Conjunctival chemosis: causes, treatments, consequences

Conjunctival chemosis: causes, treatments, consequences
Conjunctival chemosis: causes, treatments, consequences

Our eyeballs are constantly under the influence of external factors. Dust, a foreign body, water and even shampoo can get on the surface every now and then during water procedures. The conjunctiva, which is the outer shell of the eye, just protects our organs of vision from the harmful effects of external stimuli. One of the most serious diseases in relation to this membrane is conjunctival chemosis.

General information about the disease

Actually, the very definition of chemosis means swelling of the mucous membrane of the eyeball, the development of which is due to a violation of the protective functions of the conjunctiva. The inflammatory process, as a rule, occurs in the transitional fold. However, in advanced cases, swelling affects the cornea and can go beyond the palpebral fissure.

What can cause conjunctival chemosis?
What can cause conjunctival chemosis?

Usually this symptom is accompanied byhemorrhages and redness of the eye membrane. Ultimately, this can lead to significant visual impairment. Therefore, it is extremely important to conduct an anti-inflammatory course of treatment in a timely manner. In addition, in some cases, due to swelling, the eyelids do not completely close. But what can provoke chemosis? More on that later.

Underlying causes of conjunctival chemosis

In most cases, such a disease begins to develop due to an allergic reaction, injury, hormonal imbalance. However, there are other reasons for the development of such an ophthalmic disease:

  • The effect of chemicals on the shell of the eyeball.
  • Neoplasms of the periorbital part of the eye.
  • Violation of the outflow of fluid in the conjunctiva and beyond.
  • Constant contact with harmful substances due to work activity.
  • Individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to a number of drugs.
  • Dry climate.
  • Effect of dust on the eyes.

A severe form of the inflammatory process of the conjunctiva inevitably leads to a serious complication, during which a whole colony of pathogens settles on the surface layer of the eyeball.


It may seem strange, but after blepharoplasty, the treatment of conjunctival chemosis is not as rare as we would like. But what is this procedure? In fact, it is a plastic surgery, during which theexcess skin and fat deposits from the eyelids. This changes the shape of the eyes. Blepharoplasty is a real salvation for those people who want to get rid of bags under the eyes, so hated by many people.

Blepharoplasty procedure
Blepharoplasty procedure

With this procedure, you can not only lift the corners of the eyes, but also give the look a more attractive and expressive look. Such an operation is very popular among residents of European countries. There, the average age of women who are forced to see a doctor about their appearance is from 45 to 50 years. This is where the need arises for skin tightening and the return of youth.

In Asia, young women aged 18-20 use this service. Only here it is not a matter of age-related changes - it is important for such patients to change the size of their eyes to give them a rounded appearance. For your information, chemosis of the conjunctiva after scleroplasty is also not uncommon.

Types of operation

There are several types of blepharoplasty:

  • injection;
  • thermolifting;
  • Thermage;
  • laser blepharoplasty.

At the same time, such an operation should not be considered a panacea, and this is far from the only way to restore elasticity to the eyelids and broaden one's horizons (in the physical sense). If the problem is not global in nature, then alternative methods of solving it should be used.

Complications after the procedure

Like any surgical intervention, including the like, blepharoplasty can be associated with certainrisks. Moreover, not only the face of the patient suffers, but also his moral state. After all, if an additional procedure is required, then these are already inflated expenses.

There are several reasons for the failed operation. First of all, it is the lack of qualifications and the experience of the surgeon. At the same time, the responsibility lies not only on the shoulders of doctors - a lot also depends on the patient himself. And if he does not follow the recommendations prescribed to him by a specialist, do not be surprised at the rapid development of conjunctival chemosis.

characteristic feature
characteristic feature

Also this should include the individual features of the structure of the patient's eyelids.


The initial stage of the disease proceeds almost in the absence of characteristic signs. In this case, the interlayer accumulation of liquid is insignificant. Only a specialist can detect pathology. But, as a rule, patients go to the doctor at a later period, when a number of symptoms are on the face:

  • Severe burning, itching and pain in the eyes.
  • Visual acuity decreases.
  • Visible objects begin to fog up.
  • Pain occurs during opening and closing of the eyes.
  • increased lacrimation.
  • Presence of discharge from the eyes.

In the latter case, this is also evidence that an infection has joined the inflammatory process. In especially advanced cases, the pathology affects both organs of vision.


Chemosis of the eye is a disease that should not be ignored, hoping that it will go away on its own. Atsuspicion of the presence of an inflammatory process, it is necessary to visit a doctor. The first step is to take a detailed history. The doctor needs to know exactly when the patient felt the first signs of the disease, as well as possible factors that caused its development.

During the initial examination, the doctor may notice a number of changes. In particular, this is redness in the sclera and the inner part of the eyelids. Also, a specialist can easily detect swelling of the conjunctival sac and increased lacrimation.

Warning signs of a serious eye problem
Warning signs of a serious eye problem

In extreme cases, additional research methods may be involved to make an accurate diagnosis:

  • Biomicroscopy is a non-contact method of examining the organs of vision.
  • Ophthalmoscopy - examining the fundus of the eye.
  • Visometry - visual acuity is determined.
  • Tonometry - intraocular pressure is measured.
  • Laboratory tests (conjunctiva scraping, blood donation, etc.).

During the diagnostic period, it is important not only to determine the causes of the pathogenesis of conjunctival chemosis, but also to exclude possible serious pathologies such as abscess, tuberculosis of the skin and subcutaneous retina. It is also necessary to identify the presence of various neoplasms. And after the nature of the disease is determined, the doctor will be able to prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.

Disease types

Based on the causes that contribute to the appearance of ocular chemosis, there are several forms of this disease:

  • Allergic.
  • Bacterial.
  • Viral.

Allergic chemosis can be understood to be caused by various allergens. For example, the most common of them are pollen, pet hair, and smoke. Moreover, the inflammatory process can affect both the eyeballs directly and the nearest soft tissues. This reaction is the body's response to the allergen, which is manifested by the production of histamines.

vision diagnostics
vision diagnostics

Bacterial conjunctival chemosis is caused by harmful bacteria. Increased formation of purulent discharge is a key symptom of this pathology.

Viral disease is usually accompanied by a viral infection.


The effectiveness of the course of treatment largely depends on the diagnosis. Only a qualitative and comprehensive examination of the organs of vision will reveal the causes of the pathology and prescribe one or another method of therapy. Chemosis can be overcome using two main methods - this is drug therapy or surgery.

If the disease is of moderate and mild complexity, then therapy can be carried out at home under the strict supervision of a doctor. However, with the development of complications, which, however, is extremely rare, the patient is placed in a hospital.

As mentioned above, conjunctival chemosis is not a disease that can be ignored. In any case, if any discomfort occurs in the eyes, it is better to immediately contact an ophthalmologist - letit would be better as an extra precaution. In particular, it is necessary to visit a doctor with a sharp decrease in vision, swelling and purulent discharge.

Drug therapy

In the case of a diagnosis of chemosis of the mucous membrane of the eyes and depending on the form of chemosis, certain medications can be used:

  • Antibiotics ("Gentamicin", "Tobramycin", "Okamycin", "Floxal").
  • Vasoconstrictor drugs (if allergic reactions occur).
  • Antihistamines (a group of drugs that block the activity of histamine receptors, thereby inhibiting its effects).
  • Antiviral drugs ("Indoxuridin", "Poludan", "Interferon alfa", "Acyclovir").

In no case do not self-medicate - this is the prerogative of only an ophthalmologist and no one else. At best, this will not bring the expected result, otherwise, more serious complications may arise.


For mild to moderate conjunctival chemosis, drug treatment can still give the desired result. But as for more advanced forms of the disease, whether it is internal stye (meibomite), eyelid abscess, or the presence of neoplasms in the orbit, surgical therapy may already be required here.

visual inspection
visual inspection

In this case, surgery to eliminate unwanted symptoms is carried out on an emergency basis.

Traditional medicine

You can also reduce puffiness with some traditional medicine. However, this cannot be called an independent treatment, and therefore it is recommended to use them in combination as part of the main therapy. Proven recipes that our grandmothers used with success:

  • Marshmallow root. For a glass of water (200 ml) take 3 tbsp. l. raw materials. Cooking time - 8 hours.
  • Rose hips. Here, a glass of water requires 2 tsp. - boil for 5 minutes, then let it brew for half an hour. Make lotions.
  • Cherry. This is a natural remedy for conjunctival chemosis, with which you can remove the inflammatory process. You can take it inside, make lotions from fresh berries, and rinse your eyes with diluted juice.
  • Honey drops. To 0.5 l of distilled water, add 1 tsp. this useful product in every sense. Bury eyes one drop twice a day.
  • Chamomile. A lotion is also made from this plant - 1 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water. The composition is prepared in a water bath - to a boil. After that, let it brew and use it for its intended purpose.

Folk methods and various recipes show themselves well in relation to many diseases, including eye diseases. However, despite the obvious benefits, before using the above recipes, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

The healing power of chamomile
The healing power of chamomile

The fact is that even the most harmless products may contain allergens, what elsemore aggravate the situation.

Prevention measures

So that a disease such as conjunctival chemosis does not take by surprise, or even does not begin to develop at all, it is necessary to adhere to simple preventive rules:

  • Try to prevent the development of inflammation in the eyes.
  • Protect eye protection from external factors.
  • Try not to strain your eyes too much.
  • Be outdoors most of the time.
  • Regular visits to the ophthalmologist.

Further prognosis for chemosis is quite favorable. After curing the disease and eliminating the inflammation of the shell of the eyeball, the functionality of the organ of vision is fully restored.
