It has long been known that contact lenses can greatly improve the lives of people with poor eyesight. Their main plus is convenience and comfort compared to glasses. The downside is that contact lenses need to be selected very carefully. And this is not only due to the large number of options. We invite you to figure out how to choose lenses on your own and with the help of an ophthalmologist.
General information about contact lenses
How are lenses selected? Their choice should be based on your vision, preferences and lifestyle.

Their benefits:
- aesthetic look (good alternative to glasses);
- best vision correction;
- ensure a high level of peripheral vision;
- does not fog up;
- allow for active recreation and sports.
Their flaws:
- requires getting used to having a foreign object on the eye;
- constant cleaning requiredbiological deposits;
- not suitable for all people.
If you still decide to wear contact lenses, then, regardless of their type, you will need to acquire special items, such as:
- tweezers;
- container;
- solution.
In some cases, moisturizing eye drops are also needed.
Rules for the care and wearing of contact lenses
How to care for lenses:
- They must be properly cleaned and disinfected. This is to kill germs and prevent infections.
- The container must be rinsed after each cleaning procedure, and after their scheduled replacement, a new one must be purchased.
- Before placing contact lenses in the container, you must pour a new solution.
- Don't wet your lenses with saliva.
- Never use homemade cleaning solutions as they can cause serious eye infections.
- Not all eye drops and solutions fit all types of lenses. Please read the product description carefully before purchasing.

Proper wearing of contact lenses involves the following points:
- Washing hands with soap and water before handling contact lenses.
- You can't give your lenses to someone, just like wearing someone else's.
- You can not wear them for more than a certain period (each type has its own).
- It is not recommended to buy lenses from other places than certified opticians.
Basic parameterswhen choosing
There are 6 main categories to consider before choosing contact lenses for your eyes:
- material from which they are made;
- lens type;
- lens texture (hard or soft);
- duration of wearing (one-day or long-term wear);
- appointment (simple, for treatment);
- color (transparent or colored).

But the most important parameters to know when buying lenses are vision and cornea characteristics:
- corneal curvature;
- diopter value;
- intraocular pressure;
- peripheral vision;
- eye muscles work.
Therefore, before choosing contact lenses for the eyes, it is recommended to visit an ophthalmologist and check your vision. You should also listen to his recommendations about the types of lenses. After that, you can already independently study the market.
You should consult with an ophthalmologist who has special training in contact vision correction to discuss the possibility of using contact lenses, taking into account the type and degree of visual impairment, age, he alth status and personal wishes.
In some diseases, this method of vision correction cannot be used at all. These include:
- inflammatory processes in the eyes,
- glaucoma,
- diseases of the lacrimal apparatus,
- strabismus,
- subluxation of the lens,
- allergy.
Howchoose lenses based on the material of their manufacture?
Modern contact lenses are made from silicone hydrogel or hydrogel.
Hydrogel lenses allow air to pass through water to the eye, so the more water it takes in the composition, the higher the oxygen permeability. The recommended period for wearing such lenses is from eight to twelve hours. Sleeping in them is strictly prohibited.

Silicone-hydrogel lenses pass air through silicone, so the higher its proportion in the total composition, the higher the oxygen permeability. You can wear them continuously for the entire period (two weeks, a month, a quarter, and so on). Although from time to time experts recommend removing them and dipping them in a disinfectant solution.
The hydrogel is responsible for the moisture content and mobility of the contact lens on the retina.
Hard or soft?
All early contact lenses were hard. But modern technology has made it possible to create a new type - soft.
Features of hard contact lenses:
- More durable.
- Not suitable for people with sensitive retinas.
- Keep well on the eyes and don't move when blinking.
- Used to treat diseases such as astigmatism (irregular shape of the retina) or keratoconus (deformation and dystrophic changes in the cornea).
- High resistance to protein deposits.
- Hard contact lenses are slightly smaller than soft lenses, allowing the outermost part of the cornea to receive oxygen.
- BRigid lenses are water-free, so they won't dry out and there's no need for additional eye drops.
- Felt on the eyes.
- Long period of getting used to them.
- Long period of choice, since you cannot choose lenses on your own and you need to visit your own ophthalmologist.
- Modern rigid contact lenses are made from a material that is very good at transmitting oxygen. By this criterion, they are not inferior to soft ones.

Features of soft contact lenses:
- More comfortable on the eye than hard contact lenses.
- Less durable and easily damaged when putting on or taking off.
- Virtually invisible.
- They leave fingerprints if worn carelessly.
- The diameter of the lens is such that it covers the entire cornea. Therefore, they provide a complete field of vision.
- Wide selection according to different criteria (duration of wearing, color palette and so on).
- Beginners find it difficult to put them on.
- Some types sometimes need to be washed multiple times.
- If a soft contact lens is dropped or falls out, it often becomes impossible to find it. She's practically invisible.
Special contact lenses
They are intended for the treatment of various eye diseases, and not just for vision correction. There are the following types of special contact lenses:
- bifocal;
- treatment contact lenses;
- forartificial pupil and iris.

The principle of bifocal contact lenses is the same as that of glasses - they consist of two zones and a special surface designed for different viewing angles:
- reading area at the bottom of the lens;
- zone given in the center of the lens;
- surfaces that allow forming an image of near and far objects.
Often the zones are divided into two eyes. For example, on the right eye - a lens with a reading zone, and on the left - with a distance zone.
The purpose of contact lenses for artificial irises and pupils is to cover the defect. And if the eye can still see at least a little, then they will also help prevent a lot of light from hitting it.
Therapeutic lenses are not worn all the time, but only at certain times:
- for dry eyes;
- correction of deviated cornea;
- for burns and other damage to the retina and cornea.
This includes the following types:
- toric;
- multifocal contact lenses.
How to choose toric lenses? To do this, you need to contact a specialist, since even the material and the period of wearing must be chosen based on the medical history. But this is not the main thing. The whole problem boils down to the fact that toric lenses are used to treat astigmatism. Therefore, using computer analysis, it is necessary to calculate the radius of deviation of the cornea.
How to choose multifocal lenses? Their goal is to correct farsightedness that manifests itself with age (presbyopia). According to the way they work, theysimilar to bifocals.
What to choose - regular or multifocal contact lenses? How to choose the right option and get good vision? Sometimes it is quite difficult to get used to multifocal ones, some people may even experience headaches. If it is unprincipled for you to see with the same sharpness near and far, then experts recommend using simple lenses throughout the day, and using glasses for reading.
Colored contact lenses
How to choose colored lenses for the eyes? Most often they are chosen as an accessory and to change the shade of the eyes to suit a suit or mood.
In rare cases, colored lenses help with these problems:
- an eyesore, that is, the absence of a pupil (the lens masks this defect);
- wrong color of the iris (the lens evens out the color);
- sun intolerance (lens helps better than sunglasses);
- a sore eye for which it is necessary to block the access of light.

Colored lenses differ in the way they apply paint:
- paint is applied on top in a thin layer;
- paint is included in the main composition.
How to choose colored lenses for the eyes depending on the color? There are two types:
- colored (Colour), which can drastically change the color of the cornea (for example, brown will turn blue);
- tint (Enhancers), which give shine to the eyes and rich color to the natural shade of the cornea;
- creative or carnival (Crazy), with whichyou can simulate completely different effects (for example, the eyes of an animal or a monster).
Famous brands of colored contact lenses:
- "Maxima";
- "Baich plus Lomb";
- "Alcon Siba Vision";
- "Imed Technologies";
- "Jelflex";
- "Bescon".
Carnival lenses are produced by Okay Vision, Gelflex, various Chinese and Korean companies. Walking in them for more than a few hours is not recommended.
Lens wearing time
There are such varieties of contact lenses depending on the period of their wearing:
- one-day;
- weekly or fortnightly;
- monthly;
- quarterly;
- semi-annual;
- annual;
- night.
Night lenses are worn only at bedtime. During this time, they correct the shape of the cornea, after which vision improves slightly and the person does not need to wear glasses or lenses. This effect is only enough for a day.

One-day lenses are changed every twenty-four hours and you can sleep in them. They are sold most often in sets of thirty pieces. That is enough for two weeks. How to choose disposable lenses? All lenses of this type of wear are soft and differ only in oxygen permeability.
Most common brands:
1. "Johnson &Johnson":
- "One Day ACUVUE Moist" (1-Day ACUVUE Moist);
- "One Day Acuvue True Eye" (1 DAYACUVUE TruEye).
2. "Okay Vision":
- "Daysoft" (Daysoft);
- "One Touch One Day" (One Touch 1 Day).
3. "Clea Lab": "Clea Van Day" (Clear 1-Day).
4. "Cooper Vision":
- "Proclear 1 Day" (Proclear 1 Day);
- "Biomedics Van Day Extra" (Biomedics 1 Day Extra).
5. Maxima: One Day Premium (1-DAY Premium).
6. "Bouch plus Lomb": "Bio True One Day" (Bio True One Day).
Weekly contact lenses can be worn without removing for seven days or two weeks. In the second case, they must be lowered at least several times into the container overnight. The most popular lenses are ACUVUE OASYS from Johnson & Johnson.
Monthly, depending on their type, can be worn without removing for thirty days or removed at night.
Most Popular Brands:
- Cuba Vision: AirOptix Aqua.
- Ok Vision: Prima Bio.
- "Cooper Vision":
- "Avaira" (Avaira);
- "Proclear".
How to choose one-day lenses, two-week or monthly? Think carefully about the purpose for which you will wear them. If for office work, then opt for those that have a high level of oxygen permeability of any type of wear. If you need lenses for permanent wear, thenthe best option for you will be those that are designed for two weeks, a month or a quarter.
Package symbols
Each contact lens has the following symbols on the packaging:
- DIA – lens diameter (the most common value is -14, 0);
- BC – base curvature;
- D - diopter, that is, the optical power of the lens;
- Dk/t – oxygen permeability level;
- image of the sun - lens provides UV protection;
- the hourglass image and the numbers next to it are the expiration date of products that have not yet been printed and worn.
How to choose the right lenses for the eyes of a beginner?
Here is a list of the main problems faced by those who have only recently decided to wear lenses:
- discomfort in the eyes;
- problem during putting on (sometimes the process can take twenty to thirty minutes);
- similar withdrawal problem.

It's all about habit and skill. Over time, these problems will disappear, but until a person has experience in wearing, it is possible not only to damage the object itself, but also the retina of the eye.
So how are lenses selected in this case? Beginners are advised to opt for such types that are made of silicone hydrogel. These contact lenses are harder to break than regular hydrogels. They are more elastic, so they are quite easy to put on and take off. Also, if you forget to take them off at night, then nothing will happen to your eyes and will not happen in the discomfort or irritation.
Properly selected contact lenses do not contribute to the development of myopia, but can affect the change in the tissues of the eye surface, which is often accompanied by discomfort and dry eye syndrome. A comprehensive solution helps - the use of ophthalmic gel and eye drops.
Korneregel gel helps to eliminate the causes of discomfort. It contains carbomer on a soft gel base, which retains full hydration, and dexpanthenol, which has a healing effect. When taking Korneregel, contact lenses should be removed or, using a prophylactic gel, applied at the end of the day, at night.
Those who feel discomfort and dryness throughout the day should choose Artelak Balance drops, which combine a combination of hyaluronic acid and vitamin B12. Hyaluronic acid forms a film on the surface of the eye that provides moisture. The moisturizing effect of hyaluronic acid prolongs the special protector. Vitamin B12 is an antioxidant that protects cells from free radical damage.
For those who experience discomfort occasionally and usually by the end of the day, Artelak Splash drops, containing hyaluronic acid 0.24%.
There are contraindications. It is necessary to read the instructions or consult with a specialist.
Comparison as one of the contact lens selection methods
How to choose lenses for eyes without a doctor? Only a detailed study of the product market and a comparison method. That is, to begin with, purchase a product of onetype and then another. Compare different brands and types. So you can find exactly those lenses in which you can feel the highest degree of comfort. For example, first buy a two-week silicone hydrogel, and then try to be like monthly. It is also possible to use two types of contact lenses at the same time, depending on the specific situation and purpose.
Before choosing lenses for eyes without a doctor, talk to people who have sufficient experience in wearing them. So you can get to know this product more thoroughly.

Remember: if you have frequent allergic reactions, feel constant dryness in your eyes, you are unable or have no time to properly care for contact lenses, then none of the types is right for you. Better opt for glasses.
If you have any of the symptoms listed below, your contact lens fit was incorrect:
- pain in the eyes;
- light sensitivity;
- red eyes;
- blurred vision;
- prickly feeling in the eyes;
- headaches that occur after wearing the product.
Whatever type of contact lenses you choose, you will still have to experiment with new types over time. After all, progress does not stand still. Specialists are constantly developing new materials and improving the technology of manufacturing contact lenses. Thus, some models are even removed fromproduction. And they are being replaced by better quality contact lenses. Therefore, always keep an eye on the assortment, especially if you have chosen the long-wear type.