All diseases, accompanied by an unpleasant sore throat, do not give a person peace of mind and interfere with their usual way of life. Only special medicines and rinsing solutions can restore the he alth of the organ and eliminate pain. Gargling medicine can be purchased at any pharmacy or prepared at home using s alt, soda or iodine.
Why do I need a gargle solution?
The tonsils are an immune organ made up of a large number of lymphoid cells that help prevent the passage of inhaled pathogens, providing a protective effect.
Due to the constant interaction with dangerous microbes, the tonsils are damaged from time to time, and an inflammatory process begins in them, as a result of which the organ increases in size, begins to fester and hurt. Pathogenic microorganisms with a strong infection can quickly penetrate further into the throat and provoke laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. To eliminate pain, you need to use specialmedicines in the form of nebulizers.

Infectious process in the larynx can be eliminated by local therapy. Throat rinsing is an effective way to combat harmful pathogens. If you gargle every day even with plain mineral water, you can reduce the risk of developing and spreading viral pathology by several times. Solutions for gargling are effective drugs used to disinfect the larynx, eliminate swelling and pain. Most often, these products are based on affordable products that can be found in any kitchen and in every medicine cabinet: soda, iodine, s alt, peroxide and chamomile.
Why gargle?
Every person at least once a year is struck by an unpleasant cold, accompanied by the following symptoms: redness of the throat, pain, hoarseness and a feeling of itching. To quickly eliminate this condition, special medicines are used to gargle for a sore throat. Irrigation of the larynx is a mechanical process of eliminating accumulated pus, mucus, harmful microorganisms with the help of medicines. This method is considered safe and allowed for children and pregnant women.
Regular rinsing of the mouth and throat eliminates all pathogens from the mucosa, and also creates conditions under which bacteria and viruses cease to exist. In addition, rinsing medicines remove microbes, raids and purulent plugs - foci of infection. Flushing the larynx helps speed up the recovery process.
Medications for gargling with sore throat provide a quick removal of harmful microorganisms only with regular use. Doctors recommend carrying out a similar procedure 6 times a day before meals.

For one rinse, 150 milliliters of a medicinal solution of warm temperature is enough. It is forbidden to use hot liquid when rinsing, as as a result it can provoke a burn of the mucous membrane and an increase in body temperature. Lavage of the larynx should be carried out according to the following instructions:
- for the purpose of rinsing, it is most effective to use a freshly prepared solution;
- takes a big gulp of liquid into mouth;
- head tilted back;
- after, if possible, you should try to play a long sound, while you need to control the washing process itself;
- followed by a slow exhalation to set the liquid in motion;
- an oscillatory repeated movement of the tongue, cheeks is made in order to move the composition from one part of the mouth to another;
- after the drug is spit out, the procedure is repeated;
- you need to adhere to time limits, give each rinse 30 seconds;
- procedure is done 30 minutes before eating;
- throat lavage time - 5 minutes (the more acute the pain, the longer the procedure lasts);
- The frequency of the procedure depends on the number of symptoms, the severity of the disease and the selected medication.
What canuse when rinsing?
An infectious disease that occurs against the background of inflammation of the palate, lingual and nasopharyngeal tonsils, is called acute tonsillitis or tonsillitis. Most often, during a consultation, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes antibiotics, since during a sore throat you simply cannot do without them. List of gargle medicines:
- garlic tincture;
- chamomile decoction;
- apple cider vinegar;
- propolis tincture;
- mixture of s alt, soda and iodine;
- beetroot juice;
- blueberry decoction;
- 3 percent hydrogen peroxide;
- ready-made medicines ("Furacilin", "Miramistin", "Chlorophyllipit", "Iodinol" and Lugol's solution);
- probiotics;
- sage decoction;
- simple potassium permanganate.
Soda and s alt solution
A solution of s alt and soda has been actively used by patients for a long time. To create a mixture, a glass of warm water is taken, into which a teaspoon of s alt and soda is added, everything is thoroughly mixed. Such a composition is prepared at home using improvised means. Instead of plain s alt, you can use sea s alt in the same proportion. The main effect of the described remedy is that it helps to create an acidic environment that kills viruses and bacteria. In addition, a solution of soda and s alt provides the following effect:
- eliminates the inflammatory process, relieves irritation;
- softens the throat;
- if you apply the remedy at an early stage of the development of the disease, you can stop the subsequent progressionailments;
- use the medication is allowed for any problems - from a breakdown in the voice to bacterial damage.
What drugs can be used?
Names of medicines for gargling:
- Chlorhexidine.
- Furacilin.
- Chlorophyllipite.
- Yoks.
- OKI.
- Eludril.
- "Stopangin".
Reviews on gargling medicines are mostly positive: many note the absence of adverse reactions and a quick effect.
Chlorhexidine intake
When pain occurs in the throat, a specialist can prescribe a gargle to the patient with special anti-inflammatory drugs that help to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms and have an anti-inflammatory effect, restoring the mucous membrane of the larynx. Modern drug manufacturers create a huge number of drugs to combat colds.
Antiseptic "Chlorhexidine" is highly active against the herpes virus, dermatophytes, yeast and vegetative forms of pathogenic microorganisms. The drug will help cleanse the skin without deforming their structures. "Chlorhexidine" is an effective drug in the fight against tonsillitis, tonsillitis and other infectious diseases.
It is recommended to rinse the larynx with 0.5 or 0.2 percent solutions. The drug is approved for use by children from the age of seven, but only in diluted form. For 15 milliliters of medicine use 30 millilitersdistilled water. If an overdose occurs, then an allergic reaction may occur on the skin - itching or urticaria. The product is prohibited for pregnant women and children under the age of 7.
How to take Chlorophyllipt?
"Chlorophyllipt" is a gargle medicine that has the form of a solution of eucalyptus. The drug is used to wash the larynx during sore throat, laryngitis and pharyngitis. The drug effectively fights microbes, suppresses the spread of viruses during influenza.

To prepare the solution, take 100 ml of warm water, add a teaspoon of medication, mix everything well. The rinsing procedure lasts 5 minutes and is repeated 4 times a day. The main contraindications include bearing a child, as well as hypersensitivity to the components contained in the product. Medicine for gargling green color and liquid consistency.

The effect of "Furacilin"
Furacilin is an antimicrobial agent with an antibacterial effect. The drug makes an effective fight against microorganisms that provoke inflammation and the formation of pus in the throat. The medicine goes on sale in the form of a solution or tablets. The active components of the product help to reduce the activity of staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia, dysentery coli and salmonella. With regular intake of the drug, the activity of phagocytes, protective blood cells, is significantly enhanced.
Strictly prohibitedtry this remedy to cure the throat of a small child. If the baby accidentally drank the drug, then after some time he may begin severe vomiting, nausea, and allergic rashes all over his body. Older people are recommended to use the product five times a day, each procedure lasts at least five minutes.
On average, about 500 ml of the described remedy is consumed per day. The patient feels the first effect after a few applications - the pain syndrome is significantly reduced, the redness disappears. Do not swallow the solution.
Other throat remedies
OKI throat gargle is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used topically. You can use the drug from the age of six. It is not recommended to swallow the solution, as this often leads to adverse reactions. For a more effective recovery, mouthwash medications for sore throat are recommended. The drug has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, but does not help fight bacteria. Most often, the remedy is prescribed for inflammation of the oral cavity and pharynx during tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and viral lesions. Sometimes leads to allergies.

Another medicine for gargling with sore throat is Eludril. The drug is a mixture of chlorhexidine and chlorbutanol. It has analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects. Leads to rapid healing of ulcers and wounds in the oral cavity. Includes ethyl alcohol. In addition to rinsing during an inflammatoryprocess in the throat, also effective in the care of removable dentures, suitable as a remedy in the postoperative period.

Green throat gargle - "Stopangin". Consists of essential oils and hexetidine. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Does not lead to adverse reactions, well tolerated by patients. Recommended for pharyngitis of a bacterial nature, stomatitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, eliminates purulent deposits in the mouth and larynx.
Yoks is another iodine-based drug. Prohibited for use in the presence of problems with the thyroid gland, with laryngitis, children under 8 years of age and pregnant women. It has an antiseptic effect and helps to get rid of accumulations of pus.
Mouthwash with potassium permanganate
Magnesium permanganate, simply potassium permanganate, is distinguished by its antimicrobial properties. Such a drug helps to eliminate swelling in a short time, disinfect the oral cavity, and also dry the tonsils. Usually, the throat is washed with solutions of a light pink color. To prepare the mixture, you need to take 100 ml of warm water and a few crystals of the drug. To achieve a greater effect, five drops of a 5% alcohol solution of iodine can be added to the liquid. After 30 minutes, treat the tonsils with sea buckthorn or rosehip oil. It is allowed to use potassium permanganate about 7 times a day. A photo of the gargle medicine is posted below.

Treatment with the drug is prohibitedcarry out with hypersensitivity and the presence of an allergic reaction. In addition, it is important to remember about the established dosages for the child. For children, you can take no more than 3 grams of potassium permanganate, and for adults - no more than 300 grams. These doses are considered dangerous. With an overdose of the drug, the patient develops severe pain in the esophagus, mouth and stomach. Severe and prolonged diarrhea may set in.
How to gargle a child?
Flushing helps prevent the process of active spread of bacteria down the child's throat. Young children often swallow liquids and cannot hold their breath while rinsing, so parents have to explain and show by example how to rinse their mouths correctly. Most often, children are prescribed medicines with herbal and natural composition. The most popular recipes for fighting an infectious process in a child include:
- Malavit. Astringent drug with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. The product is concentrated, so it must be diluted before use - about 4 drops of Malavit are added to a glass of water. Rinsing with the mixture is carried out 3 times a day until the symptoms of malaise are eliminated.
- Sea s alt. To prepare the mixture, take a teaspoon of the product and a glass of warm water. Washing the throat with the described preparation is carried out every four hours.
- Beet juice. Such a natural component quickly relieves swelling, has an anti-inflammatory effect. To obtain a solution in 400 ml of beet juice, add 35 ml of apple cider vinegar,infuse the mixture for 2 hours. Rinse your mouth with this remedy every forty minutes.
- Infusion of chamomile. For 1 tablespoon of dried chamomile take 250 ml of hot water. After the mixture is infused, the product is filtered and consumed. The solution helps to soften the mucous membranes and eliminate the inflammatory process.
Before you start treating a child's throat, it is important to undergo a mandatory consultation with a doctor. It will help you choose effective drugs, taking into account all the characteristics of the baby.