As you know, the role of vitamins in the human body is huge. There are many types of these organic compounds that have a positive effect on certain cells and tissues. A person needs vitamins, because without them he will not be able to live normally. These organic compounds are necessary for the proper absorption of nutrients, strengthening the body as a whole, etc. Vitamin A is responsible for the normal growth and condition of nails, teeth, skin, and hair. With its lack, certain problems arise associated with the formation of sex hormones and the maintenance of immunity. In this regard, hypovitaminosis A develops, which means the insufficiency of this element in the body.
Vitamin A
First you need to determine what this organic compound is. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble substance that has two forms: retinol (basic) and carotene (provitamin). Retinol enters the human body as an ether, then it breaks down in the small intestine and enters the liver. After that, as needed, it is carried with the blood stream. Other carotenoids that take their name from the Englishthe words carrot, which means carrot, are absorbed a little worse. The name appeared as a result of the fact that for the first time the elements were found in this particular vegetable.

Doctors say that for an adult, the daily requirement of vitamin A is 1 mg. Moreover, about 80% of the norm should be obtained in the form of retinol, and the remaining 20% - in the form of other carotenoids. If a person does not get this amount, there is a lack of vitamin A. This can lead to serious consequences. In most cases, the disease develops as a result of malnutrition.
Hypovitaminosis: what is it?
As we have already found out, vitamin A and other organic compounds are very important for the normal functioning of the human body. It should be noted that retinol is synthesized only in animal cells, it is not found in plant foods. Accordingly, the disease may occur due to insufficient consumption of animal products.
Hypovitaminosis - lack of organic compounds in the body. The lack of retinol and carotene is diagnosed quite often. Scientists suggest that vitamin A helps maintain blood sugar levels. If this theory is confirmed, it will be used in the fight against diabetes, obesity, etc.

Hypovitaminosis A is divided into two types: primary and secondary. The assignment of a particular case to one of them is determined by the reasons that caused the appearance of the disease. Primary lack of retinol and carotenedue to malnutrition. This problem mainly concerns the inhabitants of Central Asia, who often eat rice, which does not contain carotene. Secondary hypovitaminosis A has a different cause - insufficient intake of fats in the body.
Daily Value of Retinol and Carotene
To avoid this unpleasant ailment, it is necessary to follow the implementation of the daily plan for obtaining the vitamin. Hypovitaminosis A in humans develops quite quickly, so this issue is relevant. So, for different ages and categories of people, the norm is different:
- 0-12 months - 0.4mg;
- 1-3 years - 0.45mg;
- 4-6 years - 0.5mg;
- 7-10 years - 0.7mg;
- 11-50 years - 0.8-1mg;
- pregnant and lactating - +0.3 mg.
People working professions, receiving maximum physical activity, need to enter the body of retinol and carotene. The daily norm for them is 1 mg. This category of people is more at risk of developing hypovitaminosis.
Where is vitamin A found?
The fat-soluble substance enters the body naturally through food. Consider which food contains this vitamin:
- Vegetables. By themselves, these products are very useful, as they have many other vitamins. Retinol and carotene are found in carrots, spinach, pumpkin, green onions and parsley.
- Fruit. Of these, apples, apricots, grapes and melons can be distinguished.
- Berries. Cherries and sea buckthorn are enriched with vitamin A, as well as watermelon.
- Dairy and sour-milk products. Here you can note sour cream, cheese and milk.
- Egg, chicken yolk, beef liver, red caviar and fish oil.
Eating these foods will help protect yourself from a lack of vitamin A. He alth is the main thing in life, so you need to watch it.

Causes of occurrence
In most cases, it is malnutrition or a strict diet that causes hypovitaminosis A. Children suffer from an illness most often due to diathesis. In addition, improper functioning of the internal organs can also lead to a lack of retinol and carotene.
The lack of this vitamin leads to the development of dry eye syndrome. And he, in turn, is the most common cause of complete blindness. In addition, hypovitaminosis is a source of premature aging.
A situation may arise when a person consumes a tiny amount of a vitamin, but the disease still appears. Then the cause is a malfunction of the internal organs. Retinol enters the body, but is not absorbed due to problems with the liver or biliary tract. There are two types of causes: exogenous and endogenous. The former are associated with the external influence of undesirable factors, and the latter with problems inside the body.
There are quite a few signs of hypovitaminosis A, so let's consider the main ones. The lack of retinol is expressed in the appearance of wrinkles, premature aging of the skin, the formation of dandruff. One of the most striking symptoms is "night blindness", which means the impossibilitysee in the dark. In addition, there is dry skin, acne, the condition of the teeth worsens.

Symptoms of vitamin A hypovitaminosis in childhood are characterized by a decrease in immunity, color blindness, fatigue, apathy, and growth retardation. Lack of retinol and carotene often leads to problems with the intestines. Women may experience cervical erosion, and men will experience problems with urinary incontinence and lack of erection. In rare cases, vitamin deficiency leads to the development of lung cancer, pneumonia and bronchitis. In any case, at the first symptoms, you should seek help from a specialist, self-medication is not recommended.
Stages of hypovitaminosis
Symptoms of a lack of retinol are quite diverse and are individual for each person. However, there are three general stages in the development of vitamin A deficiency:
- The first stage is characterized by impaired functioning of organs within the body, which leads to a decrease in efficiency and weakening of the immune system. A person becomes susceptible to various viruses and infections. To determine this, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory test with a doctor.
- The second stage is determined by the presence of visual signs that appear as a result of a lack of nutrients. The disease is already beginning to develop here.
- The third stage is said to be when there is a complete lack of vitamins or there are problems with its absorption. In this case, such diseases develop with hypovitaminosis A, the treatment of whichpossible only after replenishment of retinol and carotene.
Medical applications
Vitamin A is prescribed by doctors when they realize that the body lacks it. Usually retinol is recommended in the following cases:
- diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, such as dermatitis, thrush, etc.;
- problems with the visual organs during prolonged work at the computer;
- damage to the skin.

In most cases, taking vitamin A supplements is part of a complex therapy aimed at eliminating a particular disease. It is especially actively used in the treatment of diseases of internal organs. They are also prescribed to make up for the lack of iron in the body. This is due to the fact that the content of retinol is directly dependent on the amount of iron.
As already noted, when the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. Here the question arises: which one? It depends on the signs that have been seen. If a person has pain or discomfort in the abdomen, you should make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. If you have problems with the visual organs, you need to contact an ophthalmologist. Well, in case of skin problems (regardless of the reasons), a direct road to a dermatologist.
All these specialists, one way or another, face hypovitaminosis in their practice. To correctly diagnose the disease, you must first examine the patient. According to its results, a biochemical blood test is usually prescribed andophthalmoscopic procedure. Based on the results of these studies, the doctor collects all the data and makes a diagnosis. It is worth noting that the probability of error is quite high, since the symptoms of beriberi coincide with the signs of a host of other diseases.
Treatment of disease
It is worth noting right away that there is no need to delay the replenishment of vitamins in the body. Many people think that it’s okay, they say, we’ll start eating right later, and everything will pass. This is fundamentally wrong. The state of beriberi can lead to serious consequences. First of all, when an ailment is detected, therapy should be carried out to replenish retinol. Hypovitaminosis A is treated in several ways:
- Proper diet. You need to start eating foods high in retinol.
- Medications. This therapy continues for several weeks, usually up to a month. Vitamin A preparations are prescribed individually, depending on the stage of development of the disease.
- Treatment of other diseases. Deficiency of vitamins leads to the appearance of various diseases, up to oncology. Therefore, you can try to eliminate just such diseases in order to prevent their development.
However, the last method is not entirely correct, since it is still recommended to first make up for the lack of vitamins, and only then begin serious treatment.

Of the drugs containing retinol, we can distinguish "Undevit", "Complivit", "Hexavit" and "Vitrum". The use of these medicineswill speed up the process of replenishment of vitamins in the body. They are prescribed mainly to those patients who do not have the opportunity to eat a balanced diet. In any other situations, doctors recommend fighting the disease with special diets.
It's really quite simple. What is hypovitaminosis? This is a deficiency of vitamins in the body. To prevent this, it is necessary to use products that contain these elements. Vegetables, fruits, herbs and eggs should be present in the diet of every person. They contain not only vitamin A, but also other groups of organic compounds that have a positive effect on the body.
If a person does not have the opportunity to eat these foods, or he does not like them, it is recommended to take medications. The medications discussed above are perfect for maintaining the required level of retinol. Doctors often recommend taking AEvit or multivitamins.
The consequences of hypovitaminosis A are not the most comforting. A prolonged lack of retinol and carotene leads to diseases of internal organs and all systems, disruption of the body's vital functions. More often than others, blindness, dermatitis are diagnosed, and the development of oncology is possible. To protect yourself from this, you need to watch your diet.

When the first symptoms are detected, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed. A problem that at first glance seems frivolous can develop into a he alth hazard. Discomfort in the abdomencan easily turn into pancreatic cancer, and there are countless examples. Therefore, you need to love your body and protect it in every possible way from the penetration of bacteria and infections.