Angiopathy of the retina is a common problem, which is accompanied by changes in blood vessels and disruption of normal blood circulation. Such a pathology occurs for various reasons, for example, as a result of injury, certain diseases. But it should be understood that a long-term violation of blood circulation leads to trophic changes in tissues, which is fraught with decreased vision and other complications.
How dangerous is retinal angiopathy?

In fact, such a state is extremely dangerous. After all, as already mentioned, a long-term violation of blood circulation leads to insufficient nutrition of the retinal tissues. In turn, the result in this case are slow but progressive degenerative processes.
As a rule, retinal angiopathy is accompanied by not too noticeable symptoms. Some patients are unaware of the problem at all, while others complain of decreased vision. Degeneration can be manifested by spots or "flies" before the eyes, as well as discomfort, as well assometimes pain in the eyeball. If vascular damage occurs in the macula, then central vision suffers first. If untreated, gradual rejection and necrosis of the retinal tissue is possible, which is accompanied by a complete loss of vision.
Retinal angiopathy and its varieties

In fact, the reasons for the development of such a disorder, as a rule, lie in the progression of a disease. Depending on this, the disease can take several basic forms:
- Angiopathy often occurs with injuries, injuries of the abdominal cavity, chest and skull, which are accompanied by retinal hemorrhage.
- Diabetes mellitus can also be attributed to the main reasons. After all, this endocrine disease leads to metabolic disorders and damage to almost all vessels of the body. With such a disease, a change in the vascular wall is observed, as well as a narrowing of its lumen and a violation of capillary permeability. And damage to the small vessels of the retina is considered one of the most common complications of diabetes.
- The so-called hypertensive angiopathy of the retina is quite common. After all, hypertension is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, as a result of which the vessel wall changes - it becomes more dense and less permeable. Often, increased pressure leads to fibrosis of the arterioles and capillaries of the eye.
In fact, there are many more reasons for the development of this pathology. Degenerative processesmay be the result of hypotension, atherosclerosis and other disorders. Nevertheless, treatment and the help of a specialist doctor are simply needed here.
Retinal angiopathy and treatment methods

First of all, the doctor needs to determine the cause of vascular damage - it is on this that the choice of effective therapy depends. It has been proven that the elimination of the primary disease stops the processes of further changes in retinal tissues. For example, with diabetes, a proper diet and adherence to the rules of treatment prescribed by an endocrinologist are extremely important.
In addition, patients are prescribed drugs that stimulate blood circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and normalize their permeability. It will be useful to take some vitamins, in particular ascorbic acid.