Barley is a purulent inflammation of the sebaceous gland or eyelash bulb. How and why it occurs is detailed below.

Internal barley on the eye ripens rather slowly. At first, the eyelid swells slightly; gradually the swelling increases and changes color - from pale pink it turns into inflamed scarlet. Finally, a small bump appears, which responds with a sharp pain if you press on it or just touch it. The pain gradually increases, it becomes difficult to blink. How to get rid of adversity?
Course of illness
The cause of barley on the eye does not affect the course of the disease. Whatever the cause, maturation always lasts two or three days; only after that the pus comes out. Most doctors advise to be patient and wait for it to burst, but not everyone can do it: in addition to the sharp pain that accompanies the growth of barley, it looks extremely unaesthetic. To speed up the course of events, you can do warm compresses - barley grows faster in heat. The end of maturation is indicated by a purulent head that appears at the top of the tubercle. She looks, to put it mildly, unattractive, thereforeno wonder so many try to open it. It should be noted that this can only be done under conditions of complete sterility, and it is best to entrust this to a professional, that is, a doctor.

Cause of styes on the eye
So why does barley appear? As the main provoking factor, doctors call weakened immunity - it allows infection (usually Staphylococcus aureus) to enter the sebaceous gland. Very often, inflammation occurs in people who have recently had a cold, but this kind of disease is just a consequence.
Cold barley
If you do not take the necessary measures, inflammation can transform into a nodule - this is called "chalazion". The cause of barley on the eye is a blockage of the meibomian gland, located on the inside of the eyelid. As a rule, the nodule completely disappears after a few days, and the person breathes a sigh of relief. However, the inflammatory process does not go away, but goes under the eyelid. There is no pain, but a large chalazion presses on the eye and can provoke visual impairment.

How to quickly cure a stye on the eye?
In fact, a he althy body is quite capable of coping with a chalazion on its own: the infection in the clogged gland gradually resolves, and the eye returns to its original state. However, if you have a weakened immune system or just want to speed up the ripening process of barley, see your doctor. Most likely, the hospital will offer you a choice of treatmentsteroids, antibiotics, a course of special massages and compresses.
Cause of barley on the eye and home treatment
If for some reason you do not want or cannot see a doctor, try folk remedies. Of course, you should not ask your family to spit in your eye, but warming up the barley can be very useful. To do this, you can use a boiled egg wrapped in soft flannel, or hot s alt. Try not to injure the stye until it is ready to burst on its own, otherwise it is very easy to infect.