukocytes are low in the blood. It has already been said above that neutrophils react to foreign bodies in the body and in every possible way protect and keep immunity in order. That is, when neutrophils detect an infection in the body, they form a “block” around the inflammation, thereby creating obstacles for the further spread of foreign agents. The result of such a struggle between neutrophilic leukocytes and infection will be the formation of pus in the wound, an inflammatory and intoxication syndrome.

The disease can be latent if initially a person has neutropenia, but because of this, the infection can spread throughout the body and lead to sepsis. The first clinical manifestations of neutropenia may be:

  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • purulent tonsillitis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • abscess;
  • sepsis.

Those patients who are susceptible to neutropenia should avoid contact with other sick people, and they are not recommended to be in a place wherea large crowd of people. Every year it is necessary to carry out planned prevention of seasonal diseases. In addition, microbes that are completely safe for the average person can adversely affect the he alth of neutropenic patients.

Treatment for neutrophilia

If neutrophilic leukocytes are elevated (from the nose in a smear, for example), you first need to identify the reason why this is happening. This should be done, as there are no direct remedies that will help reduce neutrophils.

The following is a list of actions in case of neutrophilia (increased number of neutrophils):

  1. Be sure to visit a general practitioner and provide him with the results of the tests, as well as tell him about the presence of certain symptoms.
  2. In order to confirm the reliability of the tests, you need to retake them, while following all the rules for preparing for diagnosis.
  3. If neutrophilia is still confirmed, then the next step will be a complete diagnosis of the body to detect inflammatory diseases.
  4. After a detailed diagnosis, specialists prescribe drug therapy in accordance with the disease:
  • antibiotics;
  • immunostimulants;
  • sedatives;
  • corticosteroids;
  • cleansing the blood of excess leukocytes.
neutrophilic leukocytes normal
neutrophilic leukocytes normal

Treatment for neutropenia

If neutrophilic leukocytes in a smear for cytology are below normal, as in the case described above, the cause must be determined. But very often afteras a person has had an infection and recovered, neutrophils begin to recover themselves. As a rule, treatment for neutropenia is aimed at getting rid of the primary factors. The following drugs are usually prescribed:

  • leukopoiesis stimulants (moderate effect);
  • "Pentoxyl" (moderate effect);
  • "Methyluracil" (moderate effect);
  • "Filgrastim" (strong effect);
  • "Lenograstim" (strong effect).

Who should I contact?

If there is a deviation from the norm in the analyzes, you should contact the following doctors:

  • to therapist;
  • to an immunologist;
  • hematologist,
  • allergist.

Doctors can not only prescribe therapy for the accumulation of neutrophilic leukocytes, but also recommend following these guidelines:

  • quit alcohol and smoking;
  • he althy sleep;
  • correct daily routine;
  • drink about 2 liters of water a day;
  • do light sports;
  • eliminate stress and other emotional stress;
  • rational nutrition (5 times a day) in small portions;
  • vitamin intake.
