Contact lenses have firmly entered our lives. Worldwide, more than 100 million people use them for vision correction. This is not surprising, because, unlike glasses, they do not narrow the width of the view, do not limit the physical activity of a person (he can even go in for sports) and are invisible. For nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and other visual impairments, they are used by most people.
Recently, decorative designs have also begun to be worn. With their help, you can enhance or change the natural color of the eyes and achieve an amazing effect.
Contact lenses can be successfully alternated with wearing glasses. It doesn't take long to take care of them. When choosing this way of vision correction, there are no problems with the use of cosmetics. Contact lenses allow you to lead an active lifestyle in all respects. One-day contact lenses are especially good for athletes (which ones are better - we will consider further). They can be worn with sunglasses, 3D glasses or other equipment.

Selection of lenses
In order to choose a method of vision correction, you must consult a doctor. Only hewill be able to choose the right model for you. The doctor will recommend the most comfortable and safe samples. Which lenses are better, one-day or two-week lenses? This is not the only question that arises when choosing. What are the best disposable lenses? We will try to answer some questions, but we warn you: do not delay a visit to a specialist, do not choose models yourself.
Types of contact lenses

Samples differ in their material (hard, soft), shape (flat, conical, etc.) and other parameters.
Particular attention when choosing a means of vision correction is given to the time of replacing a used pair with a new one. Existing models are divided into several types:
- One-day. The recommended period of use is up to 24 hours. After that, the lenses need to be replaced. The next day they are not recommended.
- Scheduled replacement. The recommended period of use is up to 2 weeks. They are placed in a container filled with a special solution overnight, after which they can be used again.
- Monthly replacement. Requires disposal after 30 days of use.
- Traditional. Service life more than a month (3-6 months).
This parameter is very important and directly affects eye he alth.
What happens to the lens with prolonged use

The lens as a foreign object, being on the surface of the eye, must be in perfect condition. itconcerns its integrity (to exclude injuries), cleanliness (complete sterility) and the absence of plaque. The more a particular lens is used, the more likely it is that one or more of the above conditions will fail and complications will occur.
After using the same lens for more than a month, an invisible coating forms on it. Proteins and fats stick to the surface, change the transparency of the lens, serve as a breeding ground for microorganisms and cause allergic reactions. That is why for such models there is a need for additional care (enzymatic treatment, disinfection). They must be thoroughly cleaned daily. The components of the solutions can also bind to the plaque and aggravate the situation. Also, a decrease in the hydrophilicity of the lens and the appearance of a feeling of sand in the eyes lead to ophthalmological complications.
Confirmation of declining security with increasing use life

Proof is the significant reduction in infectious and allergic complications when switching from traditional lenses to elective lenses.
This effect is reflected in the results of numerous medical studies. Obtaining evidence of a decrease in the safety of contact lenses with an increase in the period of their use has led to an increase in the release of models by optical companies up to 14 days. Saving money on traditional samples will also not work due to the increase in the cost of containers, disinfectants and enzymes.
Therefore, the question of which lensesbetter, one-day or monthly, the answer is unequivocal - one-day.
What to choose: elective replacement lenses or disposable lenses?

Which lenses are better, one-day or two-week lenses? To answer this question, it is necessary to understand that the difference in these samples is not only in the duration of the application of a particular model.
To keep your lenses in perfect condition (smooth, clean, free of deposits) for 14 days, you need to take care of them. Every day after removing the lens with clean, dry hands, it is necessary to rinse it from mucus with a fresh solution. When using solutions containing peroxide, carry out neutralization. Then place the lenses in a clean container (separate for each lens), pour fresh universal solution.
In order to keep a daily lens in working condition, it is necessary to install it with clean, dry hands and also remove it at the end of the day.
The doctor will be able to tell you which lenses are better (one-day or two-week) for you. And more convenient? Definitely disposable.
Specifications of daily contact lenses
Which one-day lenses are better to prefer at the moment, you can decide at the consultation appointment. As a rule, the optometrist recommends models suitable for a particular patient. We’ll figure out what to look for when deciding which daily lenses are the best.
These vision aids can be made from hydrogel or silicone hydrogel. The latter is more modern and is produced in small quantities.manufacturing firms. The answer to the question of which daily lenses are better depending on the material will tip the balance of choice towards silicone hydrogel models.
Oxygen permeability will also characterize disposable contact lenses. Which is better to choose? The more oxygen supplied to the cornea, the better the prognosis. Therefore, when deciding which daily lenses are best, the choice will tend to be those with the highest oxygen permeability.
One of the most important characteristics of contact lenses will be the moisture content. The desire of some patients to use hydrogel lenses with the maximum values of this parameter is erroneous. The higher it is, the more the eye dries. Which disposable lenses are best for moisture content? Hydrogels with a moisture level of about 50%, and silicone hydrogels with a maximum moisture content.
Reviews of doctors and patients

Realizing that it is preferable to use disposable contact lenses, I want to choose the best ones. Patients and doctors share their experiences. What are the best disposable lenses? Reviews on numerous forums recommend certain models for use. For the most part, they are one in the following:
- Having the right lenses makes it possible to see the world to the fullest.
- Contact lenses are a modern and very high quality product.
- One-day lenses are the best choice for an active lifestyle, they save a lot of time.
- Following the minimum recommendations does not entail complications and adverse reactions.
Also, buyers are recommended lenses from the company "Acuview" (this manufacturer occupies top positions in the ranking of the best means to improve vision). Not to mention the American company Johnson & Johnson. Their products are distributed in more than 175 countries around the world.
Among Russian manufacturers, we can distinguish the company "Concor" and "Doctor Optic". They produce soft contact lenses of different service life.
Make your choice!