The structure of the human eye has a very complex structure, in which the retina plays an important role. It is she who is responsible for the perception of color impulses. The development of retinal dystrophy is a dangerous disease that has a direct effect on the vascular eye system. The disease is insidious and can occur in the absence of obvious symptoms, which greatly complicates its successful treatment.
Dystrophy and its types
The disease can manifest itself in different ways, occur both independently and as a complication of another pathology. The inner shell of the eye (retina) takes the main part in the formation of human visual images.
Retinal dystrophy most often combines a number of pathologies that have a devastating effect on eye tissues, leading to severe visual impairment up to complete loss. Different areas of the retina perform their specific functions. The central part (macula) is responsible for the most subtle details of the perceived object.

The peripheral zone surrounding the macula allows a person to distinguishobjects that are around the main object of attention.
It is customary to distinguish between hereditary (congenital) and acquired pathology. Each of which has its own nuances, characteristics and properties.
The hereditary form is divided into two types:
- Pigmentary retinal dystrophy. It is quite rare, accompanied by a violation in the work of photoreceptors, which are responsible for human vision.
- Point-white dystrophy. As a rule, it manifests itself from early childhood, and vision can deteriorate even at preschool age.
Acquired dystrophy has its own varieties:
- Central retinal dystrophy, which develops in the part of the eye responsible for the clarity of image perception. It can develop against the background of the formation of low-quality blood vessels in the eye (wet form). Or due to the growth of metabolic products in the eyeball, between the retina and its choroid (dry form).
- Diabetic retinopathy, which means the development of eye complications due to the disease (diabetes).
- Peripheral retinal dystrophy most often appears on the background of myopia or after an injury to the eyeball. The level of oxygen and nutrients that enter the retina decreases, which leads to the development of pathology. There are no obvious symptoms in the early stages of the disease.
Rare, but common in medical practice, a generalized course of the disease that affects all areas of the retina.
Causes of dystrophy
Most often, pathology overtakespeople in old age, and the main reason is circulatory disorders and the process of scarring of the central part of the eye.

However, in addition to age, retinal dystrophy can be a consequence of the following factors:
- Changes in the immune system that affect the overall he alth of the patient.
- Violation of the diet and diet.
- Bad habits and abuse of alcohol, tobacco.
- Injury to the eyeball, infectious diseases of the eye.
- The presence of diabetes can cause a sharp decrease in vision.
- Heredity.
People who fit the description above are more likely to be at risk of retinal dystrophy. First of all, a person ceases to see an object in the central region, what is happening along the periphery is seen as if in a fog.
Symptoms of disease progression
At the first stages, the pathology does not show any clear signs, so it is most often detected during a preventive examination by an ophthalmologist.
You can suspect a pathology if you pay attention to the following symptoms in a timely manner:
- image close up loses clarity;
- objects in the central zone of vision fork;
- veil before the eyes;
- appearance of "flies" before the eyes;
- severe deterioration in the quality of vision in the dark;
- distortion of visible objects;
- blur of peripheral vision.

The number and intensity of symptoms depends on the form andstage of the disease. Left untreated, retinal dystrophy can completely atrophy the optic nerve, resulting in loss of vision.
Peripheral form of pathology
The main symptom of the development of this type of disease is the appearance of black dots before the eyes.
When examining the fundus, the peripheral zone is not visible, and the pathology may go unnoticed. The detection of such a pathology is possible only with the use of specialized equipment.
The patient first goes to the doctor with a complaint of a veil before his eyes and, unfortunately, at this stage it is not possible to restore vision. Drug therapy also becomes useless.
Central retinal damage
This type of pathology is also called chorioretinal dystrophy of the retina. The main complaint with the development of this form of dystrophy is the distortion of the image, the bifurcation of the main visual picture.
Dry central retinal dystrophy is considered the most common and well-studied. Cellular decay products linger and accumulate between the retina and choroid. But, as medical practice shows, this form of retinal dystrophy is curable.
The wet form of central dystrophy is more aggressive. The course of the disease passes rapidly, and a person runs the risk of losing sight in a very short time. Fluid penetrates through the walls of blood vessels into the retina, which greatly complicates the treatment and most often requires surgical intervention. chances of recoveryvision with wet central dystrophy is categorically small, the risk of blindness reaches 90%.
Dystrophy in diabetes
Against the background of the flow of diabetes in the body, vision often suffers. Pathological vision problems in people with diabetes are much more common than in others.
The most dangerous for the eyes is diabetic retinopathy, which progressively destroys the retina. It also develops for a long time without symptoms, which greatly complicates treatment.
In the early stages, retinopathy can be h alted with advanced techniques, increasing the patient's chance of maintaining vision. If a person has diabetes, then he should have regular eye examinations to save himself from future blindness.
It is recommended to have an examination at least twice a year, and if diabetes develops for a long time, then the frequency of eye examinations should be increased.
It is important to note that in type 1 diabetes with insulin, sudden vision loss is more likely than in type 2 diabetes.

Diagnostic Methods
In order to determine the presence of retinal dystrophy, the following methods are used in medical practice:
- Laboratory tests.
- Ultrasound examination, which allows you to determine the presence of pathological changes in the retina.
- Determination of the level of color perception distortion, which is a signal of the beginning of the development of pathology.
- Visiometry that determines sharpnessvision, which is the main criterion for the he alth of the retina.
- Perimetry - determines the field of view, important for the detection of peripheral retinal pathologies.
- Fundus examination (suitable for diabetic retinopathy).
- Examining the eye with drops that dilate the pupil.
- Electrophysiological examination (checking the optic nerve).
It is important to understand that a timely response to symptoms increases the chance of recovery. Checking the level of vision and the condition of the eyeball cannot be considered an unnecessary procedure, but will serve as an excellent prevention of retinal dystrophy.
Changes in blood pressure during pregnancy can lead to the development of dystrophy in the second trimester of childbearing. Failure of metabolic processes requires special attention to prevent the development of irreversible consequences.
Treatment of retinal dystrophy
The process of treating such an eye pathology is not at all simple, often does not bring a positive result and is aimed at slowing down the development of the disease, rather than restoring lost vision.
If the diagnosis was not made on time, changes in the area of the retina developed for a long time without proper treatment, then during the period of exacerbation a person can greatly lose the sharpness of perception of visual images.
Treatment of retinal dystrophy is primarily aimed at:
- Improve the condition of the eye vessels.
- Improve metabolism in the tissues of the eye.
- Increased remission period.
- Inhibition of developmentdiseases.
What kind of treatment to prescribe to a patient is decided only by a doctor, based on data on the characteristics of the course of the disease and the causes of its occurrence.
Drug Therapy
This approach is usually used only in the early stages of the development of the disease, with advanced cases of dystrophy, medications are ineffective.
Therapy is carefully selected by the attending physician and includes drugs:
- vasodilating action;
- strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
- with antioxidant effect;
- lutein components;
- complexes of vitamins E and A;
- angioprotectors.
The use of drugs without a doctor's recommendation is contraindicated, self-medication can not only fail, but even cause dangerous harm to he alth.
Depending on the diagnosed form of dystrophy, a medical treatment complex is selected. Not all drugs can be used for peripheral and central dystrophies, this can significantly aggravate the development of the disease and accelerate the loss of vision.
Before you buy eye drops and other advertised drugs to improve vision, it is important to undergo a comprehensive medical examination. Only an ophthalmologist will make a correct diagnosis, determine the degree of danger to vision and select the necessary drugs if drug therapy is effective in a particular case.
Physiotherapy treatment
Physiotherapy also refers to methods that are effective in the early stages of dystrophy. Among them stabledistinguish the following procedures:
- electrophoresis;
- phonophoresis;
- microwave treatment;
- ultrasound treatment;
- blood irradiation (laser intravenous).
Therapy aims to strengthen the eye muscles and retina.

Retinal surgery is a rather risky process, like any surgical intervention in the human body.
Surgery is used in wet central dystrophy to reduce the amount of fluid that accumulates. Also, in cases where other methods of treatment do not bring the desired result, the doctor decides on the need for surgery.
In the course of surgery, muscle fibers are transplanted, which is called revascularization of the retina.
Laser treatment
Laser coagulation is used to prevent retinal detachment. The impact of the laser is point-like, without touching or damaging he althy eye tissue.
Laser, like other methods of treatment, will not restore lost vision, but will effectively stop the development of pathology, saving the patient from the risk of losing vision.
Coagulation is considered the most effective method of influencing retinal dystrophy, which has several advantages:
- The eyeball does not open.
- Exclusion of infection.
- Bloody intervention.
- Non-contact impact.
- Reduce stress levels.

As can be judged from the above, retinal dystrophy is curable only in the early stages of the disease. If the disease has led to a deterioration in the state of a person’s vision, then the main emphasis should be placed on the suspension of the disease. The attending physician will select the right way.
Folk methods
In combination with traditional methods, traditional medicine recipes can be used, which are effective primarily in the early stages of retinal dystrophy.
Among the effective folk methods, the following are distinguished:
- The use of leeches, whose saliva is saturated with beneficial enzymes. When released into human blood, the leech secret has a positive effect on the immune system, reduces cholesterol levels, and improves microcirculation.
- Goat's milk mixed with water is recommended to be instilled into the eyes, and then temporarily wear a light-tight bandage. This helps prevent retinal detachment.
- Traditional medicine treats many diseases with decoctions. Retinal dystrophy is no exception. A decoction of wild rose, onion and pine needles is recommended to consume up to half a liter per day for two weeks.
- A decoction of cumin and cornflower, on the contrary, is instilled into the eyes, which has a positive effect on the state of the retina.
- Celandine is known for its medicinal properties in folk recipes. It is recommended to instill a special infusion of celandine into the eyes for a month.
Proper use of folk methods will enhance the positive effect of traditional medicine. The main thing is on timerespond to symptoms and follow your doctor's instructions carefully.

Prevention of retinal dystrophy
To reduce the likelihood of developing retinal pathology, a person should be attentive to his diet and lifestyle. Good lighting and vitamin intake can play a key role in eye he alth.
It is important to remember that the treatment of any disease is simplified if it is detected at an early stage, so it is absolutely important to visit an ophthalmologist regularly. If there are no obvious alarms, then it is enough to undergo an annual inspection.
When symptoms appear, do not delay visiting a doctor to prevent complications.
When using glasses, it is important to select high-quality models and not save on eye he alth. The UV filter protects the retina from the adverse effects of the sun, especially in summer and during snow-white winters.
Ophthalmologists also recommend eye gymnastics, which strengthens the eye muscles and blood vessels, which prolongs he althy blood circulation in the eyeballs.
Prevention is effective in cases with an acquired form of dystrophy, but if the pathology is congenital, then it is impossible to avoid it. In this case, only the attending physician will be able to properly stop the loss of vision.
The development of retinal dystrophy threatens a person with complete loss of vision. If you leave the disease without proper attention and therapy, then this threatens with irreversible consequences.
The rapid development of the diseasesignificantly reduces the level of quality of life, and blindness leads to disability. Maintaining vision will allow vigilant attention to one's own he alth and the timely start of treatment.