Every person in his life faced with the problem of pain in the head. A symptom can appear for various reasons and have a different nature of pain. Today, many people suffer from so-called psychogenic headaches. This condition is directly related to hypochondria, depression and stress. Often the disease occurs on a nervous basis, and in some cases requires immediate intervention by specialists.

Most often, a headache is caused by the expansion or narrowing of blood vessels outside or inside the skull. The pain sensation covers various areas, such as eyebrows, neck, eyelids, occiput, scales, forehead, creating obvious discomfort.
Types of diseases
Pain in the head area can be caused by the following ailments:
- Migraines.
- Tension headache (psychogenic pain).
- Cluster headache.
- Infection-provoked pain.
- Sinus pain.
- Tranio-cerebral disorders.
Migraine is one of the most unpleasant sensations. The first manifestation of this disease is severe throbbing pain in the head and nausea. Secondary symptoms of migraine - intolerance to bright light and strong odors. Most often, such attacks occur in women aged 25 to 35 years and last for a long time (up to three days).
The next variety is the so-called tension headache. This type of seizure is the most common in humans. The occurrence of pain is provoked by prolonged psycho-emotional stress. At the same time, a person has muscle pressure, a feeling of fatigue, not a sharp, but pressing pain in the forehead and back of the head.
Cluster headache. Attacks of the disease are accompanied by severe unilateral pains of a throbbing nature in the forehead and eyes. The duration of pain is from 30 minutes to two hours and can be repeated several times a day. If this disease is not treated, attacks cause swelling of the mucous membrane, redness of the eye area and tearing. Cluster pain mostly affects middle-aged men.
There are headaches caused by viral infections. For example, with influenza, pain is observed in the frontal and temporal parts of the head. Separately, you can highlight the pulling pain with meningitis while tilting the head down. A throbbing sharp pain in the forehead is characteristic.
The next type of pain is sinus pain. In patients, the head begins to hurt with swelling of the nasal mucosa. This type is characterized by pain sensation in the areaface and paranasal zone.
Craniocerebral disorders in the body can be caused by increased intracranial pressure. A change in well-being is accompanied by very severe headaches, and, as a result, vomiting. As a rule, a person experiences a "pressing" sensation over the entire surface of the skull.
Psychalgia and its varieties

Today, psychalgia, or imaginary pain syndrome, is the most common disease. Psychalgia is a type of pain that depends only on the psycho-emotional background of a person. Pain is formed in the head, stomach, heart and back. In medicine, four types of the disease are defined: cardialgia, psychogenic headache, dorsalgia and abdominalgia.
- Kardialgia. The disease occurs with vegetovascular dystonia and is accompanied by tingling in the region of the heart.
- Psychogenic headache. This type is characterized by inevitable pain in the head. Most often, less stress-resistant, emotional and suspicious people who are often subjected to mental overstrain suffer from this type.
- Dorsalgia (back pain). This type of psychalgia affects people who tend to provoke interpersonal conflicts.
Abdominalgia, or "nervous stomach". This mental illness is peculiar in manifestation. In this case, the person has diarrhea and bloating for some time. Usually occurs during strong experiences before importantevents.
Tension headache

Psychogenic headache, the symptoms of which occur in every third, worries many today. It is also called muscle tension headache, which occurs periodically in 70% of people. This is chronic pain that occurs on its own, regardless of the presence of additional diseases. The feeling of "squeezing a tight hoop" or a pronounced tingling sensation is felt during the contraction of the muscles of the skull and face. At the same time, the back muscles of the cervical zone are tensed.
This symptom is not pulsating. Basically, a kind of “squeezing” is felt in different areas of the head, which block the access of oxygen to muscle tissues. Sometimes appears, as a consequence of psychogenic headache, double vision. A painful feeling can last more than one day, but even last for several weeks, causing a state of anxiety. At the same time, there is no damage to the brain or blood vessels in patients.
Varieties of psychogenic pain
To date, there are two subgroups of this syndrome: chronic pain and episodic. The last pains can last several hours with breaks up to 7-14 days, while chronic ones are observed much more often throughout the day. Usually, pain occurs in both halves of the head, but it can also be one-sided. Symptoms of psychogenic headaches can occur in both women and men of all ages. Occur due to emotional outbursts,psychological conflicts, negative events, hysteria and various neuroses.
Causes of psychogenic pain
According to medical reviews, psychogenic headache occurs with mental disorders and lack of attention. In this situation, the patient complains about his state of mind and shares the accumulated negativity with a psychologist. With this syndrome, a person tries to be able to manipulate in order to get what they want.
In people with chronic depression, pain is considered an outward defensive response. Mental impulses relieve feelings of shame, guilt, lack of fulfillment in life, mental suffering, and others. Masked depression often leads to suicide and intense mental anguish.

Clinical studies show that people with psychogenic headaches can not give a specific description of their feelings. Some patients complain of pressing and aching pain that compresses the skull, while others talk about pulsating movements in different parts of the head.
Note that the nature of the pain may change over time. Most often, patients are accompanied by the following symptoms:
- Tachycardia (changes in heart rate).
- Internal trembling.
- Hard breathing.
- Mood swings.
- Focus on your feelings.
- Demanding attention.
The nature of sensations

Psychogenic headache enoughunpleasant. It can be bilateral, manifest in the occipito-parietal and frontal zones. The nature of the pain has a peculiar pattern: the pain can be aching, monotonous, dull or pressing. Unpleasant sensations in the head area are moderate, not too intense, but cause discontent, sometimes anger. In turn, there is a deterioration in appetite and isolation in oneself.
Psychalgia and children

Psychogenic headache, the causes of which are carefully investigated by doctors, can manifest itself in young children and affect personality. It is easiest to injure a child's psyche; it is enough to provoke an acute situation. After conducting various tests among children, psychologists say that painful sensations are most often caused by conflicts in school and family. The formation of ailments in children generally depends on what the parents laid in the child initially. Negativity, anxiety, resentment and guilt will have an extremely negative impact on the child's behavior in society.
As a rule, symptoms of a psychogenic headache appear in the afternoon. The reasons can also be due to overwork, stress and a long stay in a stuffy room. There is fatigue, sweating, irritability, crying and even vomiting. Most often, children cannot explain exactly where they feel the pain. Usually the whole head hurts, the frontal part and the frontotemporal. Painful feelings last for several hours and disappear after a change of scenery or rest. He althy sleep is an important factor.
Therapy Methods

Symptoms of psychogenic headache and treatment of the disease are questions that interest many very often. But self-diagnosis is strongly discouraged. Only timely actions of doctors can prevent disastrous consequences and bring a person out of a depressed state. In this case, medical assistance is provided only with the full consent of the patient. If the patient has contradictions and has no desire to improve his condition, then it is not worth intervening.
Drug treatment is best done in a hospital under medical supervision. Most often, the patient is prescribed a course of psychotherapy and taking antidepressants (these drugs contain substances that improve the functioning of the pain system). In more complex cases, patients are prescribed a hypnosis session and a complete head examination using MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Also in medicine, methods of physiotherapeutic treatment for psychogenic headaches are used. In neurology, electrophoresis, acupuncture, manual therapy and other methods are actively used. Such methods have a positive effect on muscle tissue and promote better blood supply.
Folk methods
There is a category of people who refuse to take medication pills and prefer to be treated only with folk remedies. In this case, there are several ways to relieve a psychogenic headache without leaving the apartment.
It is often advised to use different teas. For example, tea with lemon balm, mint, lemon and honey. Melissa has a positive effecton the nervous system and has a calming effect. Peppermint tea is suitable for people with chronic headaches. The drink expands the blood vessels of the brain and suppresses even the strongest painful sensations. Tea with lemon and honey reduces the duration of headaches.
However, there are other methods of disposal. For example, rubbing the temples with lemon peels, mint leaves, garlic juice. You can lubricate the forehead with menthol or lavender oils, put ice compresses.
In closing
Today, doctors often encounter clients who complain of pain in the head area. As you can see, the most common problem was psychogenic headache. This syndrome can occur at an early age due to the wrong approach of parents to raising a child. Treatment is necessary for people who are in an oppressed depressive state. Advanced forms of psychogenic pain can lead to suicidal consequences.