Ovary burst: causes, symptoms, treatments and consequences

Ovary burst: causes, symptoms, treatments and consequences
Ovary burst: causes, symptoms, treatments and consequences

If an ovary burst, the consequences can greatly worry a woman. Otherwise, this phenomenon is called apoplexy. It is accompanied by internal bleeding, intense pain. When an ovary bursts, the operation is started immediately, otherwise it may cost the woman her life.


In any adult female body, follicles are constantly growing, in which the eggs mature. This prepares the body for pregnancy. At the beginning of the cycle, the development of the dominant follicle occurs on an ongoing basis. And in the middle of the cycle, it increases to a maximum size of approximately 20 mm. This is followed by a rupture of the follicle shell. An egg is released from it - this is the stage of ovulation. Instead of a follicle, a corpus luteum appears, which contains hormones that prepare the body for pregnancy. This is how the cycle proceeds normally.

Ovarian apoplexy
Ovarian apoplexy


If dystrophy or sclerosis is observed in the tissues of the female reproductive system, if ovulation is stimulated by medication, this increases the risk of disorders in the body whenpassing through different stages of the cycle. If the ovary burst, what should I do? Doctors, answering the question, notice that, having burst, the blood vessels begin to contract with difficulty. A hematoma is forming in the corpus luteum, and this condition is very dangerous.

At the same time, the patient feels terrible: she suffers from weakness, nausea, dizziness. Often there are fainting, vomiting. And in the absence of therapy, bleeding becomes more intense, which threatens the life of the patient. If a woman's ovary burst, the causes and consequences of this are directly related to the fact that the abdominal cavity was injured, there was too much physical stress. Sometimes it happens because of too rough sexual contact, riding and so on.


If a woman's ovaries burst, the causes will affect which variety the disease will manifest. About 2.5% of all internal bleeding of the abdominal cavity are due to ovarian apoplexy. In total, there are three forms of this disease. Firstly, it is a painful form, which manifests itself in strong discomfort and the absence of a sign of internal bleeding. Secondly, the form may be anemic. In this case, the symptoms of bleeding appear brighter. And in the mixed variety, both forms converge.

If an ovary burst, there may be more symptoms, and modern doctors believe that this classification is inferior. Someone argues that apoplexy cannot be without bleeding. For this reason, in the modern classification, depending on the reason for which the ovary burst, and the consequences, a lung is isolated,medium and severe forms. The form depends on the scale of blood loss.

Blood loss
Blood loss

Gap symptoms

If the ovary burst, the symptoms are associated with delays in the menstrual cycle, pain. As a rule, discomfort is found in the lower part of the abdominal cavity. Sometimes they give to the rectum, lower back, navel.

Bleeding is sometimes accompanied by low blood pressure, increased heart rate, feeling of weakness, dizziness. Sometimes found too high temperature, dry mouth. Appears in some patients and vomiting. In the period between cycles, blood may be released. And often, if an ovarian cyst has burst, the reason is the same as that of apoplexy: this is a load in the gym. Often this is provoked by increased pressure in the abdominal cavity. But sometimes completely he althy women show this.


If the ovary burst, the doctor tells the patient the causes and consequences. With such an ailment, you should not try to be treated on your own: this is fraught with a fatal outcome. In the absence of medical care, a woman dies very quickly, sometimes the clock counts. Among the main causes of this phenomenon are vascular pathology, inflammation in the ovaries, ovulation, 2nd and 3rd stages of the cycle. If the ovary burst, the causes (we will describe the methods of treatment later) may lie in trauma, weight lifting, intense sexual intercourse.


Proper diagnosis of ovarian apoplexy is carried out only in 5% of all cases. Errors are associated with the lack of a clear clinical picture of the disease. And its development is verylooks like another pathology of the abdominal cavity. And the patient is delivered to a medical facility with a diagnosis of "acute abdomen", and the picture is clarified already on the spot.

It is important to separate ovarian apoplexy from ectopic pregnancy, acute appendicitis. Often, surgeons and urologists are involved in the diagnosis for this.

Since this is an acute surgical pathology, the clock counts. With every minute before surgery, the amount of blood in the abdominal cavity increases. And the threat to life is constantly increasing. Regardless of the reasons, treatment is started instantly, without wasting time.

Research methods

Most often examine the pathology, paying attention to the patient's complaints of acute pain in the abdomen. Also, in the course of research, it becomes clear that pain occurs at the site of the affected ovary. A general blood test demonstrates the fact that hemoglobin has decreased. After puncture of the posterior fornix, the fact of bleeding is revealed. As a rule, an ultrasound is performed. Laparoscopy is performed both for diagnosis and for direct correction.

Carrying out laparoscopy
Carrying out laparoscopy

First steps

If the ovary burst, it will be difficult to establish the causes and consequences from the photo. It is hardly possible to make a diagnosis on your own. It is important to lie down with the discovery of the first symptoms. And then you need to immediately call a doctor to make immediate hospitalization. If a vessel in the ovary bursts, the doctor determines the causes and treatment.


Conservative treatments are used only for mild cases of thispathology, which manifests itself in a small hemorrhage. As a rule, such a patient complains of pain in the abdominal cavity in the first place. If the ovary has burst, the causes can be different, and studies have shown that, as a rule, after conservative treatment, such patients suffer from adhesions in 85%. Infertility develops in another 42% of cases.

Every second patient after such therapy soon begins to relapse. The thing is that blood clots accumulate in the abdominal cavity. And there is no way to wash them without surgical intervention - laparoscopy. When they remain in the body, pelvic adhesions begin.

And conservative treatment can be prescribed only to a woman who already has children and if she has just a mild form of pathology. But when the patient plans to become pregnant in the future, if the ovary has burst, they do not understand the reasons, but prescribe laparoscopy. This is surgery.

The surgical path is preferred most often, since in this case both a full diagnosis and correction are carried out. With any form of this disease, surgery is possible. But there are contraindications, which are hemorrhagic shock. So called intense blood loss along with loss of consciousness.

Surgery is performed by the most benign methods, if the ovary has burst, the reasons are not so important: doctors are trying to save the organ. At the same time, they remember that this can happen in a completely he althy female body.

Usually, the cyst capsule is removed, the ovary is sutured. Sometimes, if blood loss has become toosignificant, the entire ovary is removed. During surgery, you need to wash out the abdominal cavity, removing blood clots. This ensures the prevention of adhesions, infertility.

Medical treatment
Medical treatment


Rehabilitation aims to support the reproductive functions of the body. It is important to prevent the adhesive process, to normalize the hormonal balance. For at least another two months, the woman should not engage in intense physical activity, in particular abdominal exercises.

Additional symptoms

As already mentioned, the symptoms of this disease are very extensive. And for some, it includes pallor of the skin. This is due to a decrease in pressure, tachycardia. The latter is heart palpitations. In addition, cold sweat may be actively released.

Nausea is sometimes accompanied by vomiting. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the irritation of the digestive organs by bleeding.

Not everyone mentions that the patient suffers from too frequent urination. However, in practice, with any form of pathology, this phenomenon can be observed. But most often, too frequent urges are associated with a severe form, when a woman loses more than 0.5 liters of blood. This state is the most dangerous, irreversible processes can begin. For this reason, with the detection of at least a few of the symptoms listed, you should seek medical help as soon as possible. In 95% of cases, ovarian apoplexy occurs in the 2nd phase of the cycle.

Development mechanism

At the initial stage, the main follicle is formed in the body, in which the formation of the egg takes place. In the middle of the cycle, she leaves the follicle, in place of the latter there is a corpus luteum. And if there was a negative impact, a hole appears in the organ and bleeding begins. A hematoma in the corpus luteum is a cyst, and it can also burst. And this has dangerous consequences.

If the activity of the hormonal glands is disturbed, fluid accumulates in the follicle, the formation of cysts can also begin here. They sometimes disappear on their own. But if there are additional factors, their deformation and twisting begin. And then the ovary is damaged.

cyst in it
cyst in it

Additional triggers

If a woman suffers from diseases of the circulatory system, for example, has problems with blood clotting, she has dilated vessels, she is more likely to suffer from ovarian apoplexy.

Also, the diseases in the pelvis that she suffered earlier also negatively affect. If she has adhesive processes, fibrosis, this can also be a stimulating factor for rupture of the ovary. Inflammation in the abdominal cavity also needs timely elimination. Otherwise, the woman risks suffering from damage to the ovary. It is noteworthy that the symptoms of some phenomena do not manifest themselves for a long time, and one day a woman has violent sex or physical activity, douching, and this serves as a trigger for ovarian apoplexy.

At the same time, there are cases that arose on their own, without the influence of anythere were additional stimulating factors. In cases where the patient has such disorders or she has previously injured the pelvis, she should immediately be shown to the doctor at the first symptoms.

Medicated treatment

The method of therapy is selected taking into account the degree of blood loss, the size of the affected tissues, the condition of the internal organs. In addition, they take into account the diseases that accompany the phenomenon. And if there are cysts, they are first removed and only then surgery is performed. Doctors diagnose a ruptured cyst quickly, and the consequences of this phenomenon are extremely dangerous.

If the form is mild, the woman can be prescribed medication. In this case, the patient observes bed rest and drinks antispasmodic drugs. Cold compresses are applied to the affected area, the patient also takes multivitamins. As soon as acute symptoms stop, procedures from the field of physiotherapy are used.


In modern medicine, there are two main types of surgical intervention for this pathology. Firstly, it is a laparotomy, and secondly, a laparoscopy. The first method is to perform a cavity incision. Thanks to this, the surgeon has full access to the internal organs. This method guarantees a 100% view to the surgeon.

A week later, the stitches heal and then they are removed. After another 2-3 weeks, in the absence of complications, the patient is discharged. And after another 2 months, the woman returns to a fully active lifestyle.


And a much more modern operation is considered laparoscopy. It is performed through a minimal incision. Its advantage is that the patient is quickly rehabilitated - in just 4-10 days. Laparoscopy is not performed in every medical institution. And there are some varieties of ovarian apoplexy in which it is contraindicated.

After surgery, if the ovary burst, the cause was established early, the operation was performed, the patient has a reproductive function further. And even if she lost one ovary, the second continues to function. You will need to go through rehabilitation, which consists of hormone therapy, physiotherapy and other methods. Pregnancy is postponed. Also, a woman is not recommended to have sexual intercourse for another one or two months.


Prophylactic procedures are carried out if the pathology proceeded in an acute form. In this case, the patient is prescribed a whole list of medications, including oral contraceptives, diuretics, nootropics. It is important to remember that you should not take such drugs without the advice of a doctor. And if such procedures worsen the patient's condition, she needs to seek medical help as soon as possible. Prevention will need to be abandoned.

If the ovary burst and the reason lay in too intense physical activity, you need to draw up a different training plan so as not to omit such phenomena in the future. Probably need to change the sport. And even he althy women need to consider thatprevention primarily consists of regular visits to the doctor.


If an ovary bursts, the consequences can be dire. Especially if the patient does not go to the doctor for a long time, but tries to calm the pain by taking medications. For this reason, it is worth being especially attentive to those who are used to severe menstrual pain: without noticing anything special, feeling the usual pain, a woman may miss the moment when she needs to see a doctor. And in modern medicine, pain during menstruation began to be treated. In American clinics, this is already considered a pathology and can be treated.

If there was an apoplexy of the ovary with bleeding in the abdominal cavity, peritonitis, blood poisoning, may begin. Subsequently, such a patient may suffer from diseases of the genitourinary system. Probably the ovary will attach itself to the intestines. If the case is severe, doctors will remove both ovaries at once. If the blood loss is large, it can be fatal. For this reason, it is necessary to consult a doctor with the first symptoms.

Pregnancy planning
Pregnancy planning

Pregnancy is planned five to six months after an ovary burst. At the same time, doctors are trying to perform the operation so that the reproductive function of the woman is preserved. In order to avoid the appearance of adhesions, the woman goes through complex therapy.